Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 11 - Edited.

Izzy's POV:

Oh. My. God. I am so happy! It’s been twenty-four hours and I still can’t believe that Joey had actually kissed and asked me out – and that too on the same day!

Our date was a little later on and I could hardly wait. I was outside now hanging out with Dani and Jordan. We were debating which teachers ruled and which ones were a little too old-schooled when I noticed Joey sauntering up to us with a wide grin on his face.

I hated how whenever I saw him now, I got so nervous and my knees felt like they were going to collapse and bring me down and…

“Hey girls,” he greeted us. “Izzy.”

I wondered why he would greet me separately like that and I’m sure the other girls did to, but I couldn’t just ask him; I could barely say ‘hi’ to him.

“Hi.” Dani said while Jordan replied “Hey.”

I mumbled a short, “Hi, Joey.”

Joey turned and smiled at me, making my face redden. I stared down at the ground causing my hair fell over and covered some of my face. I tried to look as if I didn’t care for Joey’s sudden appearance and that this was just any other day and soon enough we’d be arguing over something stupid once again, so the other girls wouldn’t notice. I hadn’t told any one of them yet about what had happened yesterday since I wasn’t too sure how exactly I was supposed to do so.

As the girls began telling Joey about the different teachers there were at our school, I excused myself and went back inside my house. I suddenly felt so shy around Joey and it so wasn’t normal behavior for me.

I looked at the time on my mantel watch and noticed that there was still an hour till my date with Joey. I took a shower for twenty-five minutes and then started rummaging around my closet looking for the perfect outfit for tonight. But, there just didn’t seem to be anything that was perfect for tonight.

This was my first date ever and I didn’t know at all how I should act, dress, talk, eat! I wanted to look nice in front of Joey and I wanted him to take me out again. I knew I needed something that made me look good – that didn’t make me look like a tomboy. I needed something different, way different from my personality.

When I couldn’t find anything of that description, I decided to call Dani and ask her for her opinion. She was my best friend ever and always listened to me; she was the one I came to for advice, the one I went to for favors, opinions, and homework help. She was sweet and sincere and at times could be a bit shy. She was also really pretty and currently going out with the most popular boy at school, Dominic. He was a total carbon-copy of Channing Tantum and despite the fact that they were such a good looking couple and were adored by everyone, they were still the nicest people I have ever met.

After I called her up and over to my place, I filled her in on the whole story which Dani listened to with her full attention, I let her fix me up. She fixed up my hair, my face, and even picked out the perfect outfit for me in just a half hour.

When she was done, I stared nervously at myself in the mirror. I looked so different, but then again this was the idea. I thanked Dani and cautiously and hesitantly stepped outside. I swear, if anyone were to see me now, I’d probably die of embarrassment.

I found Joey in front of my house, lying back on his motorcycle and staring up at the sky. He hadn’t noticed me yet and I was glad of that. I took deep breaths and inched closer to him. As I got closer and closer to him, I wondered just what Joey’s reaction would be once he saw me.

When I was directly in front of Joey, I stared down at my boots and waited for him to notice me. My hair hung in front of my face as it seemed to be doing a lot more often now.

As I looked up through my eyelashes, I caught Joey staring down at my legs with his head titled and his lips in the form of an ‘O’. He whistled as his eyes traveled moved up and took in my whole appearance.

I wore a black top with a single lace across my right shoulder with shorts that revealed my long legs and a pair of black heeled boots. I wasn’t too comfortable in these clothes, but since I was doing all of this for Joey anyway, I knew I could get through it.

This could be a nice look for me. No hats. No baggy clothes. Or anything else that made me look like my opposite sex.

I finally found the courage to look up at Joey and when I did, I noticed what he had on and my heart skipped a beat. He had on a white button up shirt with the top buttons opened to reveal his toned chest. It was a see-through shirt, so I could see his perfect muscles. He wore blue jeans underneath and a pair of black high tops. His hair looked the same as it usually did – messy, but in the cute, tousled way.

