Status: In progress. Updates once a week.

Let's Turn the Page


(3 Days Later)
I walk onto their huge tour bus, completely amazed that I'm touring with Mötley fucking Crüe. I walk to the bunks, where I immediately drop my stuff on the top bunk on the right, claiming it. I turn to see Nikki's face next to mine and his arms are on either side of me, hands rested on the edge of the bunk.
"Hey, my shit was there first," he tells me, a creepy look on his face.
I reply, with no fear, "And...?!"
He hisses at me, his face even closer, "Get. Your shit. Off. My bunk."
I grab my bag and push his arm out of the way to put my bag on the bunk across from his. I glare at him and he smiles in return.
"...asshole...," I mutter under my breath as he walks away.
He comes to an abrupt stop, turns his head to the side and says, "Bitch." and continues to walk off.
I decide to let the argument end there, because I'm in no mood for it. I drop my shit on the bunk and walk to the couch in the back of the bus, where Nikki and Vince sit, talking normally. That is, until I take a seat. Nikki stops right in the middle of his sentence to glare at me.
I spit at him, “What the fuck are you looking at?”
“Oh, nothing,” he replies, that same weird look on his face.
I roll my eyes and inquire, “So when's the first show?”
“Tomorrow night,” Vince answers. “We're playing with Whitesnake.”
I nod, “Sounds cool. What're gonna do today?”
He shrugs, “Lemme go talk to Mick and Tommy.”
Vince gets up and walks to the front of the bus, leaving me and Nikki alone. His eyes were still locked on me and mine were locked on him. This is really getting weird. I try to just pay no attention to him, hoping he'll quit staring, but he doesn't.
“What, Nikki? What the fuck do want?” I yell at him.
He stands up and replies, “Nothing, nothing at all.” Ass.
He walks off, leaving me alone on the couch. What the fuck is his problem?
(Nikki's POV)
I sigh, walking to the front of the bus. Damn, I just can't keep my fucking eyes off of her. My bright idea to have her tour with us clearly wasn't the best idea I've ever had. I've missed her as my friend, so I was hoping that we'd maybe patch things up one of these days. Then again, there's probably nothing I can do that will make up for what I did.
Flashback: 1975
Brandi jumped onto the couch, screaming, “WOOO!”
I yelled, totally surprised, “Whoa! Holy fuck! Oh, it's just you.”
“Yes, it is. Well, what're we gonna do today?” she inquired. “Do you have to work?”
I shrugged, “I don't think so. Even if I do, they won't care if I miss one day.”
She smiled, “Kick ass! So...ya wanna get wasted tonight?”
I nodded, “Sure, let's do it!”
She jumped up and walked into the kitchen, going to get some booze. I remained on the couch, my feet rested on the coffee table. We've only been here for a few months, and it's been going pretty good. I was amazed when she agreed to come out here with me. Brandi's my best friend, so I guess being out on my own in Los Angeles would be pretty damn boring without her.
She's really an amazing girl. I absolutely love her to death, more than just a friend.
She walked back in with two bottles of Jack Daniels in her hands and collapsed back down on the couch beside me. We immediately started chugging the alcohol straight from the bottle. Except, she got wasted quicker than I did, as usual. Tonight, I didn't even get completely wasted.
“Nikki,” Brandi told me, putting her hand on my shoulder, her words slurred. “I...I, uh, need to tell you, um...something.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Um, yeah?”
She replied, “I reeeaaally like you, Nikki.”
“Well, yeah, Brandi, I really like you, too. You're my best friend,” I said, putting my arm around her.
She shook her head and moved closer to me, “No, N-Nikki...I really...really like you.”
She placed a hand on my cheek and pressed her lips onto mine, something that I've been wanting to do for a while now, but of course, wouldn't. She pulled away from me and smiled. I, of course, smiled back, but it soon faded once I realized what was going on.
“Brandi, we can't-” she cut me off with another kiss. Fuck, she's good.
She grinned, “I think I really looove you, Nikki.”
My jaw dropped, “What?”
