Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 17 - Edited.

Joey's POV:

I still couldn't believe I had finally figured out who it was that was sending me all those awful messages. It wasn't me who got it out of them, but it was them that told me. It was planned, planned to go down a certain way and it happened exactly the way they wanted.

It happened a few days before the first day of a school on a cool Friday night. I got a text message and I answered it immediately. I had been getting these stupid messages for almost a week and I knew exactly how to handle them. I knew what to reply back - so I wouldn't get in trouble; I knew how quick or slow I should answer them - so they know that I actually read the message.

When I first saw the message, I was struck with confusion. First of all, the font color was purple in this time and not to mention the fact that it was in text talk and in lowercase letters. It was no longer red or threatening. It looked like your everyday normal text message.

I first wondered if it was even from them or not, but the message proved me otherwise. It read: ur probably wondering who I am, rite? I can tell u if u want. I rlly don't mind if u know. i mean, it's not like u could do anything about it anyway.

I don't give a shit about who you are! I wrote back.

Rlly? But, you care a whole lot of Izzy, dont you?

Fine, who the fuck are you?!

I'll give you a hint: I'm close to Izzy and I'm a girl. Can you take a guess?

I thought for a while and decided to reply back with a list of people I thought who could be the messenger. But, before I could hit enter, they sent me another message.

Oops, too late! Surprise, It's me, Dani. Izzy's BFF.

I was shocked, yes, but that didn't mean that I actually believe them when they said that. It took me a while, but I knew that that didn't make any sense.

No, I wrote back. You're not.

i c u dont believe me. im sure u expected sum1 else, weren't u? Fine then, i'll prove it 2 u. she wrote back.

Something about the constant text talk nagged at the back of my head telling me that this was all wrong, but another part of me didn't want to think about what would happen if I were to over think things. I sighed and kept my eyes closed for a long time.

'How much longer is this gonna go on?' I thought to myself.

It was hurting me so much to see Izzy upset like that. I loved her so much and in all these past few days, I wanted to so desperately to just tell her the truth. But, I couldn't do that, not if I wanted to keep her alive. Ever since that tree incident, she's been a bit shaken up and I knew she could tell I was too and ever since then I've been wary, keeping a safe distance from that particular spot and anywhere else that seemed like a dangerous spot in some way or another.

I wish I could just wrap my arms tight around Izzy and hold onto her for forever, but I couldn't and so I didn't and just left her to fend for herself. I sometimes tried to make her hate me - I tried turning into the types of guys she hated the most - but nothing worked and I just couldn't bear to stay away from her. Not being able to see that beautiful face of hers really killed me in the inside.

How? I finally managed to text back.

At first, Dani, didn't text me back for a really long time and I had drifted off. Finally, around 9:30, I felt my phone buzzing in my hand and jumped awake. The message told me to go into the woods near Spencer's house and meet her there. I was confused by why she wanted me to go there for, but then I remembered something Izzy had told me a while ago about Spencer and Dani being half-sisters, so they lived together.

I sighed and did as she said. After I met Spencer there, she began saying some things that I didn't really understand. A lot of it had to do with that Matthew guy she was so in love with and even though I knew what she was saying, I couldn't fully comprehend it. All of a sudden, she grabs my hands and wraps them around her and pulls me into a deep kiss.

I felt nothing when I kissed her - no sparks, no fireworks nor any happiness; all I did feel was this dull, empty thing in my chest. Whenever I kissed Izzy, it made me feel all nice and warm, but now when I was kissing Spencer here, I just felt like a horrible person.

All of a sudden then, I heard a gasp from behind us and I quickly shoved Spencer away from me, but it was already too late.
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Hey guys, here's another completed ch.! =)
I hope all u guys njoyed it! =D
And like I said this series is kinda comin to an end, so im so srry again.=(
But, yay, this is gonna be my first completed story! ♥♥♥♥♥