Joey looked so hot which only ended up adding to my nervousness that I could hardly speak. My throat felt so dry and my words had totally deserted me.

“H-hi.” I forced out of myself.

“Hey,” Joey replied coolly. “Sit.”

I wasn’t too sure if I should take a seat in front or behind Joey and he must’ve figured that out from the blank stare that I was giving him, because he then chuckled and patting the seat where he wanted me to sit down on. It was front of him.

I nodded and tentatively placed a leg over the bike and got on backwards, so I was facing Joey. I was sitting as far away from him as possible though, so the handlebars were digging into my back.

“So, how do I look?” I kept my head down as I spoke.

I saw Joey move closer to me and brush the hair away from my face. His eyes remained on me as he answered.

“Beautiful,” his warm breath blew over on my face making me redden. “But, why the new look?”

”Well, I told Dani about our date and I thought that maybe I should get a little dressed up for it, you know being my first date and all, and so I called her over. She’s also the only one who knows about this date and I swear she won’t tell a soul.” I could’ve probably gone on babbling on and on, if it weren’t for Joey. He started stroking my cheek with his thumb and my face burned up probably to a hundred degrees.

“Oh?” he was insanely close to me; it made it so hard for me to even breathe.

“Um…Joey.” I spoke up.

“Yeah, Izzy?”

“I-I’ve been kind of crushing on you for a long time and I feel the same way about you as you do for me – you know, more than friends. A lot more than friends.” I had my eyes closed shut as I said these words.

I felt Joey brushing his face against my cheek and his lips grazing my jaw, planting sweet kisses across it. I sighed happily.

“I know.” I heard him whisper in my ear.

I opened my eyes and locked with Joey’s. He was smiling brightly at me and I couldn’t help it when the corners of my own mouth began to rise. I began leaning forward, but it wasn’t necessarily to kiss him. I hugged him close to me and caught a whiff of his scent; it was Axe. Joey held me tightly to him.

When we finally pulled away, Joey stared at me intently and began leaning in. He looked as if he were about to kiss me and this time I was completely ready. This time, I was so not going to plunge myself into his arms like that. Man, I still can't believe I actually did that! God, that was so embarrassing! But, for some reason I just couldn't keep myself contained anymore.

But, instead of leaning in to kiss me, Joey said, "So, you wanna ride around?"

And like the idiot I am, I responded back with a stupid, "Huh?"

"On my bike, you wanna ride around, go site-seeing, hang out?"

"Um ok."

I turned around in my seat and felt Joey slither his arms around my waist and then grab a hold of the handlebars in front of me. I noticed that there was a small black radio attached to one of the handlebars of the bike. Joey flicked it on and a new song by Justin Timberlake called ‘Summer Love’ came on.

Joey and I simply drove around place to place, exploring California together. As we maneuvered through the busy streets, I started to feel my confidence growing back. I went all tour guide on Joey and told him everything I knew about California since I’ve been living here since I was a kid.

After we saw everything there was that made California, the Golden State, Joey took me to dinner back at that same restaurant, except this time he made sure not to take me back to the club. I tried my best not to eat too much, but there were some times when I kind of couldn’t control myself; Joey didn’t seem to mind too much though and just chuckled sweetly at my enthusiasm. After dinner, we went back to the bowling alley and this time I beat Joey at his own game.

I had completely lost track of time and hadn’t even notice when the sky changed color and it was completely dark outside. When I finally asked someone for the time, I was shocked at how late it had gotten.

“Hey, let’s go to the beach.” Joey offered me before I could suggest going home already.

“Who goes to the beach at midnight?” I tried not to spaz out on him.

“No one and that’s the great thing about it!”

Before I could ask him what he meant, Joey sped up and soon we were at the beach, which was completely deserted, by the way.

