Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 13 - Edited.

Izzy's POV:

As soon as I saw Jeff standing in front of me, I immediately felt like just slamming the door in his face and going back to making out with Joey, but I knew it was far too late for that and if I were to do anything like that, he’d get suspicious and besides he was already in the room.

Jeff Maners happened to be my step-cousin and I hated him with every fiber of my body. He was always – and I mean, always – hitting on me! And every time I refused him, he’d just force himself onto me even more. Sure, Jeff was real handsome and all that, but I just wasn’t interested in him or his type.

At first, Jeff wasn’t the least bit interested in me either, but since every other girls is like nuts for him and I happened to be the first to ever say no to him, he’s been trying his absolute best to get me to fall for him. That’s so never going to happen, but Jeff’s also never going to stop chasing after me either.

“Jeff, what exactly are you doing here?” I asked, pressing my balled up fists into the sides of my hips.

“Well, I heard your parents were out celebrating their anniversary and I figured you’d be home all one and that’s not good – especially not in this weather. Who knows what could happen? So, I figured I’d come over and keep you company – if you know what I mean.” Jeff shook his head, making the wet droplets from his hair to splash all over the place, but mostly on me. When he moved his head up to look at me, I saw his gray cat like eyes glinting which it always did whenever he was feeling horny.

“I don’t need the company of anybody; I’m perfectly fine all alone.” I told him.

Jeff just simply smirked and looked around the house. His eyes landed on the TV and his grin widened.

“I see you’re watching a horror movie. Don’t you feel scared all alone in the house with that on?” Jeff began inching towards me and I knew exactly where he was going with this.

“Uh, no, not really.” I told him straight out.

Before I was knew him, I used to be really afraid of Jeff, but now I’ve gotten used to him and I’d totally kill him if it weren’t for the facts that my parents practically adored him.

I felt Jeff wrap his arm around my waist and push me up against the wall. I growled at him, but he didn’t seem to care too much. I watched a drop of water fall from his long hair down to his forehead. He was this close to my face when all of a sudden, I decided that I didn’t care anymore – I didn’t care what happened and I wasn’t going to let him bully/sexually harass me anymore!

I smiled sweetly up at him and then kicked him as hard as I could right in the nuts. Jeff immediately released me and turned around, groaning in pain. He recovered way too quickly for me to react though.

“You little bitch!” he cursed at me.

He spun around and was about to pounce on me, when I moved away quickly. But, once again, he was too quick for me and grabbed a hold of my wrist. He pushed me against the wall and raised his hand to slap me. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my face away, waiting for the impact, but it never came.

I slowly forced my eyes open and was shocked to see Joey standing next to Jeff, holding his hand back.

“Don’t you ever touch my girlfriend again!” he said through his teeth. Joey dropped Jeff’s hand with a hard force and then walked over to me, wrapping his arm protectively around my waist. “She’s mine!”

”Oh, I see,” Jeff sneered at us. “I see exactly what’s going on here. I bet everyone would just love to hear how their precious little Isabella is alone at home at this hour with a boy!”

Joey opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him.

I’ll handle this.”

I strode up to Jeff with his confident walk and a smug look on my face, because guess what, I was over it, I didn’t care what the hell he said or did to me any longer. I had grown stronger and wiser. I knew better than to trust anything he said.

“Well, you know what I bet everyone would just love to see?” I retorted back at him. “The video I recorded when you tried to rape me that summer.”

”What? You’re not serious!” Jeff argued back. I noticed him take a few steps back. “You-you have no proof!”

”Maybe I do and maybe I don’t.” I said simply.

“Well, which is it?!” I could see the veins on Jeff’s neck start to bulge. I felt my lips twist up into a smile.

“The answer is…yes. I do. And it’s all right here in my cell phone. And I swear to God, if you tell anyone about Joey being over here like this, I’ll post that video online for everyone to see. And then poor little Jeff-y will be in jail.” I made a pouty face at him.

Jeff stared at me for a while, before they switched over to look at Joey. Finally, he sighed and trained his eyes back onto me. Jeff turned around and got ready to leave.

“Oh, and another thing,” I said aloud, causing him to turn around and look at me. “My name is not no frickin’ Isabella! My name is Izzy. When you get that right, do not call me!”

After Jeff was gone, I sighed deeply and went back into the living room and plopped down on the couch. I looked over at Joey, who was still standing near the door. He had a disturbed look on his face.

“Joey, come over here,” I said softly. Joey slowly walked over to me and just as slowly took a seat on the couch next to me. I tried to get him to look at me, but he wouldn’t make eye contact with me. “Joey, I’m really, really sorry you had to see and hear all of that. I know it must’ve made a heavy impact on you. Finding about something like that all of a sudden, isn’t anything easy.”

I shut the TV off, then climbed over and onto Joey’s lap. I hugged him close to me.

“Did he really try to…” Joey trailed off.

“Yes and it was a very painful time period. But, don’t you worry; I’ve gotten over all of it. I've run away from there…and I’m never going back.” I whispered in his ear.

I remembered that one time Jeff tricked me into going into his room and then forcing himself onto me. I shuddered slightly as the memories flooded back into my mind. It took me so long just to get over it, but ever since that event occurred, I’ve gotten stronger. Finally, after so long, I’ve had the courage to finally stand up to him and beat him at his own game.

I felt Joey plant a soft kiss on my head. I looked up at him and this time he met my eyes. I gave him a small smile and leaned forward to kiss him on his lips. Joey kissed me back tenderly and soon, I felt him getting up and heading up the stairs towards my room. I could feel the bright light of the lamp turned on in the room.

Joey set me down softly on my bed and then climbed on next to me. He ended the kiss and pulled me in close to me.

“You must be tired.” He whispered in my ear.

”I am.” I nodded.

“You should rest then.”

”Don’t leave me.” I grabbed a hold of his arm and held on tight.


I smiled happily and laid my head down on Joey’s flat chest. We ended up falling asleep next to each other, cuddled and holding each other. We didn’t do anything wrong though and in the morning, Joey was gone back into his own house and my parents were back and sleeping in their own room.

In the morning, I noticed mom’s face was glowing as it usually did whenever she and dad went out and about. Dad was equally happy and didn’t even bother with asking me his usual questions about what I did while they were gone, or if I threw some wild party or even went to one or even the biggest one yet: Did I invite any boys over?

I knew that I couldn’t lie to them about that and that sooner or later they’d find out about Joey being over yesterday night, so I was glad when dad didn’t even bother with mentioning it.

But, I bet that if Jeff even if give them the tip about Joey being over last night, they wouldn’t have cared too much. They were just good like that.

I was glad to have such good parents as them and to have such a great boyfriend as Joey himself. He was just so perfect and I just loved him so much! There was nothing that could come between our relationship or interfere with all the love that we shared.

Or at least that’s what I thought…before IT happened and destroyed everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so there was some action in this ch. & as well as some suspense in the end. You'll find out more about that later on. You'll probably hate me for it, but just don't hate the story please. :) It'll absolutely just BREAK MY HEART - INTO ITTY BITTY LITTLE PIECES! =(
...dramatic, i know. :p
