Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Future: 3005:

A doctor walks into her office and turns on a telescreen. She watches her subjects in great despair. The master plan to create talented young adults was failing miserably but she wasn’t sure why. When looking into the pod you could see five young adults sitting around a table. One of the girls gets up and stomps off to what appears to be a prison cell.

Her curls go flying as she whips around towards the table, “Why in the hell are you guys just sitting around waiting for them to come? Why are we not doing something about this I don’t know about you but I want to talk to the crazy bitch who locked us up in here.”

A young man stands, “Babe you know I love you, but what good will that do for us?” He walks towards the visibly upset girl, wrapping his arms around her. He leans down and kisses her softly, wishing he could fix the world for her.

“I don’t know but I can’t take this baby, I just can’t. She took me away from the most important people in my life and expected it to be okay.” She looked up at the boy she loved and began to cry, “He would be eleven today you know.” She turned away from the group and fell to the ground.

Future: 3010:
A woman walks into the room with a young child clinging to her leg. She bent down to pick up her three year son, “Honey, I’m not going anywhere I’m just going to wake up daddy.” The little boy looked up at her and grinned. She set him back down on the ground, laughing and smiling.

She walked down the hall toward the bedroom. She slipped on to the bed, snaking her arms around the love of her life. She kissed this boy murmuring, “Baby wake up, you have to get up for work.” He rolled over facing her with a smile.

“Good morning, Babe, I love you.” He said kissing his wife gently. She rolled off the bed and tugged his arm, “I’ll go make you coffee.” He sat up in his bed, “is Zeke awake?” She smiled, nodded and walked out of the room.

She passed her son’s door, “Daddy wants to see you Zeke.” Laughing he ran past his mother and into his parents room. Smiling she walked down the steps into their kitchen and turned on the coffee pot.