Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000 (two days before)

After getting the girls settled into their room, Wesley almost collapsed into his bed. What a week he had had. He began staring at the ceiling while listening to the water running in his and Eli’s bathroom, knowing he had to talk to him about what he had done. After about five minutes he began thinking about what had happened two days pervious.

They knew that the school doctor had been looking for them, but they avoided her like the plaque until two days ago. He slowly remembered how it happened, with the drum of water in his ears.
She brought her head up and was surprised.

Her door was being held open by the boys, both looked very unhappy. She stood up and told them to come in and sit. After they walked a little farther, she saw why they were there. It wasn’t by choice; a tall male teacher was pushing them both inside.

She turned around looked at them, they looked mad about being forced into coming here. She looked back at the teacher who looked extremely smug.

She looked at him and pointed to the waiting room. ‘I need to speak with you, Mr. McMillan,’ she said angrily.

‘Yes ma’am,’ he said turning and walking back out of her office.

‘I didn’t want them forced into talking to me, yes I made their sessions mandatory but it was their choice to talk to me,’ she was trying to stay as calm as possible.

‘Ma’am I realize I did something unusual but you didn’t see what I saw in the hallway.’ Mr. McMillan said, not liking the sound of her voice.

‘Well what was that?’ asked the doctor, who was getting very irritated.

‘They were controlling their elements but when I asked what they were doing they said they weren’t doing anything. When it was very clear they were doing something,’ he started to explain.

‘Just stop. You are making something big out of noting. I need you to leave and tell the Professor I need him,’ she said standing firm and tall.