She laughed and then her head fell onto my shoulder. She completely passed out. I got up and decided to just let her sleep on the couch. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket, putting the pillow under her head and the blanket over her.
I sat at the kitchen table, my head in my hands. What can I do? I can't let Brandi actually fall for me. Fuck, I do have the same feelings for her, but she deserves someone better than me. I'm really worthless. Hell, I'm working at a liquor store and just auditioning for bands that may not even make it. Yeah, I've got a really good future ahead of me.
Even if she doesn't remember what happened tonight, she isn't one of those drunks who says thing they don't mean when they're drunk. She's one of those drunks who say the things that she truly feels and wouldn't say when she's sober.
What can I fucking do? There has to be a way I can stop her from liking me...even if it means she has to completely hate me. It'll save her from dealing with and falling in love with a good-for-nothing guy like me, who wouldn't be worth her time when it comes to that.
I bet if I start being a complete asshole to her and pretend to just hate her she'll stop liking me. Dammit, how can I do this? I love her, and I don't want to lose what we have. But, I guess I have to if I don't want her to waste her time with me.
(Brandi's POV)
I awoke on the couch, totally oblivious to what had happened the night before. All I remembered was drinking Jack Daniel's with Nikki on the couch. That can't be it, can it? I walked into the kitchen to see Nikki sitting at the table, reading some magazine.
“Hey, Nikki,” I said, sitting across from him.
He only glanced at me once, then went back to reading. What's going on?
“Uh, Nikki?” I questioned, raising my eyebrow at him.
He sighed, sounding completely annoyed, “What?”
I looked at him, completely puzzled. I got up and said, “...nothing, nothing at all.”
We stayed away from each other the whole day. I assumed it was just him in a bad mood, but then the day after that was the same. Then the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that. Then came our first fight in our six years of being best friends.
“Okay, Nikki, that's it. What's your fucking problem?!” I inquired, my arms crossed.
He replied, his voice louder than usual, “Everything is my fucking problem!”
“Seriously, Nikki, what's going on? Why have you been acting so weird?” I asked.
He yelled, “Nothing is going on! Jesus fucking Christ! Leave me the fuck alone.”
“Why are being such an ass?!” I shouted back.
He glared at me, “Because there's a fucking bitch in this house with me.”
My jaw dropped. Did he really just fucking say that? “Fuck you, I'm gonna go stay with Tommy.”
He yelled back at me, “Good!”
I stomped off to my car and drove to Tommy's house, praying he wasn't banging one of his sluts. Thankfully, he was alone. He let me in and we sat on the couch together, where I explained everything that happened.
I thought Nikki was my best friend. Why on earth would he suddenly do this shit to me? It really hurt, but if he's gonna be that way to me, then I guess I'll have to do the same to him.
End of Flashback
I ended up moving in with Tommy for a while, then out on my own. I opened up the tattoo shop, hiring Nikki and Tommy because they were the only people I could find, and even then, I did most, if not all, of the work.
After that one day, Nikki and I's relationship changed forever. I really had feelings for him, too. Of course, I never told him that. Now, I don't have to worry about those feelings, because he clearly hates me and there's no way we're fixing it anytime soon.
(Nikki's POV)
“Hey, man, does that sound cool?” Tommy asks, slapping my shoulder.
I inquire, “Wait...what?”
“The beach, wanna go there today?” Mick questions.
I nod, “Yeah, that sounds cool.”
Vince gets up and says, “I'll go tell Brandi.”
Mick follows behind him and Tommy and I are left alone.
He questions, "Man, what the hell's going on? When you said you wanted her out here on tour, I thought that meant you'd be treating her different."
"Tommy, you know we can't go back to the way it used to be. Not after what I did," I reply.
He sighs, "Whatever, man. I'm just really sick of seeing you two like this."
♠ ♠ ♠
It feels like it's been a while.
But, here it is. I like this chapter :) I enjoyed writing it.
Thanks to Ash.Arrogance for stealing this story's comment virginity!
Hope y'all enjoyed :)