Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000

Jennie Weller was sitting at the London Airport wishing that she knew what was happening to the kids. For the last four years they had been her life, she took care of them all. Now they were getting placed in strangers’ homes and they wouldn’t be together. She couldn’t get too worked up over it because all of this was her fault. She had almost killed them, she wasn’t sure how she did but she knew she did.

The only good possible thing about the trip away from home was that her father had no power over her anymore. She hated her father because of what he did. He killed her mother by gambling all his money away, and didn’t have money for the sharks so instead they killed her.

She thought about her youngest brother, he didn’t remember their mother, so he called Jennie mom. He has called her mom since he was two, and he was six now. Jennie and her two siblings never had the heart to correct him about it. Her two other siblings helped her, a lot in those days after their mom was killed in front of her.

Now they are twelve, her brother, and ten, her sister, when their mom was shot, they were sleeping and didn’t hear it. Jennie had to tell them about it, and their father was nowhere to be found. So it was up to Jennie to plan, her own mother’s funeral. It was horrible but it made her grow up and step into the “mom” role.

She fell into a deep sleep because she didn’t know how long she would be sitting in this seat. She was told that she was the first to arrive. She started dreaming about her “kids”.

It was her day off, she worked almost seven days a week but her boss wouldn’t let her. She needed a day off to take care of the kids. Johnny, the youngest, walked into her room and asked her, “Mommy, what are we eating today?”

“I don’t know Johnny but I’ll figure it out I promise. Are the other two in the living room?”

“Okay mommy and yes they are.”

Jennie got to her feet hugging him. “Alright buddy lets go see what we have to eat.”

She took him by the hand and walked into the kitchen and living room, “Liam, come here and Johnny go play please.”

Her little brother looked up at her smiled and ran off to play. Liam was walking towards her, “Yeah Sis?”

She crossed her arms, waiting until he was closer to her. “Liam, what was that?”

He looked at the ground, “Yes ma’am.”

She looked at him and pointed towards his room. “We need to talk, in your room.”

He looked up knowing what was coming, his room wasn’t clean and it was supposed to be. When they got to his room she looked around, already knowing what she would see, “Why isn’t your room clean?”

Liam looked at the ground not wanting to answer his big sister. She grabbed his chin lightly, “I asked you something Liam,” she looked at him, “you know better than to ignore me.”

He looked at her and started to explain, “I was helping Katie get her and Johnny’s room clean and it took longer than I thought by the time we were done you told us to go to bed. Katie told me that I shouldn’t have helped her because I’d get into trouble because my room wasn’t clean but I couldn’t just let her do that entire room by herself. I’m sorry Jennie I know I should have cleaned my room.”

She hated this part it wasn’t fair that she had to do it. She wished her mom was still alive. She thought about what mom would say and knew what she had to do.

Her dream was cut short because something woke her up.

She hated thinking about the kids it always made her cry and she hated crying just about as much as she hates her father. She was looking down at her puppy blinking away the tears, when the prettiest women walked up to her, the flight attendant, telling her the plane was getting ready to leave in about 30 minutes. Jennifer, knowing the tears were gone, looked up and realized that there were two other girls waiting with her. ‘Great,’ she thought, ‘two prissy girls, one with a small dog and one with a huge dog’.


She stood up and walked over to the counter of the gate and said, “Can I just board the plane before everyone else?”

The man looked at this girl and laughed, “No. Everyone has to board at the same time. I need you to go sit down.” Jennie was starting to get mad and that wasn’t a good thing,

“Look I need to get on that plane by myself or I will explode, I hate waiting for other people to sit down,” she was screaming and it was unlike her.

The man standing straighter said in a loud voice, “Go sit down, Miss. Or I’ll have to call security.” He looked at the girl hoping she would turn around and sit, knowing that security was told by the school doctor to sedate any of the three girls who were making a mess of themselves. He hated his job when it came to that.

Jennie looked at the man, who looked like he was almost pleading with her to go sit back down. “Fine I will.” She turned around to see the girl and the huge dog walking towards them.