Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000

Wesley was about half way to the Professor’s office when the girl starting stirring. Wesley noticing her stirring speeds up, hoping he makes before she wakes up. Everyone in the hallway stopped as the girl screamed bloody murder.

Shadow hearing her scream, ran faster, skidding to stop at her feet. Jumps onto Wesley’s hip and starts licking her hand. Jaden confused whispered, “Shadow.”

She opened her eyes, and saw the lightest green eyes she had even seen.

“Who are you,” she asked totally confused.

Wesley looked at her and then looked at his brother. “I am Wesley.”

She turned her head, “okay Wesley why am I in your arms?”

Wesley looked at Elijah, “uh…that’s sort of hard to explain.”

“No it’s really not. Why am I in your arms,” she asked again?

“Because you were asleep in the truck; I wasn’t going to wake you up,” Wesley said…waiting.

Jaden looked at him, “well can you put me down now?”

“Uh about that, no I can’t I am sorry,” he said rubbing the back of his head, and “you weren’t really supposed to be awake yet.”

“Okay?” she said confused, “can we get to where I’m allowed to be awake?”

“Yes but I need you to pretend that you didn’t wake up,” he said adding, “and could you make the puppy shut up?”

“Yes,” she looked down, “Hush Shadow.” The puppy whines, but listens to Jaden.