Status: a work in progress

There You Go Again Being Beautiful You


No one really had any time to react or move before Val had punched Charity once in the back and then when she turned around to try and get away Val punched her in the face. Everyone was stunned as charity began to fall.

“VAL!” I screamed at her trying to get to Charity before she smacked her head on the cement. I was a little too late and she hit the cement hard.

“Mama!” Maddison screamed managing to get away from Jimmy and run to her mother now lying motionless on the ground. She curled up and set her head on her mother’s stomach tears rolling down her face.

“Don’t stand there some one call 911!” I spoke quickly but calmly. Now I had to calm down or Maddison would get even more upset and I couldn’t have that. Right now I really needed to calm Maddie down and make sure Charity wasn’t bleeding or dyeing or anything.

“What the hell is your problem?!” I heard Gena scream at Val and a fight erupted in the kitchen it was only verbal but Zacky and Brian went in to try and get it settled. Johnny and Jimmy stayed with me. Johnny was on the phone with the ambulance and Jimmy sitting next to my little one who was sobbing.

“Shit her heads bleeding fuck…uh… towel! Give me that towel!” Jimmy handed me the towel from the pink bag I lifted her head gently off the cement and slid the towel wadded up under her head, applying as much pressure to stop the bleeding as I could.

“The ambulance is here Matt” I heard Brian shout from the kitchen where all the girls were still screaming at Val who was shouting just as much back. I heard the sirens now and looked back at Brian seeing he was making no movement to go get the ambulance.

“Way to be an ass Brian!”I heard Johnny shout towards him before running out to the front yard and directing the paramedics to the back of the house where we were. They rushed over and looked at me for a little help with the sobbing Maddison who didn’t want to move away from her mother’s stomach.

“Come ‘ere baby girl. Mama’s going to be ok” I cooed gently picking her up into my arms. She was screaming and crying. It took almost twenty minutes before the paramedics finally got Charity loaded into the ambulance and took off after letting me know what hospital they were taking her too.

“Go ahead dude we’ve got this under control.” Jimmy looked at me; he must have noticed the pained look on my face as the ambulance drove away. I was feeling every emotion possible at that moment and it just made my anger that much worse.

“Thanks guys…Gena!” I shouted to her. Gena and Charity were probably the closest out of the girls. Gena had worked with the bar that hired Charity and she still styled Charity’s hair on a regular basis. So they had formed a pretty strong friendship.

“I’m coming!” She appeared at the door way pecking Zacky on the lips before running out to my car. She jumped in the passenger seat and I managed to get the still screaming child into her car seat.

“Baby it’s going to be ok” I cooed softly trying to calm her down but nothing was working. I dug through the bag of stuff Charity had packed for her. Finding a sippy cup full of what looked like juice I handed it to Charity and raced off towards the hospital.