Status: a work in progress

There You Go Again Being Beautiful You


“Do I look ok?” I asked noticing the look on his face. He was staring at me and I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I’d gone and slipped on a form fitting purple dress that had gold chain as a strap around the neck, underneath it I was wearing my leopard print bikini. My red hair was tied back into a pony tail and I had a little water proof make up on. I was carrying a pink bag with towels and dry underwear and bra for me if I decided to get changed at Matt’s.

“You look…” His voice trailed off for a moment before smiling at me and nodding his head “you look stunning Charity.” He said softly causing me to blush.

“Well thanks lets go I don’t want to be late I miss the girls!” I stuck my bottom lip out at him giving him the infamous puppy eyes.

“Alright don’t look at me like that” he whined. He turned and opened the door letting me go through it first and followed behind me with our daughter in his arms.

“Dada!” She giggled as she pointed to his jet black car sitting in the parking lot. Matt let out a soft laugh at his daughter and set her down on the ground allowing her to wobble towards it. We reached the car as she did.

“Do you want me to sit in back with her or…?” I looked at him feeling a little awkward but he quickly squashed it by giving me a smile and setting his hand on my arm.

“Just sit in front. She can ride in the back by herself she does it all the time right big girl?” He cooed at our daughter who nodded her head rather enthusiastically.

“Alright!” I opened my door and got into his car strapping myself in. I glanced back and looked at Matt who was currently strapping my daughter into her little pink and black polka dotted car seat. Matt smiled and kissed her forehead before climbing into the driver’s seat.

“Ok Don’t be surprised if the guys aren’t really warm at first ok?” He looked at me with that reassuring Sanders smile that I’d fallen way to hard for. I sighed and nodded as I looked at my nails they were chipping and I needed to repaint them tomorrow before work later in the week.

“They all hate me huh?” looking up from my nails I noticed a kind of pained look on his face at what I had said.

“No they don’t’ hate you, they just don’t know you, they just think the worst of everyone give them a chance to warm up to you ok?” He reached over and clicked the radio on ending the conversation. Maybe I should have rethought this barbeque. I didn’t know if this was going to be the best of ideas.

“Great” I mumbled under my breath allowing my eyes to close and my head to hit the back of the soft head rest. I could feel eyes on me occasionally along with a shout from my daughter every now and then as if she was singing to the songs that kept coming out of matt’s speakers. It just feels…Right.