Status: Writer's Block over!

Keeping Secrets From The Two-Faced Jerk


I tried to swallow but my mouth suddenly went dry. The way Seth's eyes stared into mine, I could almost sense... hurt? Praying that Seth couldn't hear my heart beat, I finally tore my eyes away.

The light turned and Seth's eyes met the road again, continuing ignoring me. I sunk lower into my seat, letting a a large inaudible sigh as I stared out my window into the dim street lights.

What was that about?

All of a sudden, I didn't recognize the road.

"Um, Seth?" I gripped the door,"Where are we going?"

Suddenly, the car stopped at some brightly lite store. He got out the car without answering me and locked the door so I couldn't get out.

For a moment in the car, all you could hear was my steady breathing and all my rather loud thoughts. I was thinking of every possible case this stupid Seth Turner could put me in. After 10 minutes of panicking, Seth finally came back in the car with a full plastic bag.

"If you locked me in the car just to get Red Bull I swear to God, Seth," I rambled, eying the bag

"No, you idiot," he pulled out a first-aid kit, "How could I bring you to Beth if your all bloodied up like that?"

I touched my cheek but then flinched realizing the pain.

Seth sighed, "You are such an idiot."

He grabbed both my hands, pulling me closer.

"Sorry, we don't have any water," he whispered in my ear before licking my cheeks.

My cheeks immediately turned a bright scarlet and of course, Seth felt it. He was probably smirking in pure amusement. I kept flinching and scrambling from his grasp.

The last thing I remembered was a low grumble from Seth and then suddenly I was lying down on the back of the lowered passenger seat with Seth straddling me.

"Now stay still," he ordered with those icy blue eyes. I froze.

He continued to lick my face... like a cat.

I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of that.

Suddenly he looked me straight in the eyes, "What's so funny."


He touched my bottom lip, causing me to flinch in pain.

"As I thought, it's busted,"

"It's--" I was interrupted when Seth started licking my bottom lip. My face was lite into a bright shade of scarlet again. I tried to tell him if was enough but it just came out as mumbles. I was praying Seth couldn't hear my heart racing. He started sucking on it, obviously intending to lick the blood away but there was so much more implied in it.

I opened my mouth to tell him to stop but that only resorted in him shoving his tongue in it, kissing me deeply.

I hesitated in kissing him back. After what happened today and the day before how could I completely trust my feelings in him 100%?

When I finally gave into my instinct and kissed him back, he broke away. Seth put some Polysporin on my lips with er, his lips. After putting some bandages on my cheeks and pulling my seat back up, he climbed back in his seat and started driving away.

What I couldn't get was why Seth couldn't just go back in the convenience store and buy a water bottle.

Or why I still can't comprehend that sick guy.

"How you feeling, Juliana?" Seth asked

"C-cher...ry flavor," I uttered at Seth's smirking self


"You can't force us to marry, mom,"

The dinner turned out to be a disaster. It was every boy Turner against Beth; Seth, Drew and their father.

After just sitting there poking at my food, so utterly surprised how bad Seth was fighting for us to not be together, I awkwardly walked to the main floor powder room.

I came out of the powder room, completely dazed with only one thing that stopped me; shouting.

"Beth, why are you being so stubborn?" came a strong, low voice

I peeped into a tiny crack inside a room. I believed it was one of Mr. Turner's many offices. Inside was Beth and himself, furiously pointing fingers at one another

I guess this is why people are called peeping toms.

"I am not being stubborn. I just want what is best for our rebellious son and at this moment it is Juliana. They are perfect for each other!" Beth exclaimed

"I know. I can see they are perfect for one another. Everyone can see that! But they have to see it for themselves. You can't force them! Especially not to get married!"

"Someone has to take the next step before they loose one another!"

"That doesn't have to be you. We shouldn't even be part of this!"

"Your just being jealous that I know what step to take, just like with Drew and his fiancee, Ali."

"I warned you about taking that move, too. And what did you say? Me, jealous?"

"You heard me!"

"You are out of control!"

"It's not healthy to eaves drop," someone suddenly said, causing me to jump.

"Oh, it's you Drew," I sighed in relief

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for my response

I stepped away from the door, walking towards him and leaning on the wall, "Not if it's about me."

"That was some dinner, wasn't it?" this time, he sighed.

