Status: a work in progress

There You Go Again Being Beautiful You


I looked at her after climbing into the car noticing the fact that she had started to fall asleep on the seat next to me. It was adorable that she was feeling relaxed enough to close her eyes. I knew from our few weeks of dating that she never closed her eyes when she wasn’t sure she was safe.

I hummed along to the songs until we pulled up to my house. Stopping the car I got out, walked around to Madison’s side of the car, opened the door un- strapping her and setting her on my hip before opening Charity’s door.

“Come on sleeping beauty we are here.” I teased which rewarded me with her sticking her tongue out at me before climbing out of the car and staring at the large house I had. She’d never been to my house the time we were together I was on tour.

“Matt this house is huge!” she gasped as she looked at me. I let out a small laugh and shrugged my shoulders. I lead her to the door opening it up and ushering her in holding a squirmy Maddison in my arms.

“Doggy!” she squealed fussing in my arms. I set her down and allowed her to wobble to my blonde dog Bella who was more than eager to see her little pal again.

“Awe!” Charity cooed softly as she watched her daughter fall down and hug Bella. I just smiled this was our routine.

“Come on every ones in the back” I looked to Maddison who had let go of the dog and wandered over to us attaching herself to my leg. I smiled and set my hand on her head.

“Up da!” she whined holding onto my leg tighter. I sighed and let out a small laugh picking her up into my arms and walking towards the back of the house. Charity was following slowly behind me I could tell that she was anxious and well nervous to be around these guys. She never really spent time with her. She met them once but other than that they only knew her from their girlfriends.

“Hey! Look who’s here! Matt!” Brian shouted as I reached the sliding glass door. I smiled and stepped through it letting Charity hide behind me.

“Bo!” Maddison screamed squirming in my arms until I set her down on the ground where she ran towards Jimmy her favorite uncle.

“Maddie Monster!” Jimmy shouted just as excited as the 16 month old he swept her off her feet and swung her around. I shook my head she’d for some reason attached to Jimmy right away they were like best friends it was almost sickening

“Hey Matt who’s your friend” I looked behind me to See Charity had set her pink bag down and had slipped sunglasses onto her face. It only made her look even hotter then she had before and I didn’t think it was possible….I think I might be falling for her