Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 12 - Edited.

Izzy's POV:

I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun on a date with anyone that I’ve had with Joey. That goes the same for how happy I was that whole entire day and night, and then the next day.

Sure when my parents got up the next morning, they were furious – especially my dad – because I was out later than I should’ve and I hadn’t even told me them about the date – at all! I guess I was so caught up in impressing Joey that I totally just forgot to tell them about it in the first place. But, after I explained to them the whole situation, they forgave me.

I told my mom and dad everything because they were both really easy talk to because since they were such polar opposites, they had different opinions for everything and that way I could see the different aspects to every situation.

Well…my dad needed some time to get used to the idea that I had a boyfriend now and that he was into sports as well. My dad didn’t exactly approve of guys that were like…well, guys! It’s insanely confusing and he makes it seem as if he wants me to be interested in girls instead since I act like such a guy myself. But, not that’s not what he wants at all. He just wants someone romantic and caring like he was himself when he was a teen.

As soon as dad heard Joey’s name and I told him a little about him, the questions started. For a half hour during breakfast, I went through maybe a hundred questions just about what Joey looks like and what type of guy he was – player, heart breaker, a Romeo?

“He’s athletic and romantic, dad, just like you and mom, I promise!” I told him.

That was true because I remembered how sweet and romantic Joey had been to me last night.

Most of the questions mom asked me was about what kind of sports Joey liked to play, what teams he was a part of and if he wants to be a professional athlete when he grows up or not. But, what’s interesting was that there was this one question mom asked me that I definitely didn’t know the answer to and that got me really thinking; Has Joey ever had another girlfriend that was a tomboy?

That one question made me go on for hours and hours thinking if that were true or not.

’Is that why Joey took such an interest in me, because he’s dated other tomboys before? Or am I his first tomboy and he wanted to experiment and see what they were like?’

It took me even longer to contemplate if I should ask him about it or not.

’Would it be way too personal if I asked him about his previous relationships? Would it make me seem jealous of his past girlfriends? A little too curious or maybe self-conscious that I don’t come anywhere near where they are?’

But, that was all in the morning, now I was more relaxed and at serenity. I was with Joey, of course; he had come over around five and asked if he could hang out in my house for a while.

I said sure and invited him into the living room where I took my seat back on the couch and turned on the TV for Joey, so he could watch it while I continued reading one of the best books by one of my favorite authors: R. L. Stine.

But, Joey had other plans. He took a seat next to me insanely close and then before I could even politely ask him to move over, I felt him wraps his arms around my waist and hoist me up into the air, and then finally plopping me down on his lap. I gasped out in surprise and gave him a questioning look, but Joey just simply smirked back and kissed me loudly on the cheek.

I smiled and shrugged, leaning my head against his shoulder. I opened my book up to the page I was up to and continued on reading as Joey’s arms wrapped tighter around me.

The only noise to be heard in the whole house was the sound of the TV, me flipping the pages in my book and…a soft groan that was always coming from Joey. We were both alone in the house; mom and dad had gone out for dinner. And I know it was a pretty stupid idea for me to be all alone with a guy in my house, but this guy was Joey and he wasn’t doing anything that bad. He was only kissing my neck with those soft lips of his and rubbing his face against the side of mine. I didn’t really mind too much, but it was pretty hard to concentrate on my book when he was doing that – I had reread the same frickin’ sentence like five times because of him.

“Jo-ey!” I whined out at him.

“Yes, my love?” He picked his head up momentarily and turned the side of my face to make me look at him.

“Do you have to that?” I asked him. “It’s really hard to read!”

”Well, then you shouldn’t have worn a shirt that makes you look so hot.” And with that he snuggled his face into my neck to emphasize his point.

I started turning three different shades of red. He was right. It was stupid of me, but it was a coincidence either. I knew Joey would either call me up to come over or invite himself over to my place, so I wanted to be ready in my best look when I got that call or that visit.

I was wearing an off-shoulder black top that revealed both my shoulders and a little of my cleavage – which Joey took full advantage of – along with a pair of black baggy pants with white chains attached; I wore no shoes, since we were inside the house and to top if all off, I added a black cap with Superman side symbol on it along with my thin black reading glasses.

“Fine then, I’ll go change.” I made it look like I was about to get up which caused Joey to just wrap his arms as tight as possible around me and refuse to let go.

