Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 23 - Edited.

Izzy's POV:

One of the funniest and funnest memories of the month came back to me in my dreams and made my heart ache in my sleep.


It was on a Tuesday that Joey and I went out near the school. I was showing him the different stores and houses near the area, so we could around there before and after school. After we were done, we were across the street waiting for the bus at the bus station. Well, I was anyway, I had left Joey at the store to buy us some drinks, so I could check out the time the bus would be coming or if we had missed it already.

I had looked like a tomboy more than usual that day and you wouldn't believe what had gone down. I wore a black and gray checkered print hoodie over a white leopard print tank top with black cargo pants, black high top converses, and to top it all off, a black and white New Era NY Yankees baseball hat, which was on backwards as usual.

While I waited for Joey to return, I felt as if someone were staring at me. When I turned my head, I noticed that it was a pair of girls my age. I just stared back at them confused, when all of a sudden, I realized something: they not only thought I was a guy, but they also thought I was a very hot guy.

I grinned and gave them a wave, followed by a wink.

"Hey, there, ladies," I said in a voice that was as deep as I could make it. "How's it going?"

They both giggled and waved back. Both of them looked like twins; one with blonde hair and blue eyes and the other with brunette hair and green eyes. Besides, those two things, they had the exact same features.

I wanted to continue messing with them, but Joey had come back by then.

"Sorry, I took so long," he said, showing the one can of soda he did manage to get. "The register lady was just going on and on and on about how much I'll like it here in Cali, so I only got to buy one. It seems to me she's gonna like it a lot more than I am, now that I'm gonna be visiting her store everyday before school."

Joey chuckled and I smiled, but really I was more interested in what the girls were thinking of us right now. Since they weren't too far away, I could hear just what their thoughts were. When Joey had walked past them, they got even more giggly.

"Ooh, one for me and one for you." the brunette one was saying.

"Oh, they're so cute!" the blonde one squealed.

Joey seemed completely oblivious to them. He opened the soda can and took a small sip, before handing it over to me so I could have some. Before I could even lower the soda can from my lips, Joey's were there pressing against them.

"Mm, God, I missed you." he placed his hands on either side of my waist and pulled me in closer to him.

I heard the two girls gasp loudly and laughed quietly. I kissed Joey back harder as I listened to their responses.

"Aw, that's kind of sweet." I was sure the brunette one had said that; she seemed the nicer one out of the two.

"Well, the cutest are always the gayest." the blonde one grumbled back.

I laughed aloud and pulled away from Joey. It was then that he caught on what was going on.

"What are those two talking about?" Joey asked me, after looking around to make sure that they were talking about us. But, besides the twins, we were the only ones at that bus stop.

"They think I'm a guy," I whispered to him. I had to stifle back a laugh. "And that we're gay."

"So, tell 'em that you're not," Joey furrowed his eyebrows and looked past me at the two. "And that I'm not gay. I only have the hots for you." Joey leaned forward to give me a small peck on the lips, but then thought better and pulled back.

"Oh, have some patience, I will - but I just wanna have some fun with 'em. It's not everyday I have fan girls squealing all over me."

"Alright. As you wish." Joey gave me a sweet smile and kissed me just as sweetly. I grinned back and kissed him tenderly.

I could tell Joey was having just as much fun with this as I was - but for different reasons, of course. I crossed my arms around Joey's neck while he stroked the side of my face. I opened my eyes slightly then and looked over at where the girls stood, trying their hardest to look away; while the blonde one just looked utterly disgusted, the brunette was blushing a bright red and biting down on her lip.

I smiled at that and deepened the kiss. I felt Joey place a hand over my hat and snatch it off. The wind picked up causing my hair to fly around in my face. I had taken off the dreads for a while when Joey and I were dating, so it was easier to tell that I was actually a girl. As Joey started placing soft kisses along my jaw, I turned my eyes back to the girls and caught their shocked expressions.

"Ohh!" they both chorused together as they burst out into a fit of giggles as they realized their mistake.

The bus arrived then and we all got on. It was pretty crowded and since we were the last ones to get on, there weren't many seats available.

"Ah!" I grabbed Joey's hand and started tugging him over to a single seat near the windows.

Joey got to it first and plopped down on it before I could even get a word in. Just, as I was about to say something to him about it, Joey grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto his lap. I smiled at him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"You're so sweet, Joey." I whispered in his ears.

"I know, but you're the one that's helped make me all so soft like this," he replied. "Before I met you, I was the macho guy."

I laughed. "Yeah, right."

"Ok, maybe not macho, but I wasn't exactly the nicest guy either. I was kind of the quiet guy who didn't like too many people and then all of a sudden, you come in and I can't get over how perfect life really is. People are right when they say that life is good if you make it."

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way." I laid my head down on his shoulder as the bus continued moving down the streets back to my house.


That happened to be one of the greatest memories of Joey and I - the best being the time when Joey and I first kissed in the janitor's closet. There were so many more special times we spent together and I'll never forget any of them. And to make sure I don't, I wrote down not only the amazing moments with Joey or dreams I had of Joey, but also every single moment we spent together.

I had them saved on my computer, but now for some reason, I felt like just deleting all those moments and not just from the computer, but my mind, heart, and life! Everything about our relationship was ruined and broken. There was nothing that could fix it.

Everything was destroyed; my relationship with Joey, my friendship with Spencer, my relationship with myself! For the past few days, I had been hit with so much depression that all of a sudden, I stopped eating, I couldn't sleep at night, I didn't feel like playing, watching, or even thinking about sports anymore. It was like all of a sudden, I stopped being a tomboi.

Everything felt useless. Nothing was fun anymore. I felt...dead! Everything had gone wrong. I didn't want to think about what was next. Which was why, before it got too late, I told Ben that I couldn't be with him and that it was best if we just remained friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there's ONE ch. left in this series. =D
I hoped u guys all enjoyed this ch. & the ones before and after this one. =)

Izzy's Outfit: