Status: Working on converting my typed piece into chapters; much more to come

Do I Scare You?

But You Love Me Anyway

Gail's P.O.V
I played Ethan's expression over and over in my head and I just kept thinking love. I couldn't be thinking of that could I? Why would I want to think that when he was still trying to truly earn my forgiveness? He was a jackass... But I let him stay at my house. Maybe I'm just an idiot?

I glared at nothing in particular and then felt even more stupid. Talking to myself is not going to help much. But I continued anyway as I started undressing and jumping in the shower. I turned up my radio in the bathroom extra loud though so Ethan wouldn't try and hear me through the door like the creep he is.

“So I magically grow fond of this kid after he puts me in the hospital and then kidnaps me.” I started washing myself with a blue loofa I had.

“And then I spill my secrets to him with out a second thought.” when I was done I started shaving my legs.

“He takes me to a club and then watches me get raped.” I wanted to gag in disgust. We hadn't said any details about that yet.

“Actually you haven't talked to him about yet because you're already allowing him back in your house after him disappearing for two weeks to be an idiot and then break in your house.” I hissed to myself. “I'm an idiot...”

“I mean really, I met him only, what? Three weeks ago? At the most! And yet you're doing everything you were scared to do before. Granted, you still are scared you paranoid freak. But I have a good right to! I mean... he wouldn't hurt me though? Right?... No! He wouldn't! Ugh...” I finished my legs and started washing my hair.

“But I shouldn't trust so easily... I never do... What the hell am I doing?” and I didn't answer myself. Mainly because I didn't know the answer. I finished conditioning my hair and quickly washed my face.

I stood under the hot water for a moment and then scowled again. “Why does he look at me like he cares so much? He was an asshole when I met him. And now he looks like he...”


“Ahh! What the hell!” I quickly turned off the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around myself and going to open the door. Only problem, there was a body in my way.

“Ethan, were you out here the whole time?!” I yelled.

He scrambled to sit up and adjust himself while he rubbed his head. It's probably what hit the door. No wonder it was so loud. Haha... I'm mean.

“Ha! You kidding me? Of course not! Ha.. ha... “ he looked everywhere but at me and he kept biting at his lip rings.

“You're a creep! Let me out.” I started shoving the door against his back and he quickly jumped up. When I stepped out his eyes widened. I looked down at myself and saw a dripping wet girl in a not so long towel.

“Yeah... Definitely a creep.” I said pushing him out of my way.

And he jumped right back in front of me. “I just wanted to know why you were mumbling to yourself in there! You had the music on loud enough.” he said smirking.

I squinted my eyes at him and tried stepping around him but he was right there again! “And honestly, talking to yourself can't be healthy. You should express you're feelings.” he said quickly, glancing at my face, then down, then my face, then down... damn towels.

“You're just trying to stall and stay in here with me as long as you can aren't you?” I said, putting my hand on my hip. He looked up at my face again and I glared at him.

He just gave a giant smile though and shook his head, making his hair go every where. “Of course not! What does that matter?”

I looked at him like he was an idiot. “A wet girl... in a short towel... alone in the house with you. What guy wouldn't be trying to stick around as long as he could?”

He groaned slightly and grinded his teeth together. “Don't say it like that... it makes leaving five times harder.” he was eying every part of me and I wasn't sure if I should feel uncomfortable or just plain scared. He did look pretty funny though, standing there, biting his lip rings, digging his nails into his other hand and probably getting a boner. Can you say, tease? And my evil mind started working right away.

“Oh..? And why would you want to stay so bad?” I made my voice go a little lower and took a step closer to him. At that instant his nails dug deeper into his hand.

“I... I just w-want...” I smiled when he stuttered and realized this was too easy.

I took another step toward him and there was only a foot between us. “What do you want Ethan?” I smirked and stared him down and he just couldn't look away.

When he tried stuttering again I took a step enough to put inches between us and let my hand holding the towel together fall to my side. I swore he was going to bite his lip off or rip his hand off! He wouldn't move an inch as the towel was just sliding out of place. When did I become a tease? And how the hell was I so good at it?

Ethan opened his mouth and almost started leaning in while the towel almost came off. At the same moment I grabbed the towel with one hand and Ethan's neck with the other. I pulled him into a kiss and he groaned while it all happened. He finally stopped biting his lip and I licked it softly instead. I moaned a little into the kiss just to make him happy, which it did since he smiled a bit more. I pulled away slightly but grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth gently. He groaned again and it made me giggle and let go of his lip. Oh his expression was priceless to see! I never imagined a boy so awestruck in my life.

