Status: getting edited

Stairway to Hell


Present: 3000

They all got to the Professor’s office with all three girls asleep. Wesley didn’t know how he did it but by the time he got to the Professor’s office, Jaden was truly back asleep like she never woke up. Professor Millar was sitting in his chair facing the wall as he realized that he had visitors.
“Hello boys. Please but the girls in chairs and stand behind the girl your holding,” he told the boys, spinning his chair around to face his desk. The boys slowly put the girls into the chairs; Jennie was the first to wake up.

She looked up to see a guy smiling down at her, “Where in the hell am I?” she almost screamed.

Elijah dropped down in front of her, “it is okay you are safe. Please don’t scream I don’t want you to be scared.”

“Where am I? Just tell me where I am at please,” she said slightly shaking.

He looked at her; she was frightened, “Just wait a few minutes for the other girls to wake up. Then everything will be explained to you. Can you do that?”

She started to look around the room she was sitting in, “I guess. Can you talk to me until then?”

Elijah looked behind him seeing what he could do. His professor just nodded at him then continued what he had been doing. “Yes I can, what is your name?”

Jennie looked at the boy; he had the prettiest ocean blue eyes and blonde hair she had ever seen. He was wearing a brown baseball cap, blue jeans, and a torn up shirt, he made it look like he was in a suit.

“My name is Jennie Weller. What is yours?” she asked him smiling.

“My name is Elijah Wolf,” he told her, eyes smiling with delight. He finally figured out the pretty girl’s name.