Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000

The next morning the two boys heard something outside their door. Getting pulled out of sleep Eli shoved his pillow over his head trying to make the sound go away. When it didn’t stop he got out of bed stretching his limbs, “What in the world is going on that needed to wake me up so damn early?”

When he got to the door he roughly pulled it open to look down and see her, Jennifer, looking up at him. “I was wondering if you could show me around,” she asked quietly.

Eli looked over at the wall clock, it was barely 7:30 in the morning, and “Yea I can do that. Come on in. So I can get dressed then we can go.”

Jennie walked into the dormitory looking around seeing what she expected to see in a teenager’s room, a complete mess. She would have had her little brother’s skin if his room looked like this. She looked down, trying not to get sucked into the memoires.

“I know it’s early. I normally wouldn’t wake someone else up I would just go walking but I really don’t know where anything is. I would hate to get lost when I only know one person’s name,” she said noticing she was rambling. He did that to her, made her get all frazzled.

Eli laughed from father in his room, causing Wes to wake up, “It’s alright I would have gotten up soon anyway.” When he finally finished getting dressed, he walked back towards her and heard Wes mutter, “That’s bullshit.”

Eli just flipped him the bird and kept walking.
Jennie noticed all this but kept her thoughts to herself knowing they might possibly get her into a world of trouble.

They started walking around and she stopped in front of the ice rink, tilting her head to one side she asked, “Is that what I think it is?”

Eli looked at her puzzled expression thinking it was cute, “it depends. What do you think it is?”

She looked over at him, “A hockey rink, or at least I am hoping that is what it is.”

His mouth completely dropped, looking slightly like an idiot he asked, “You like hockey?”

She laughed almost doubling over, “What do you take me for Silly? I can assure you that I certainly do.”

Looking at the face he made when she called him silly just made her laugh so much harder, almost to the point she couldn’t breathe. She was surprised; she didn’t think she would like it here so much.

“I am not silly,” Eli said with a slight pout, “it’s just most of the girls here don’t like hockey it’s all soccer or football.”

Jennie looked at him and smiled, “Soccer and Football are the same sport or are you referring to American Football?” she continued to watch his facial expressions, his jaw dropped again. She tilted her head, “What can’t a girl know her sports?”