And I stood there smirking the whole time, totally controlled, while he was falling apart with desire. I couldn't help it. Something made me think it made him want all the more. It made me want more. Uuuugh this is so weird and not supposed to be happening!

“Gail...?” he squeezed his eyes closed when he said this.

“Yesss?” I made sure to make my voice as innocent as possible.

“Please... do that more often.” and he opened his eyes and they were still tortured and needing.

I almost started cracking up while I pushed him out my door and he started yelling protests. “Wait! I can stay right? Please! Just a few more minutes!” And then I finally slammed the door in his face and smiled. Then I locked the door in case.

He seriously wouldn't stop groaning for five minutes. During that time I sat there glaring at the door. “Will you shut up already!” I screamed and pounded on the door. He started slamming on the door though and I was about to scream.

“Ethan, if I give you a surprise will you get away from my door?!” I yelled.

There was silence for a second and then, “Is it a good surprise?” and his voice was too cute.

“Yes! I promise. But you have to promise to go down stairs when I give it to you.”

“Ok!” I sighed and took off the towel, unlocked the door, and threw it out at him quickly.

When I slammed the door I first heard, “What the hell?” probably not seeing what it was. And then I'm guessing the shock hit him because the slamming and shouting started again.

“Gail, you did not just take that towel off! Why are you doing this to me?!”

“Because you promised you would go away! Keep your promise!” I heard him growl and I couldn't stop laughing. He started grumbling random crap and I heard him start walking away. FREAKING FINALLY.

It was a little after four and I was still naked. And now that I think of it, it was really cold. When I ran in my closet I just started spinning in circles and tried spotting anything I wanted to wear until the clothes started turning into a dizzy rainbow. When I started laughing like a crazy person I fell to the floor and held my head. Dizziness is fun to be but the after feeling sucks. And then there was that stupid knocking on my door again!

“What do you want now?!” I screamed.

“Just dress nice for tonight! I'll pick you up at five!” He didn't give me a chance to reply either before I heard footsteps and then my car starting. Wait... my car! He seriously just stole my car now too! He needs to stop kidnapping things.

I turned myself on the floor and looked up at the rack of clothes. Dress nice... so a dress right? Hmm...

I got up and went to the back of my closet where most of the dresses were. I almost never had an occasion to wear them to. It took me a over a half an hour to pick out this stupid dress because I couldn't make up my mind until I tried on every one. The yellow one clashed with my hair weird. The pink one was too small. The green one was too fancy. The purple one was too long. And the blue one was just plain ugly! Why did I buy these things?
I swear it was the last dress I noticed that I finally settled on. It was pure white and it showed how I wasn't completely pale as a sheet. It was silk and strapless that had a waistline that clung to me but below that there was an under skirt poofing up the dress at the bottom that came just above my knee. The band around my waist was black lace to match the lining at the very top and bottom lace skirt showing a bit. I was actually pleased with this one and decided I needed another time to wear it in the future. Or I'd be forced to wear it around my house for no reason at all.

I picked out some cute black and white flats instead of heels tonight. Those things were seriously designed to put girls through torture just to make the guys think their legs were sexier. I started doing my make up and ended up doing it lighter than usual with mascara too. I never wore that stuff because my eyelashes were long enough usually but I thought it gave a nice touch for some reason tonight. I ended up curling my hair a bit, half up, half down, and framing my face with a lace black and white ribbon holding it all up. Whatever he's doing better be good. I worked hard on this look. I laughed at myself in the mirror because I seriously haven't dressed up formally in years. I think I did it once or twice for a formal dance. I didn't even like school dances! Which reminds me... I have to go back to school soon... Oh what the hell, I'll stay out until Christmas break. It's only in two weeks anyway. And I have a head injury! Ha, yeah that excuse will do.

When I walked out of the closet and looked at the clock it was just turning 5:01. I should tease him he's late just to annoy him. I laughed silently and started walking down stairs. When I walked outside I didn't even think of the cold and practically froze in place. Damn this snow! And I can't wear a hat and I don't have a jacket down here and it's all the way up stairs and... yeah I'm just too damn lazy. Bad habit. But headlights were coming down the street anyway and I saw my Hummer. I shook my head and tried my best to smile because I knew he wouldn't let me drive so I couldn't even argue. But I pretty much forgot about driving when I saw him step out of the car. The guy was in a button up white shirt and tie with nice dress pants for this night. I honestly could say... he was sexy. My smile got bigger when he walked up to me and he offered me his arm like a cheesy escort.

