Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 21 - Edited.

Joey's POV:

Now that Izzy and I were no longer together, Spencer got her chance to take full advantage over me. She made me go out with her now. I had no interest in being with her at all - hell, I didn't even like seeing her again after what happened last night - but once again I was forced into the whole thing.

As soon as I got out of bed in the morning and got dressed, Spencer burst into my room and commanded me to go out on a walk with her. I wouldn't have any of it though, which only caused her to raise an eyebrow, smirk evilly, and cross her arms across her chest.

"Oh, won't you?" she asked me.

"No - I won't!" I told her.

"Oh, well, we'll see about that," Before I could even say anything more, Spencer whipped out her phone and shook it in her fingers. "Don't make me call Dani and tell her that, or else she'll be very upset and who knows she might end up doing something...rash; say hurt a special someone."

I sighed, defeated; she had gotten me in my soft spot - once again.

I huffed and got off from my bed. I walked over to Spencer where she stood shifting her weight from one foot to the other, waiting for me.

"Let's go." I gestured towards my open bedroom door.

Spencer grabbed a hold of my hand then and practically dragged me out the door. I tried to yank it back, but she held on with a death grip. Before we stepped outside though, Spencer stuck her head out the front door and looked around. I wondered what the hell she was doing, but didn't bother asking her, I seriously didn't even want to know. She snapped her head back and smirked. I could see a shine in her eyes that showed happiness. But, I just shook my head trying to get her creepy face out of my mind.

Spencer started pulling me outside and towards something. It was when we were one the sidewalk in front of my house that I realized just where we were going and that it wasn't exactly towards something, but actually someone.

Only a few feet away from us was Ben and Izzy. Ben had his arm wrapped around Izzy's shoulder and she seemed to laughing at something he was saying. It was a strange sight and didn't seem to be happening, but I also didn't want to go forward and see if it were true or not. Spencer seemed to have other plans though, because she soon started pulling me closer and closer to them.

I wanted to cry out, "No! I won't! I won't go over there!" but, my mouth remained closed as my eyes remained frozen on the two. They looked so happy together. Izzy looked so happy - with him. Happier than she's been this whole week.

I moved my eyes down to Spencer and gave her a pleading look, but she just kept on going grinning from ear to ear. Finally, though she stopped and composed herself, just as Izzy looked up and noticed us standing there. Her face fell immediately and I could see the sadness starting to rise up in her.

I could feel Izzy's eyes boring into my face but my own eyes were too busy glaring at Ben, who after a while noticed my gaze on his and opened his mouth to say something. Before he could though, I jerked my hand away from Spencer and started to walk away, leaving both Izzy and Spencer gaping after me.

Ben followed after me, calling my name and managed to stop me before I could get back into my house.

"Joey, wait, please!" he put a hand on my shoulder.

"What?!" I snapped back, spinning around to face him with an angry look on my face.

"Come on, dude, let's just talk." he held his hands up in surrender and backed off.

"There's nothing to talk about," I looked down at the ground. "You stole my girlfriend, the only girl I've ever loved." I muttered the last part so quietly, I doubt Ben actually even heard it.

"Yes, there is! There's a lot to talk about!"

I looked up and into his eyes. He looked genuinely upset and I sighed.

"Fine, how long have you and Izzy been together?" I wanted to know, anger tinting in my voice.

Now it was Ben's turn to sigh and hung his head look down at his feet.

"Since yesterday," he answered me, still looking down. But, he quickly snapped it up before I could ask my next question. "And just to be clear, she was the one who asked me out."

I didn't care about any of that, all I cared about was that Izzy was now officially no longer mine.

"But, she was my girlfriend first!" I cried out. "She doesn't even like you like that and you can't just have a relationship with someone who doesn't feel the same way about you!"

I know I was being pretty cruel, but I couldn't help it, life's been pretty cruel with me this whole week.

"So?" Ben countered back looking mad. "It's not like you two are even together anymore. And FYI, Joey, you can't have a relationship with someone who's interested in more than one girl."

I growled at Ben while he glared back with his death stare that he only uses when he gets really intense over something.

I was the first to break away though, because right behind Ben a few feet away where Izzy and Spencer stood talking with Spencer facing me, I could see her making notions again. This time it was with her face while Izzy was looking down, no doubt on the verge of tears. Seeing Spencer's threatening facial expressions was enough to get me to surrender and just stop.

"Whatever man," I muttered. "Do whatever you want. But, just so we're clear-" I looked up and straight into Ben's eyes, not daring to break away and not letting him do so either. "Izzy doesn't love you and she never will, because I'll always be her one and only."

I walked back over to the girls who immediately stopped talking as they saw me approaching.

"Let's go." I said to Spencer.

I held out my hand for her to take, but instead of going the way Spencer wanted to, I tugged her hand in the way I wanted and that was around Izzy. I got close enough to her so that I could whisper hurriedly in her ear, "I still love you a lot, Izzy, and if you give me the chance I can explain everything!"

I watched from the corner of my eyes as she snapped her head up too look at me. I gave her a small nod of my head and before turning to look at Spencer to see if she had noticed even the slightest bit; she hadn't, which was good.

"Come on!" I said coldly to Spencer.

I hoped that gave Izzy the impression she needed to hear and to realize that I was telling the truth. I was happy to know that as we walked away, I could feel Izzy's eyes practically burning a hole in the back of my head.