I gave up then and just shut my book closed after placing the bookmark on the appropriate side. I turned my head to face Joey, who was grinning back widely at me.

"Let's go out somewhere." he suggested.

"It's raining." I stated the obvious.

"No, it's not."

"Yes it is," I insisted. "I'll prove it to you...if you let me go."

Joey reluctantly released me and I headed over to the floor to ceiling window in the corner of the living room. I pushed back one of the curtains to reveal heavy rain with even a few lightning strikes.

"Oh." Joey sighed defeated and stared down at his empty lap. Seeing him all dejected like that, made my heart melt.

“Aw!” I walked back to him and took a seat back on his lap, after dumping my book on the table in front of us.

I grabbed the sides of his face and gave him a small peck on the lips.

“So, where are your parents?” Joey asked me all of a sudden, before I could continue adding more to the kiss.

“They’re out celebrating their anniversary.” I answered him fast, hoping he’d start kissing me back.

“Oh really, where?” Joey didn’t seem at all interested in making out with me though and that made me sad.

“At some hotel; they’re gonna get dinner in the afternoon, and then go dancing, and do…I don’t know, whatever it is, people do on their anniversaries.” I tried my best not to blush while saying all this, but thinking about my parents…in a hotel, just didn’t seem right.

“Oh,” I noticed Joey had this strange look in his eyes then and I wondered what that meant. “We should do the same for our anniversary,” I tilted my head at his suggestion, trying to figure out if he was serious or not. “You know, I think our three-day anniversary is coming up.”

”’Three-day anniversary’?” I started laughing at him. “Really?”

Joey began kissing me then, catching me totally off guard, but I didn’t hesitate in kissing him back. Joey wrapped his arms tight around me again and pinned me down on the arm of the couch. I closed my eyes and groaned as he inserted his tongue into my mouth. All of a sudden, I felt Joey on top of me and I snapped my eyes open.

’I guess he wasn’t kidding about what he said,’ I thought to myself. ’But, was I really ready for this? I mean, I really do love Joey – a lot, but I was still pretty young – we both were. We’re sixteen years old and it’s not enough – is it?’

I decided we weren't old enough for this and I wasn't ready for either and pulled my face away from him. Joey opened his eyes and stared down at me, breathing hard.

"I'm sorry, Joey, but I just can't do this." I told him quietly.

The first thing that crossed my mind when he stayed silent like that was that he was going to force me to do it - like any other guy would - but he didn't do any of that. Then, I figured he must not understand what I meant by that and decided to clarify it for him by saying, "I don't think I'm ready to have sex with you."

I didn't try to hide my blush when I said that, because I knew I couldn't anyway. The corners of his mouth started to lift and I thought he must’ve gone crazy or something.

”Did you really think that that was what I was planning on doing?” he asked me incredulously. “I mean, I know we’re alone in the house and it’s the perfect weather outside to set the mood, but I would never do something like that with you – not when not only you weren’t ready for it, but neither was I.”

I blinked at him, trying to interpret what he was saying. Joey kissed me softly on the forehead and I found myself going back to normal.

”I really do love you a lot though.” He whispered in my ear.

”I do too, Joey.” I told him.

Joey wrapped his arms around me then and picked me up, sliding down onto my spot and then placing me back down and onto his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso and Joey began stroking my hair.

A little while later, I continued reading my book while Joey continued on playing with my hair and kissing me various spots such as my forehead, cheeks, nose, and hands until finally while I was on the last chapter of my book, he stopped. After I completed the last page, I looked up and found him asleep.

I tossed the book onto the table from where I lay on my spot and was just about to turn around and close my eyes as well, my eyes fell back on the table and an idea formed in my head. I took a hold of my soda on the table and drank down the rest of the warm liquid that was in it.

After the whole thing was finished, I took the can and stuffed it down Joey’s shirt. It was only a matter of a few seconds before, he jumped awake; his eyes wide open.

“Dude!” he started frantically moving his hands over his chest and trying to push the soda can out. “What was that for?!”

”Well, how could I possibly pass up an opportunity as perfect as this?” I answered him, with a laugh. When Joey finally got the can out of his shirt, he crushed it and tossed it back onto the table. “Ooh, harsh!” I laughed harder.

“You sure have changed a lot since yesterday, Izzy.” Joey said, thoughtfully.

“Really? How so?” I wanted to know.

”Well, you were all shy and quiet on our date and now look at you – back your normal self already.”