“You are so corny.” I laughed as he opened the door for me.

Then he flicked my ear and I tried slapping him away. He just slammed the door in my face... Yup, he's a real gentleman.

When he hopped in he wouldn't stop grinning. “What is up with you? You're creeping me out.” I said playfully hitting his arm.

He looked over at me and his smile was a slight smirk. “Well, I'm excited about tonight because it's going to be a blast. You might hate me but too bad. Oh and you look gorgeous.” he said nonchalantly. I immediately blushed and looked down to the dress, playing with the lace. His finger glided across my cheek and he chuckled.

He started pulling out of my driveway and I immediately started thinking of possibilities for tonight. Fancy restaurant? Nah he wouldn't pay for those stupid French dinners that sucked... A night on the boat? But why would he make me dress fancy for that? Eeerg... And why would I hate him for whatever he's doing? He better not take me to some wrestling match or I'll kill him.

“Can't you give me a hint!” I whined after driving twenty minutes.

He laughed and shook his head. “No way! I am surprising you with my made up on the spot amazing evening.” he said proudly. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, looking out my window again. I have drove every where in this town and almost all the town around it and maybe farther but I didn't have the faintest clue where we were. It looked like he got us on some deserted road that started coming into a heavily forested area instead of the suburbans I was used to.

“Alright now I'm scared. This isn't the part where you kidnap me a second time and kill me is it?”

“Are you kidding me! I'm not ruining this outfit with all your blood!”

I dropped my jaw and he started cracking up. I couldn't help but laugh but I hit his chest too spite his horrible joke. He took my hand and laced out fingers together and kissed my knuckles with out taking his eyes off the road then. I smiled sweetly at him and brought his hand up to my lips but bit it instead. He yelped and yanked his hand away while I laughed at him.

“You are crazy, did you know that?” he said matter-a-factly.

“Actually no, thanks for filling me in.” I said grinning. He rolled his eyes and stepped on the gas. I smiled wider. I actually did like speed, this car was made for crazy rides anyway. And we drove like this for another twenty minutes blasting the music, singing along and laughing together when I tried to rap and Ethan tried to hit high notes. He said he was jealous that I could hit them and he couldn't. I called him a freak. Nicely of course!

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” I repeated over and over again in a bored tone for minutes straight. Then in an instant I flew forward and slammed my hands on the dashboard.

“Why'd you do that?!” I yelled.

He groaned and hit his head on the steering wheel once before answering me. “We're there for christ sake!”

I cheered like a little girl and hopped out of the car before he could get the door for me.

“I still have no idea where we are.” I said and looked around me for Ethan. He was at the back of the car getting something out of the trunk.

“Well, you can guess what we're doing.” he said and smirked. When his hands came into view there were two pairs of ice skates.

My eyes widened and I started backing up. “Oh god no! You are not getting me in those and I'm not stepping foot on ice!” I pleaded and begged 'no's' when he started coming closer to me but he didn't take no for an answer.

“I told you you'd hate me!” he said laughing. I groaned and covered my face with my hands. “So I guess I'll have to make you do this.” Then right there, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I screamed and grabbed onto the back of his shirt for support. “Ethan, you put me down right now!”

“Nah I think I like this view.” he said sounding perverted. When I felt his cold hand touch my bare thigh I shivered. He laughed lightly at me and glided his hand up farther to my mid thigh.

“Ethan. If you put your hand up my dress I'm going to stab you with a skate.” I said happily. His hand stopped in its tracks.

“You would wouldn't you?”

“I know you could handle it.” I said smirking. He probably couldn't see it. I mean the only thing I could see was his ass.

“You're gonna be the death of me!”

“Oh you know it baby.” I said and laughed. “Now take me to this secret place already! Please.”

“Pushy, pushy.” he said laughing. I smiled slightly, remembering him saying that before we got on the boat. That was an eventful night... So this should be interesting. Yeah... honestly, I'm scared.

I swore it was at least another ten minutes before we got to a frozen pond. When Ethan finally set me down on solid ground I looked around. There was a gazebo on the other end of the pond and it was surrounded by trees. It was getting really dark now and I sat down on a little bench. Ethan on the other hand, started walking around the pond and to the gazebo.

He turned around and started walking backwards to face me. “Now you're gonna say this is the dorkiest thing a guy could ever do but you're going to appreciate this! I know you'll like it.” he shouted.

