Status: Finished

All I Can See is a Place I Wanna Be


I sigh to myself as I look around my barren room, tomorrow’s the big day. It’s the day the boys leave for their first tour and it’s the day I board my plane headed for North Carolina. So now everything I love and am taking with me is packed away in these boxes. This is crazy. Tomorrow I’ll officially be a college freshman.

“Chris, you’ve got a visitor,” Zacky says knocking on my door.

“Who is it?” I ask adjusting the bandana holding my hair back away from my face.

“Matt,” Zacky says with a slight smile as he walks out and Matt walks in.

“Hi,” I say smiling sheepishly while flitting my eyes about. It’s been kind of weird the past few weeks since our conversation about me attending Duke.

“Hey. Look I want to apologize for acting the way I have about the whole you choosing Duke over me thing,” Matt says rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

“Choosing Duke over you? Is that what you think this all boils down to?” I nearly scream as my emotions practically mirror the storm that is raging on outside.

“Well, yeah. What else would it “boil down to?”” Matt asks.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe, just maybe, it could have something to do with me wanting to make something out of my life, or with me wanting to get the fuck away from this place and all the bad memories in it, or maybe I don’t just wanna be some rock star wannabe’s girlfriend,” I explode.

“Rock star wannabe? So is that what you see me as now that you’re all high and mighty on your I’m going to college horse?” Matt screams back.

“No,” I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose between my thumb and pointer finger, “It’s just that… not everything revolves around you. I’m sorry I want to make something of my life and your first tour doesn’t exactly fit in there. I really am sorry that I’m going to miss out on that but I have to do this. This is what’s important to me and if you really were my best friend you would realize that,” I sigh sitting down on my bed kicking the roll of tape away from my feet.

“I guess I see where your priorities really lie now. I’ll leave you be,” Matt says barley above a whisper before walking out of my room, house, and what feels like my life right now.

“Matt,” I say as my voice breaks and I sink into my bed and the air around me feels like it’s crushing me and I give into the burning sensation behind my eyes.

“Chris? Are you OK?” Zacky asks as he walks into my room and sits on my bed beside me.

“No! Now Matt thinks I’m the scum of the earth all because I want to do something other than go on tour with you guys,” I say in-between sniffles.

“I’m sure you’re over exaggerating,” Zacky says rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

“I want Megan!” I nearly scream in a sob.

“What did the bod do and do I need to kill him?” Megan asks me sitting on my bed no more than twenty minutes later.

“He hates me,” I say wiping my eyes off and sitting up.

“I’m sure he doesn’t love. Why don’t we have a movie night starting with your fav?” Megan asks holding the movie up.

“O…o…k,” I whimper as the night begins and I fall asleep curled up in a ball surrounded by my best friend and my big brother.

Now today is the big day; the day the guys and girls leave for tour in the shitty little van we all pitched in for and I board a plane for college.

“Be careful and call me the second you land and if you have any problems with a guy tell me his name and I’ll kill him,” Zacky says pulling me into a bone crushing hug as everyone stands at my gate since the airport was on the way to their first stop.

“I will Zack and you best be careful with all those girls out there since you’re now single. I don’t want to know that my big bro got some gross disease from some groupie wannabe,” I laugh returning the hug.

“I’m gonna miss you why do you have to be smart?” Megan pouts as she hugs me.

“Why do you have to be stupid and skip your senior year to go on tour? If you’re gonna skip it why not spend it with me in NC?” I pout back.

“Because I get sex whenever I want this way,” she says laughing as she wraps her arms around Bri.

“In a van with how many other people?” I ask laughing.

“We’re gonna miss you,” Acey and Jimmy say as they attack me in a group hug.

“God I love you two; even if you’re huge druggies,” I giggle.

“I second what Zacky said if you need us we’re just a phone call away,” Brian says hugging me.

“Thanks,” I say smiling. “What midget. No good-bye from you?” I ask Johnny pouting.

“Of course there’s one from me,” Johnny says hugging me as his head lays barley above my chest.

“Now boarding coach flight 235 to Raleigh-Durham International,” is called over the intercom by a female voice.

“Well, I guess this is it guys,” I say smiling nervously as I glance over to Matt.

“Bye,” everyone screams before hugging me and wondering off leaving Matt and I alone.

“Good luck on tour,” I say laughing nervously.

“Good luck in school. Be careful. You know I still love you and nothing will ever really change that,” Matt says hugging me and kissing me.

“I love you too,” I say as a huge weight is lifted off of my heart and I attack him in a hug before running to my gate before missing my plane.

The End.