Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000:

Alexis Westra was being sent to the Reform school. She had no idea what had happened the day of the accident. The only thing she knew was it sent her to a place that was foreign. Some would say she was spoiled by her parents, some would say she wasn’t in control of her own life, but whatever those people thought she was happy.

Alexis was a model, her career as a model started when she was twelve. She was five foot seven with extremely long light brown hair, and caramel eyes. Even though she modeled most of the year she somehow managed to keep a 4.0 all throughout the year. She was extremely smart and she knew it. She was sitting in the airport waiting for her next flight to what she now referred to as the, hell hole. Her small puppy Princess was sitting next to her sleeping. Alexis started thinking about the accident again; it was a never ending nightmare.

Her parents died in a car accident that she caused; Alexis didn’t know she caused it but deep down she knew that she did. Everyone told her it was a freak accident she knew better. It wasn’t an accident, weird things had started happening around her sixteenth birthday. For months she had the same nightmarish dream; she saw her parents die in the crash that she started. She would wake up screaming, crying, and saying, ‘I didn’t mean to I am so sorry.’ Her mom would be sitting on her bed when she realized it was just a dream. Alexis could still hear her mother ask her, ‘was it that dream again, sweetheart?’ It wasn’t a dream; it was a nightmare that she didn’t understand.

She fell asleep thinking about that night.

‘Honey we have something to tell you,’ her father looked back at her smiling, ‘I know you won’t like it at first but it will be a great help.’
Laughing Alexis asked him, ‘Well what is it dad?’

He looked at his wife and nodded. So her mother looked at her at started saying, ‘you are going away tomorrow, after we get home you must pack, we are sending you to a school in Canada. It is beautiful there.’

Alexis started freaking out, ‘why would you make me leave my only home to go to some foreign country? This is crazy I’ll have to leave all my friends, my career, my life. I won’t do it.’

Something odd was happening the floor under her feet started getting very hot. She looked out the window, trying not to cry because of anger. The last thing Alexis could remember from that horrible night was her mom saying, ‘Sweetheart, we knew this would happen they told us that you would start to change when you turned 16. We were expecting this don’t worry, the new school will help you I promise.’

Alexis woke up, almost forgetting where she was, when someone put their hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see a flight attendant telling her that she would be the attendant on her flight. The plane was leaving in almost 30 minutes. She looked around at all the people, who when looking before she didn’t notice. She was in the London airport; she didn’t think there would be anyone but her going to this place. Even though she wasn’t even certain if they were going to the hellhole with her. But Alexis silently hoped they were so she could have some friends there maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

There was one girl holding a small puppy a Yorkie, it was adorable. The other girl was petting a huge dog, one she hadn’t seen; she didn’t think they would let a dog that big in the airplane. But then again, there was only three people getting on this plane, and it wasn’t very big. Out of the two the one with the little dog struck her the most she was looking down at the dog, crying it looked like. She wanted to go see if she was okay but instead she just watched from afar.