Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 22 - Edited.

Izzy's POV:

Since I still had Joey's number in my phone - his number being number one, even though the contact list was alphabetical, I managed to get his number to be number by adding a star sign in front and behind his name - I sent him a text message to meet me at school in the afternoon, so we could have a more private talk.

I was anxious to hear what Joey had to say to me - I've been since the morning - and if he really meant what he had said. But, I also remembered to be cautious in case this was all just a big trick he was playing on me and was instead planning on telling me some more bad news, which I highly doubt could handle anymore of; I had enough to that to last me a whole lifetime.

I walked up the steps of the school building nervous and jittery, but trying my best not to let it show. Since Joey wasn't anywhere outside - not near the front or in the back - I figured he might be inside.

"Hello?" I called out, my voice echoing throughout the halls. "Joey? Where are you?"

All of a sudden, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders pull me towards them and into the janitor's closet. I knew it was Joey, it had to be! I mean, who else could it possibly be anyway?

He shut the door behind us before I could ask what he was doing and then pulled the cord above us, lighting the place up.

I sighed happily, taking in his beautiful face. God, I missed him so much!

"What is it you have to talk to me about?" I asked him, getting down to business.

Instead of answering me, Joey wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close to him. I could feel my heart leaping happily in my chest.

"Do you remember the first time we were stuck in this very same closet?" Joey whispered in my ear. Without thinking, I nodded my head. "And that was the start of our relationship?"

I nodded again. I remembered everything about that particular day, that particular moment, even that particular second. I still remembered every single detail of our relationship and the times that we spent together including the laughs we shared, the play fights we went through, the way his lips molded perfectly against mine and the way his tongue.... Oh!

I shook my head to get that image out of my head and just focus on the problem at hand: getting through to Joey and finding out just what the hell was going on with him - once and for all.

"Joey," I started to say determinedly, but just looking up into his eyes made me lose track of what I was trying to say. "What you said before, was it true?"

"Of course." his warm breath hit me in the face.

"Joey, I-" I tried to say.

"Shh," Joey pressed a finger to my lips and stopped me from speaking. He began stroking the side of my face and I could myself practically melting in his arms. I knew he could tell that I was still as crazy for him as I was just last week. "Do you remember everything that went on in this closet that day?"

I could feel my face warming up and looked down so Joey couldn't see it. But, by doing that, I realized exactly what Joey was trying to do. He was trying to mess with my mind, so he won't have to answer the questions that were long ago due. I snapped my head up and tried to give him my best pissed off look.

"Joey, can you please just tell me whatever it is you have so I can go already." I told him straight.

"I think I rather show you." Joey whispered back to me with a small smile on his face.

"What? What do you mean by tha-" I was cut off once again but this time it was by Joey's soft lips.

I didn't try to stop him though, there was no way I could anyway. I just didn't have that kind of will power, no matter how much stronger than him I was. It felt so nice being able to kiss Joey again. My lips have been craving and hungering for him for so long that I couldn't help kissing him back extra hard.

"Joey," I panted pulling away momentarily. "Oh, Joey."

"Hmm?" Joey answered with his lips still pressed up against mine.

"I love you." I breathed the words out and they fell into his open mouth.

"I love you too," he pulled away from me to look me in the eyes. "I love you so much!"

I was so happy to hear that that without thinking, I just grabbed Joey from his collar and pulled him up close to me. I felt his lips back on mine even before my back hit the wall of the janitor's closet nor did I feel the pain that came along with doing that so hard.

I took a hold of Joey's hand, the one that was still softly grazing my cheek and hair, and slid it down the side of my body.

"No, Izzy, don't," Joey pulled away from me and tried to tug his hand free, but I held on tightly. "I don't want it. Not now, not here; I can wait!"

"But, I-I do," I cleared my throat to show him that I wasn't nervous and that I didn't care for the fact that we were in a janitor's closet at the moment and was willing to do it even in here. "I really do!"

Joey squeezed the side of my waist causing a soft moan to escape out of my mouth. This wasn't exactly what I had sought out to do today, but it sure was a lot better than just standing here and trying to get words and useless explanations out of Joey.

Joey was now kissing down my neck and across my shoulders while pressing me harder against the wall, when all of a sudden, I heard a beeping sound. I had a new text message. I didn't really care for it and just ignored him, but the beeping didn't stop. Text message after text message began to fill up my inbox and in desperation to make it stop, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and opened my eyes momentarily to see just what the fuss was all about.

It was from Spencer and it read: Izzy, get out of there! while another followed saying: NOW!

What are you talking about, Spence? I asked her.

Joey is only USING you! she wrote back immediately. He's only doing this so you don't listen to me and believe him instead!

I stared down at that last message she had sent me, contemplating just what to do.

"Don't listen to her," Joey said then. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and placed a hand over my phone. "She's lying." I leaned my head back and let it hit the wall. This was all so confusing, so wrong. "Izzy, listen to me! She's jealous! Can't you see that? Can't you see she's doing the same thing to you that she did with Stephanie? She's insane; she's completely crazy! She thinks of me as Matthew and she's trying to hurt you so you can move away or whatever it is that Stephanie ended up doing! Don't you see?!"

I kept my eyes closed and tightened them with every word that came out of Joey's mouth. I finally came to a decision and opened my eyes.

"I-" I had started to say, but was cut off when the door jerked open to reveal Spencer and allow bright light to come bounding into the room. Spencer grabbed my hand - the one that held my phone - and pulled me out of the room.

"You're so disgusting!" she screeched at Joey. "Can't you just stick with one girl?!"

"Well, why can't you just get the hell out of our lives and leave us alone already?!" Joey screamed back at her. "She's my girlfriend!"

"Well, then you shouldn't have broken her trust and her heart."

"I haven't broken anything, you-"

"Guys, please, just stop it!" I cut in. "I'm sick and tired of this!"

I pushed past both Joey and Spencer and ran out of the school. I ran until I was home and back in my own room. I fell on top of my bed with tears streaming down my eyes. I had my two hands pressed against the sides of my heads as my brain went back to the moment in the closet that happened just minutes ago.

I began remembering all those sweet moments I spent with Joey and everything else that went on this whole past month that we've been dating. So many memories were getting together and trying to take over my body, I felt like I was going insane!

I knew that this was only the beginning; once school started up again, there was going to be a whole lot more drama in our lives. High school could be pretty brutal and I might not have had too many problems before, but I knew that once everyone caught a whiff of what's been going on between me, Joey, and Spencer lately, they won't let us live.

All those people are gonna help make my life even worse than it is now. Joey's right; thanks to them, my life is gonna turn out just like Stephanie's.

God, this all so crazy and overwhelming!
♠ ♠ ♠
The end of this story is coming soon. =(
Sorry once again.
There'll probably be...maybe two chs. left.
Hope u liked this ch. and the few that's to come. =)