"So you and Ali were forced engagement, too?" I blurted out

He nodded sheepishly, "But we were true to our feelings."

I raised an eyebrow,"What's that's suppose to mean?"

Drew smiled slyly,"We were true to our feelings," he shrugged, looking away, "It's as simple as it sounds."

I stared menacingly at him, biting my bottom lip but then whimpered in pain.

Drew quickly turned around, "What happened there anyway?"

"N-nothing," I murmured, looking down. The cherry flavor still lingered on my lips.

I felt Drew step closer towards me, cornering me against the wall, "Really... nothing?"

I looked up and came just inches away from Drew's glistening blue-green eyes and his soft, pink lips. I gulped

"It is nothing,"came a sleazy voice

We both turned to see, of course, the sleaz bag Seth.

Drew smiled, while wrapping his arms around my waist, bringing me closer to him.

I think I saw Seth grit his teeth. Key word, think.

"If you say it's nothing," Drew said to Seth then winked at me

I rolled my eyes playfully, obviously knowing Drew was just toying with Seth. I wrapped my arms around Drew's shoulder, giving him a big bear hug. I patted his shoulder and peeled his fingers off of me then walked towards Seth

"We can go now, right? Let me just get my bag," I stuffed my fingers deep in my pockets and walked off to the coat room

"See ya later, sweets," I heard Drew call after me

I spun around on my heels and just to annoy Seth, blew him a kiss and returned his wink

Seth's face? Satisfyingly priceless.


"Sorry, that was..." we were in Seth's car again, on the way back to my place. No matter what happens, we always end up back in this much too nostalgic car.

"Unnecessary. Un-needed anger. Need I go on?" I said with pure amusement in my voice

"Are we still talking about the dinner?"

I grumbled but then whimpered from more pain from my cheeks. I cowered at the thought of a scar.

Seth turned the corner into my neighborhood, "Anyways, don't worry about the engagement. I am going to do whatever it takes to call it off. Just think of the next couple of days as a bad dream, okay?"

A pain set off at the pit of my stomach. I gnawed at my bottom lip ignoring the quickly gushing blood.

"I am so sick of this," I said slowly, enunciating every vowel till it got threw his thick skull

"That's exactly why I trying my best. Can you give this situation some patience? It's not the easiest thing to handle--"

Obviously, Seth's skull was far too thick

"I am so sick of you!" I snapped. The car jolted to a stop as Seth fell silent, slowly turning towards me, bewildered, "So sick of you acting on your own without thinking of others feelings."

Seth stared at me at first too astonished to speak,"I am thinking about your feelings--"

"But you don't care about them," I interrupted, my voice rising with the color in my cheeks with anger

His eyebrows furrowed, knitting together in confusion and disbelief,"The only reason I am going to this extent is merely because I care about your feelings."

I rolled my eyes. Now he was going all 'smart-Seth' on me with his honor role vocabulary

"You detest me so I am making sure we are never around each other anymore," he finished off looking at me like I was an idiot who couldn't see a more obvious answer

"Are you blind!?" I hated how shrill my voice sounded.

We grimaced at the same time; my sudden feeling to the pain from my face and Seth from my sudden shrill tone

"Juliana...!?" his eyes bugged out of his skull, his eyebrows wrinkled together like I just stripped bare on the spot and it was just deluding

His eyes cut into my soul like a samurai's blade

The momentaril silence was drowned out by a soft, sappy melody I just discovered was playing in the background from the very beginning

I'm paying for my sins
And its gunna rain for years and years

I fooled everyone and now what will i become?
I have to start this over
I have to start this over

There must be something more,
Do we know what we’re fighting for--

Seth slammed the radio off, causing me to jump startled and the quiet talented male singer to stop in mid beat. A pain expression twisted into his face

My bottom lip trembled and it wasn't because of the pain that poured along with the blood, wiping off every last scent of the stubborn cherry flavor, "Alright, Seth. Do whatever you want. I am so sick of this to the point where I detest you. Finally, I solemnly, whole-heartedly detest you."

With that, I tore the door open and sprang out the car before it even stopped.

Hopefully for the last time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked that chapter cuz honestly im not really that satisfied with it :\

Anyways, shout-outs to:
for the lovely comments. I absolutley adore you guys for them. Practically my wheel to get my ass at more writing. Thanks you guys :)

Loves and kisses.Mwah!