When we arrived at the beach, which wasn’t too far from where we were, I noticed that I was right; the whole place was just deserted. I mean, there wasn’t even a single light on, so I couldn’t really see how that was a good thing to Joey. I decided to trust him on this though.

The whole day was pretty much hot, but I could feel a light breeze starting to pick up. I shivered at the sudden burst of cold on my bare neck; Joey wrapped his arms around me causing me to blush deeply. He turned me around and pressed my body close to his.

He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, before breaking out into a grin.

“I wanna show you something.” He finally spoke.

“What?” I wanted to know.

Joey took his hands off of me momentarily and clapped his hands twice. I just stared at me weirdly as he did so, but then suddenly I realized what he had done it for. Everything around me burst into colors. There was Christmas lights strewn up on probably every single there was located on the beach. From the ice-cream cart to the surf shop to even some of the palm trees, there was light.

I gasped at the beauty of it all and looked around the whole beach. It was so pretty, so perfect. When my eyes moved back onto Joey’s, I noticed he was still staring at me with those beautiful eyes of his – the eyes that nearly killed me every time I looked into them – watching my reaction.

Joey wrapped his arms around my waist again and pulled me in.

”I love you, Joey.” I whispered softly.

I bit down on my tongue almost immediately; sorry my stupid mouth had just revealed that. I expected Joey to pretend to have not heard me so he wouldn’t have to repeat it back to me, but he surprised me by speaking up.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been trying to find the courage to tell you that,” he told me. “I love so much, Izzy.”

The fact that he sounded so serious when he said that made me want to cry.

I smiled happily and then leaned in and started kissing Joey. The song Summer Love came back on behind me, but it was different from when I first heard it. This part was called the Interlude and this one actually had slower music in it and sounded much more romantic.

I wrapped my arms around Joey’s neck and tangled my fingers in his hair while Joey squeezed my waist and grasped the back of my head, pressing his fingers into my skull and rubbing my dreadlocks.

Joey parted our lips a little to breathe at one point and before I could even blink, he pressed them back together. A soft moan escaped out through my lips and as soon as I did, I felt Joey move into evasive action. He pulled me onto his lap and started kissing me harder. I didn’t even care about breathing anymore; it was almost as if all the worry and nervousness in me had melted away and didn’t care about anything anymore. All I felt like doing was kissing Joey all day – er, well, all night.

I don’t remember exactly how long we sat there just making out, but we finally did stop when I couldn’t take it anymore and just had to breathe or I swear, I’d explode!

I pulled away from Joey and started panting hard. When I was done and had fully caught my breath, I was actually almost afraid to look up at Joey. I really liked him and I didn't want him to hate me for not wanting to go any further than this. And it's not that I don't! It's just that I think we should wait a little. I mean, we're not even going out or anything; this was our first date together and I think we should have a few more before we get any further. Plus, if we were to get more into this, then the last place I'd want to do it would be on a deserted beach at midnight.

Joey lifted up my chin and made me look up at him though.

“Be my girlfriend?” he asked me all of a sudden, as if he had just read my mind.

He was serious; he wasn’t kidding at all. The corners of my mouth turned up into a smile.

”Of course!” Joey pressed his lips against mine again, but I pulled away from him before it could get too intense again. “I’m sorry, but I’m just really thirsty and tired right now.”

”It’s fine,” he chuckled simply. “How about I take you home now?”

”Ok. Do you know what time it is?” I almost dreaded to hear the answer, but I knew I had to.

“Twelve…forty-five.” Joey answered a little sheepishly.

“Oh, my parents are going to kill me!”

“Don’t worry, I bet they fell asleep waiting for you.” Joey seemed to positive that I decided to change my mood and be like him.

When Joey dropped me home, I gave him a short goodbye kiss and even that made me throat burn. And just like he had predicted both mom and dad had fallen asleep by then. Though I knew that in the morning, I’d have a lot of explaining to do.

At least I can say that it was totally worth it.
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So how was this ch. - didn't you just absolutely LOVE it?!

Izzy's Outfit: