Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 05 - Edited.

Joey's POV:

The next day, when I was out with the guys I had spotted Izzy walking around. She was wearing a pink tank top today with black cargo pants that had pink plaid chains attached to it. She had no hat on and she wore a pair of black converses.

She looked different than usual. She wore no baggy jacket or baseball hat on backwards to hide her hair. The tank top showed off her great looking body and she even had a bright smile plastered on her face today.

I looked towards her hands to see if she was wearing the bracelet I had gifted her or not. I was rather disappointed when I noticed that she actually hadn’t. But, it was the next time that I looked and saw it sparkling brightly as the bright rays of the sun hit it directly as she had started coming over to us.

“Hey Joey, you playin’ or what?” Dan asked me then.

I turned around and noticed that they were getting ready to play a game of basketball.

“Yeah.” I answered, sneaking one last look at Izzy before fully turning back around and facing the guys.

“Hey.” I heard a voice behind me say.


Her name burned in my head and I couldn’t help smiling.

“Hey.” Craig replied first.

”Hey there.” Ben was next.

”Hi, Izzy!” and Dan was last.

I just smiled and said, “Hi.” softly.

“You guys are playing basketball?” she asked.

“Yeah why?” I responded back.

“Can I play?”

“You know how?”

She looked a little uncomfortable as she answered, “Well, sorta.”

”Well, let’s see.” I grinned.

I watched Izzy as she picked up the ball from the ground and walked over to the net. She took a few steps back and bend her knees, just like any other person would do while shooting the ball, except she didn’t get it in. Instead it hit the top of the hoop and almost would’ve hit her head, if I hadn’t come in front of her and caught the ball first.

“Nice try.” I commented.

“It’s alright,” Ben encouraged her though. “You just need some practice, is all.”

“Yeah, like a lot of help.” I muttered under my breath.

”Well, I’m a pretty fast learner,” she smiled. “So, how about a little bet?”

“What kind of bet?” Dan asked her.

“Uh…how about if I can shoot this ball into the hoop ten times, you all each give me ten bucks.” she said.

“And what if you can’t?” I challenged her.

“Then I’ll give you each ten bucks.”

I looked over at the other guys who nodded and then looked back at her, before smiling and adding, “Alright, deal.”

I tossed her ball and moved out of her way.

With a smug smile on my face, I watched as she threw the ball. But, the smile quickly faltered away as I saw her actually make it this time.

“Heh, lucky shot.” I figured.

She didn’t say anything and instead just smiled back at me and the other guys. She threw it again and got it again. I started to grow a bit nervous then as I noticed after that she made every other shot.

“Dude, I think we just got hustled.” Ben said to me.

“Yeah, ya think?!” I snapped back at him.

Finally she was up to her last basket and I actually kinda hoped and prayed that she wouldn’t end up getting this one. But, as it turns out, my wish didn’t come true and just as easily as she got the other ones; she got this one as well.

She then strode over to us with a smirk plastered on her face.

“Pay up.” she held out her hand and wiggled her fingers.

With a sigh, the guys and I emptied out our pockets and wallets and handed Izzy the money we owed her. She smiled happily and stuffed the cash in her pockets.

“So, what do you wanna play now?" she then asked.

“Anything,” I answered her. “As long as you promise no more hustling.”

“Fine. Whatever,” she said. “I already got what I needed anyway.”

”So, what else can you play?” Ben asked her.

“I can play football, soccer…” she listed.

“What about baseball?”

“Nah, baseball’s boring,” I knew Ben loved baseball. Sometimes even more than girls, so I could tell he was a little upset when Izzy said that. “Uh, I also love dodge ball, kickball…. Oh, and I love watching boxing and wrestling!”

I could practically see Craig’s eyes light up and dilate as he said, “Whoa, really?”

Those two were Craig’s favorite things, but with his new girlfriend, he couldn’t really watch it as much as he did before.

I knew he felt really poor without it, but he endured it. Which just goes to show ya, just how evil and controlling some girls could be.

So anyway, in the end, we finally decided to play some football.

“Don’t worry,” I told her before we got started. “We’ll go easy on you.”

I guess I sort of underestimated Izzy, which was actually a mistake, since she won at football too and this time without even having to hustle us.

*A/N: Perfect song for the part when Izzy's running to make that touchdown:She Said ~ Brie Larson*

I could tell that she must really love sports from the way she used all her energy and heart in the game. And what amazed me the most was that she had actually managed to make a touchdown right on the first try and she barely even broke a sweat.

She was simply awesome.

“Boo ya!” she had exclaimed, pumping her fits in the air.

“I think she just got even hotter.” Ben was saying to me as we rested.

“Great.” I replied back, uninterested.

“She’s already like mad hot. Plus, she’s great at sports, she’s got a great body, she’s perfect! I mean, seriously, where has this girl been all my life and why am I suddenly meeting her right after you come here?”

I stopped listening to Ben then and just tuned him out, so I could just focus on Izzy.

She was drinking water and even as she was, she still looked hot. I could practically see the water disappearing down her throat and down into her thinner than flat stomach.

She was so beautiful!’ I thought to myself. ‘Was it even possible for someone to have this much beauty in them?

Before she could catch me staring and end up starting another fight or argument with me, I turned away and looked back over at Ben. But, surprisingly, he was no longer sitting next to me.

I looked up and my eyes glanced over at Izzy where I could see Ben walking over to.

I then looked over at Dan and Craig, they were both busy talking and hadn’t really noticed anything yet.

So, I casually walked past Ben, acting as if I were just getting up to stretch and get myself a drink of water too, while really I was actually intending to listen in to his conversation with Izzy.

“Hey, Izzy, I was just, uh, wonderin’ if you wanted to go out with me sometime.” Ben was saying to her.

“Oh. Wow, I didn’t know you liked me like that.” Izzy replied.

"Well, I guess you know now that I really do." Ben gave her a soft and sweet smile.

I braced myself for what her answer might be, while trying not to pay attention to how my heart was probably breaking with every second that passed by now.

Of course, she was going to say yes.’ I thought. ‘And why wouldn’t she? Ben’s an awesome and good-looking guy and I’m like nothing compared to him.

I wanted to walk away and leave the new couple alone, but there was something – maybe it was the uncertain look on Izzy’s face -- that made me want to stay and listen to her answer for real before making any drastic decisions.

“Sorry, but I’m not really interested in a relationship right now.” she finally answered, after a long moment of silence.

“Oh.” I could tell Ben was really disappointed by that and that Izzy had sensed it just as much as I had.

“But, we can still be friends and hang out together and stuff.” Izzy suggested after that.

”Yeah, I understand.”

There was still sadness in his voice though and I could tell why. It wasn’t everyday that a guy like Ben got rejected by such a hot and interesting girl like Izzy herself.

My stomach was more than filled by now and even just a drop more was enough to cause my bladder to explode when I noticed Dan and Craig start to make their way over to Izzy and Ben. I did what they did and followed after, pretending I didn’t hear a word that was exchanged between the two at all.

“Um, it was like really nice hanging out with you guys and all, but I gotta get home now and take a shower and all that.” she said then.

The guys all said bye to her and I didn’t bother saying a word, but just exchanging a simple nod with her before she turned and ran over to her house.

“Well, today was nice.” Craig said.

”Yeah, it was.” I agreed with him.

I soon went inside and then later on after having dinner and washing up, I went to bed to experience probably the weirdest dream. It was a dream that I both liked and found rather weird too. And to be specific, it was a dream about Izzy and I.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know much about football, so I couldn't really describe it much.

Izzy's 3rd Outfit: