Status: a work in progress

There You Go Again Being Beautiful You


I walked back into the room unable to keep the laugh from falling from my lips when I spotted Maddie shoving her pacifier into Matt’s mouth. He really was a great dad and I was really glad she had a lot of nice stuff and people to play with because of him.

“No, Maddie Daddy doesn’t want your pacifier” I said softly looking at her. She looked at me for a moment pouting out her bottom lip before taking it out of Matt’s mouth and sticking it back in her own.

“So…” Matt trailed off as he glanced around the apartment as Maddie made herself comfortable in his lap

“I know it’s a trash heap Matt” I spoke softly not wanting to snap or something. I knew how shitty my place looked especially to him, who had a girlfriend who cleaned up the house on a regular basis.

“I wasn’t going to say that you know.” He got up off the couch setting Maddie down on the floor to play with her toys before walking over to me.

“Really?” I looked at him skeptically and he nodded his head. “Then what were you going to say?”

“That I want you to come over to the barbeque that Brian and Michelle are having, kind of an engagement party for them.” I bit my lip thinking about it. I missed the rest of the girls, they had all been really sweet to me when they found out I was pregnant they all helped and threw a baby shower for me and all of that good stuff but Since I had Maddie I hadn’t seen them, I was too afraid Val would kill me.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea Matt especially if Val’s going to be there…It wouldn’t be good to put us in the same room…” He shrugged his shoulders like he really didn’t care about it. “I don’t think Val would want me there.” I sighed softly shaking my head.

“Who gives a crap what Val wants?” He asked, surprising me with his harsh response.

“I would think you would…you know since you are dating her and all…” My voice trailed off looking to him for answers to his sudden outburst of harshness towards Val.

“Val won’t be at the barbeque I promise you that. Well not if I can help it she won’t” I looked at him for a moment before sighing and nodding gently.

“Alright you win Matthew” I teased using his full name which caused him to look at me and playfully growl. “I’ll go when it is?”

“Starts in a half an hour wanna get dressed and just come with me?” He smirked as he looked at my attire. I groaned slightly and looked down at what I was wearing, his old PJ pants and a wife beater.