“Oh, so you’d rather have me be shy, huh?” I sat up and crossed my arms across my chest. “Oh, I’m so shy! Joey, I love you so much, but I’m way too shy to tell you about it!” I added in a falsetto voice.

I batted my eyelashes and turned my head away. Joey just stared at me weirdly and leaned in to kiss me, but I moved away from him.

”Oh, I’m too shy to even face you!” I continued.

“Ok, fine, I admit, if you were shy like this, it wouldn’t be too nice.” Joey said to me.

"So, what should I be then?" I leaned in close to Joey's face and gripped the front of his shirt. "Which Izzy do you like better?" I added in a sexy voice. "'The Old Tomboy Izzy'? 'The Kinda New and Shy Izzy'? Or 'The New Crazy in Love Izzy'?"

“It’s kinda hard to choose.” Joey answered.

“Well, then hurry up and just pick one, ‘cause I don’t have all day.”

“Hmm, I pick…the last one.”

”Good choice.” I grinned at him.

Joey inched himself closer to me, but I just smiled, knowing what it was that he wanted. I laughed and pushed myself up and off his chest.

”Where are you going?!” Joey called after me.

“I’m going to go make some popcorn, want some?”

”Sure. What movie we watchin’ though?”

After I finished with the popcorn, I put a scary movie for the both of us. I sat on Joey’s lap as he leaned his back against the arm of the couch. The movie wasn’t that scary but Joey looked pretty frightened by it, which made me laugh. Whenever the scariest parts in the movie would come, Joey looked away and buried his face in my neck.

“You’re not really scared of this, are you?” I asked him once.

”Yeah! Aren’t you?” he replied back.

”Nope.” I answered simply.

“What are you?!”

”A tomboy, stupid!” I laughed at him. “This movie is seriously not at all that creepy. Believe me; I’ve seen scarier movies in my life – with even wimpier guys.”

Joey stopped and looked up at me then with this really weird look in his eyes.

”You’ve had other boyfriends before?” He asked me out of nowhere.

I thought about my answer a little before actually saying it out loud. I wanted to tell him the truth, but it was kind of embarrassing and I also didn’t want to lie to him about it, in case Joey found out later on.

“Not really boyfriends,” I told him finally. “But, I’ve went on a few dates here and there. Most of them were athletes; you know the basketball players and the occasional football player. But, I'm really the biggest fan of soccer players - they always have the hottest legs.” I blushed then as I realized what I had just said. " ever had a tomboy for a girlfriend? Or any other girlfriend in just general?" I accidentally blurted out before I could stop myself.

"Nope." Joey answered simply.

I looked up at him in surprise.

“Really?” I wanted to know.

“Yeah. Why would I lie to you about something like that?” he gave me a small smile and crossed his own arms across his chest.

I shrugged and continued watching the movie. I wanted to know more, ask him why that was so, but I didn’t and just leaned back into Joey’s chest. He wrapped his arms back around me and watched along with me.

A few minutes into the middle of the movie, Joey and I weren’t even watching anymore. Instead, we were too busy making out – it was kind of inevitable. On my lap sat the popcorn bowl that still had a few pieces of corn that were left unmade and my eyes were wrapped around Joey’s face, while my fingers moved through his thick hair.

The TV was still on, but neither of us was watching it; we were both so entranced in the moment -with our eyes shut and everything - that we didn't care about anything that was going on around us.

All of a sudden, I heard the doorbell ring. I tried to get up and go answer it, but Joey didn’t want to let go of me.

”Don’t go.” He said to me, in between kisses.

“I have to,” I insisted. “What if it’s my parents?”

”They can’t possible be back in this rain.”

”I’ll be right back, I promise.”

I pulled back and looked through the eye hole to see who it could be at this hour and in this weather. When I recognized the face, I gasped and quickly looked away. I looked back at Joey, who was playing with the seeds in the popcorn bowl and staring at the TV.

“Um, Joey, just uh, do me a favor and go up to my bedroom!” I ordered him, walking over to him.

”Why?” he jumped up and looked at me with questioning eyes.

”Look, I just-I can’t explain it right now, but you just…go, now! Please!"

Joey reluctantly walked up the stairs to my room. As soon as I knew that he was all the way up in my room, I walked back to where the front door was which was ringing continuously and opened the door to see the one person I wished I had never met – Jeff Manors.