Status: a work in progress

There You Go Again Being Beautiful You


“So Matt who’s your friend” Brian repeated. I looked up from looking at the stuff in my bag. Maybe they didn’t remember who I was. Maybe they’d actually give me a chance to prove that I wasn’t some horrible fan girl.

“My friend…” He was staring at me again. I felt my cheeks grow hot, he was doing a lot of staring at me lately and it made me feel all self conscious.

“I’m Charity, Madison’s mother.” I spoke up seeing that Matt was a little tied up with whatever he was thinking to really answer any one. As soon as the words had left my mouth three pairs of eyes looked at me. Jimmy was too busy playing with Maddison to look over.

“I see…”Brian trailed off not really sure what to make of me he kind of gave me a hard look before turning away and going to get back in the pool. I let out a heavy sigh that was one that already didn’t like me.

“Well it’s nice to meet the mother of that little munchkin” Zacky spoke up standing up out of his chair and walking over to me. I let out a small laugh and held my hand out and he took it to shake it.

“Yeah it’s great to meet the girl that Lacey keeps telling me has the raddest hair around.” Johnny spoke up taking my hand after Zacky finally let go.

“Speaking of the girls where are they?” Matt asked finally ungluing his eyes from my body. I watched as most of the boys shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders.

“Michelle went to go shopping with Val they should return soon.” Brian spoke up. I looked to Matt instant panic covering my face. I didn’t want to be here if Val was going to be around it made me want to crawl under a rock and die.

“Leana, lacey, and Gena went to go get their bathing suits they should be back any second” Jimmy finally spoke up but managed to do so without taking his eyes off Maddison.

“What’s she doing here?” A snappy voice could be heard and before I even had a chance to respond there was a sharp pain in my back. I whirled around to try and get away from it but then whatever had hit me in the back collided with my face.

“Val!” I heard someone scream I wasn’t sure who as I began to fall everything around me started to get dark and then I hit the ground and the only thing I heard before complete silence was my baby girl screaming my name.
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