Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000

Jennie was sitting in the Professor’s office listening to what was being said. She looked at Elijah confused and started to whisper, “you mean I really can bend fire, like make it do what I want?”

Elijah nodded his head yes, he understood her confusion; he once sat in her place, ashamed of why he sat there. Elijah was trying to think of something that would reassure her, but he was at a loss for words; Jennie looked like she wanted to cry.

Jennie was outright shaking with rage, confusion, and pure agony. She had caused the fire that almost killed her family, because she was angry with her father. The Professor was starting to stand up and dismiss the girls to their new shared room when he noticed the candles flame starting to dance. “Jennie is everything alright?” he asked.

She looked at him, “why would I be okay? Why in the hell would I be okay when I just found out that I could have killed them,” she asked angry and hurt?

The headmaster lowered his head; this part was never easy “Jennie there wasn’t anything you could have changed about that night. It was meant to happen; it was the night of your sixteenth birthday. That’s when it always happens. Talking to Dr. Millar should help you with the guilt that day always seems to cause.”

Elijah could tell that she was getting angrier by the minute, “Professor? Could we take the girls to their room and further this talk later or from a student’s view point?”

The Professor just simply nodded knowing he wouldn’t get through to Jennifer; her “mama bear” instinct was coming out. Elijah looked at Jennie smiling and held out his hand pulling her out of the chair, “Let’s show you your new room.”

Elijah looked at Wesley and started heading towards the two boys’ wing. It struck Elijah funny that the new girls’ room was right the hall from his and Wesley’s room. That could make things less complicated.

Wesley was walking next to Jaden, whose Shadow was right behind them, “How are you holding up, I know this can be stressful?”

“I don’t understand why I am here, I can’t control anything, I was sent here because my parents think it’s a military school or something of the like,” she said with bitterness in her voice. She didn’t like what he did to her; made her palms sweat and her heart race.

Wesley looked at her, “you must control something or this school would have never let you in. I wonder what it is.” They were both quite for a while, thinking. Wesley was confused by her. She made him want to be around her. Made him want to comfort her, and he didn’t understand her.