Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000 (two days before)

After that the boys looked at each other wondering why she just told a teacher to get their professor, he sometimes acts as the schools “principal” but not very often. As they were whispering about what just happened she walked back in.

‘Well since I have you both in my office, would either of you like to talk to me,’ Dr. Millar asked?

Elijah stood up ready to defend them, ‘Honestly, lady we just want you to leave us alone. Not a thing is wrong with me or my brother. The faster you people realize that the better.’

He looked at Wesley and did something the doctor didn’t understand: it was a sign. Wesley stood up and added, ‘We weren’t doing anything in the hallway but talking. We won’t talk to you ever so don’t even try.’

They turned around and started to open the door.

‘I am not done with this. Sit back down and hear me out please,’ Dr. Millar said using her element to her advantage and shutting the door hard.

Elijah turned around stunned, ‘Fine we will hear you out and that is it. Then we are going back to our room. I have practice at eight with the guys. So I will have to be gone by seven to get the rink ready for that.’ He looked at Wes and nodded, so they both sat down to listen to what she had to say.

‘I have been in your shoes, guys I understand what it is like to be different. To not fit in even with a group of people you are supposed to be like. I just wonder what goes through both of your heads. I just want to understand how you both work, what made you act the way you do. Do either of you two even sleep?’ she didn’t want them to leave so she added, ‘I won’t push you to talk but please know I am here if you ever want to.’

Elijah and Wesley both looked down ashamed knowing full and well they wanted to talk to her but just didn’t want to admit that they needed it. Elijah looked up eyes glistening with tears, ‘Doctor Millar, there are a lot of reasons why we act the way we do. You should know the reason we were sent here in the first place, that has a lot to do with it.’

He looked at Wes who looked like he wanted to cry but neither of them would cry. They hadn’t cried since that horrible, life-changing day the accident happened. Wesley added, ‘To answer your question, no we don’t sleep very often. We take naps but not often enough.’ Almost in unison they asked, ‘Can we leave now?’

The doctor who was almost crying said, ‘Yes you can.’