I just shook my head and leaned back in the bench. Not only is the ice going to put me on my ass but in the dark I had a better chance of falling on my face. But as I was being paranoid lights flashed up in front of me. My jaw dropped when I looked up. The gazebo was lit up with twinkly lights revealing Ethan standing there smirking. The pond had lights around it too, all pointing towards the middle so once the night really set it it'd be like you were in the middle of pure blackness with the circle of lights. It was honestly one of the most beautiful sights I've seen. The snow was shining with all the lights and everything sparkled. I put my hands over my mouth and stood up slowly. It was impossible for him to do this in the hour he had but I can't believe he knew where this was either! I walked over to him in the gazebo, a bounce in my step from the happiness. When I approached him he was chuckling and I was wrapping myself around him in a hug.

“I knew you'd like it.” he said happily.

“Any girl would like this. I think this is cheating.” I said like a smart ass. He pulled back and glared playfully at me.

“It's not cheating when there's more that's gonna happen later.”


“Oh yes. Now get in these skates and on that ice.” he commanded while he handed me the skates. I scowled as I walked into the gazebo to sit on a bench and tie on the skates. Standing up was shaky and walking was better surprisingly. Ethan would laugh while I stumbled and I couldn't even smack him or I'd fall over. He helped me the rest of the way to the ice and we stepped on together. He instantly took off in circles, the ice scraping under his blades while he leaned forward to go faster. Oh wonderful, he brought me here to show off while I was clueless. He noticed my annoyed face and chuckled a bit, heading over my way again since I hadn't moved an inch.

“You've roller bladed before right?” he asked.

“Well yeah... but that was solid ground, not slippery ice.”

“It doesn't matter, it's the same concept. Like this.” he took my hand and showed me how to push my feet forward and apart and after a few stumbles we were both gliding together across the frozen water. Granted, it was slower than he was going before but we were both smiling anyway.

“Ethan, don't spin me!” I squealed. He started laughing when I grabbed onto his shirt and collided with him. He took my hands and wrapped them around his waist instead. I didn't object when he started going in a circle, getting faster and faster. Soon I was just closing my eyes and holding on tighter because I couldn't see anything but white and black in blurs. Then I felt my feet get swept away and I was leaning far too forward then I should've been!

“Gail!” and then next thing I know I was on my ass, sliding across the ice. I actually almost didn't feel anything because I was pretty numb from the cold. My legs were like pop-sickles at that point and the ice on them felt worse than falling.

Ethan's skates were over to me in a second and I just didn't want to move, scared any limb might fall off from frost bite.

“Are you alright sweetheart?” I knelt down to me and wrapped an arm around me in attempt to get me up. He was doing all the work really because my legs were just frozen there. I tried nodding my head and smiled slightly. Sweetheart... not even babe or sexy or crap like that. His face of concern made my smile wider and made him laugh slightly.

“What are you smiling for?” he asked.

I shrugged and said, “You make me happy obviously.”

He laughed and went to hug me. I pushed him away instead and he screamed as he fell to the ice. He was flat on his back and groaning when I started cracking up and wobbling on the skates. Balance was never my friend. And it went against me too when he pulled me down with him. I came crashing down next to him, doing my best to catch myself. Failing horribly though. And that freezing numb feeling came back and made me scream. Ethan was laughing until I looked at him. He stopped and we stared at each other for a second. Then we burst out into more hysterics. I couldn't help it when his nose was bright red with half his hair stuck up and frizzy from the frost. I bet I looked just gorgeous too. And it just made me laugh more. How does that work? We're both freezing our asses off, dressed formally to fall on our backsides on this damned ice and look like a mess. Sounds horrible right? Well it seemed like one of the best times ever.

When I tried to calm down Ethan put his arm around me and I fell against him. Our voices both simmered down to giggles and we started shivering again. He immediately held me tighter with both arms and I did the same.

“That hurt ya know.” he laughed slightly again.

“Aww I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean it.” I said.

“Yes you did!” he shouted.

I laughed harder, “But you deserved it.”

“You are such a pain.” he groaned and shook me a little.

I giggled and looked up at him. “But you love me anyway.”

His face changed to look like it was set in stone in that moment. Hard, serious, and edgy. It made my smile disappear and tense up. I immediately wanted to know what he was thinking. But he stayed silent for a moment and just stared at me. Searching my face for emotion that I was trying to hide. All I felt was fear, paranoia and anxiousness.

“I was only kidding...” I whispered to break the silence. And he stared me in the eye for a moment, making me realize his eyes were still the kind normal way they always are.

“What if I wasn't...?”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I made it long just to build up to that last line(:
Do you think Gail should love him back??
ohemgoodness i wish i had more feedback from DIFFERENT people hahaa
spread the love<3