Status: a work in progress

There You Go Again Being Beautiful You


I closed my eyes as the door bell rang. The house was a mess, clothes everywhere, toys spread out, bottles and sippy cups everywhere to be found, even pacifiers were on the floor. I shook my head Matt was going to be pissed that my apartment looks like this. It’s the first time he’s ever been here…normally I meet him some place with my daughter….correction OUR daughter.

Yeah, I’m the girl that got pregnant with Matt’s adorable little girl. She’s 16 months old now and we’ve got shared custody of her. We never were married but we had been together once for a few weeks while he and Val were on one of their “breaks” I ended up pregnant and he refused to not be in the child’s life so I let him. Hell I knew I couldn’t raise this kid on my own…I didn’t even make enough money to support myself much less a child.

“Maddison guess who is here to pick you up!” I pretended to be excited as I looked at the little girl sucking on her pacifier and looking at me with her big hazel eyes. They were filled with excitement as she dropped the toy she’d been playing with and pushed herself off the ground.

“Da!” she shouted behind her pacifier and stretched her arms out as she wobbled towards the door. I let out a small laugh; this little girl was the light of my life if it wasn’t for her I’m sure I would have been dead by now. I quit working on the streets because of her; I quit the drugs and the drinking for her. Now I was just a depressed mother of one who worked in a bar a few nights a week. I was a dancer for them…hey that’s better than working on the streets.

“Yeah, it’s Dada!” I cooed as I pushed my scrawny self off the couch and walked towards the door racing my toddler. Of course I let her get to the door first then swept her tiny body up into my arms and set her on my hip before opening the door to the apartment and looking at the man standing there.

He was a beautiful man, always had been. Buzzed Brown hair, his aviators sat on the far end of his nose so he could look at his daughter and me. His arms covered in colorful tattoos and he’d been working on gaining all the muscle back that he’d lost while he was on tour. He was dressed in Black ripped Jeans and a Vengeance University t-shirt that I’m sure Zacky had hand crafted for him.

When I opened the door he’d had a small scowl on his face as if something had upset him on the way here. But as soon as he laid eyes on his daughter in my arms his whole face lit up and the scowl instantly fell from his lips as he reached out and took her out of my arms.

“Why don’t you come in while I get her stuff ready to go?” I suggested looking anywhere but his gorgeous hazel eyes afraid of what I’d see in them. I knew he probably didn’t think to highly of me I’m sure none of the guys did. I fell in love with a rock star and got knocked up and probably ruined his whole life even though he’d never admit it.

“Sure, there’s no rush to leave, so take your time.” His scratchy voice caused my heart to feel like it was going to beat right out of my chest. I was still in love with him more then I would ever let anyone know because I was sure that he didn’t give a rat’s ass about me. All I was to him was his baby’s mama.
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The title of the chapter is who's point of view its in :)