Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000

The two boys stayed silent for almost an hour until all of the sudden Elijah yelled, “Wesley, what the hell are you doing? Trying to kill us all?” Elijah grabbed the steering wheel, jerking the car back into their lane. “Stop the car Wes,” Elijah said shaking his head.

Wesley stopped the car on the side of the road, “I don’t know what happened, Eli.”

Elijah got out of the car and switched seats, “I know. You are probably just tired. We didn’t sleep last night remember.” Elijah claimed into the driver’s seat of the, king cab, Monster. Elijah looked around into the back seat of the truck and could only see two of the three girls, “Are you guys okay?”

Jaden just looked down at Shadow, her one year old puppy, and mumbled a yes.

“I’m fine Elijah,” Alexis said grinning at him.

Elijah wouldn’t start the car until he knew the last girl was alright. “Wesley, is she even awake?”

Wes turned his head to look at who is brother was talking about, “no it doesn’t look like it.”

“Okay, let’s get going,” he murmured to the mirror, not really talking to anyone.


By the time the boys pulled the truck into the schools drive all three girls were sound asleep. Wesley stopped the truck, hopped out, went to the bed and got the girls bags.

“Elijah, should I just take these inside then help get the girls,” Wesley asked.

“Yeah, I will help you take the bags inside and get another person to help us. It looks like we are going to end up carrying them inside. They are all sound asleep,” Elijah told Wes as he grabbed bags and started heading toward the building.

Elijah told the upperclassmen, who was waiting for the three girls’ arrival, that they were asleep and that the boys needed some help.

“Alright, leave the bags here and I will help you carry them inside.”

When they got back to the car Wesley had opened both doors and was standing next to one of the girls. Elijah just nodded knowing why, “I will get the little red headed girl; my brother will get the girl with the husky.”

Elijah walked around the car and picked up the girl, “Whoa, she is really light.”

Wesley started to laugh, “well I wonder why Eli, she is only like 5 feet tall.”

Elijah just laughed, “Go to hell.” Elijah started to take the sleeping girl inside but something stopped him when he was about half way inside.

Wesley was talking to the puppy, “Look I will make a deal with you. I carry her. You don’t bite me; deal?” The puppy just growled and bared his teeth.

“Come on; just get out of the damn truck.” The puppy started barking, “Shit.”

Elijah just smirked, “What in the world are you doing?”

Wesley just glared, “shut up.”

The upperclassman who was laughing said, “I might be of service.” With a gust of air, the puppy yelped as it was pushed out of the car and away from her.

“Thank you” Wesley said picking up the sleeping girl. Shadow started to bark and growl.

Wesley, being the athletic boy he is, ran inside without hurting the girl and shut the door. The puppy slid in the dog door that was big enough for a Saint Bernard. Wes looked down, “Ah man.”

Elijah just laughed, and looked down smiling, making sure she was still asleep. The upperclassman started walking and said, “We have to take them to Professor’s office.”

Wesley looked down at the puppy, that hadn’t stopped barking, “You are joking right?”

“Sadly I am not.” Elijah just starting walking, “Come on Wes. We have to go now.”

Wesley started running towards the Professor’s office, “Shit.”