Status: Completed. But editing & fixin it up now. :)

In Love With A Tomboy

In ♥ With A Tomboi: 06 - Edited.

Joey's POV:

Dream Sequence:

I’m outside and it’s raining heavily. There’s no else out here except for me, or so I thought. As I walked around the area a little, I saw someone coming towards me all of a sudden. Since it was really dark and hard to see, I couldn’t really tell if it was a he or a she, or it could also be an ’it’.

I rubbed my eyes to clear them. That worked pretty well and soon I could tell that it in fact was a human and it was a girl. But, not just any girl. It was Izzy.

She gave me a bright grin and I felt myself go completely breathless.

Wow,’ I thought to myself. ‘Ben was right; Izzy was totally the hottest girl I have ever laid eyes on.

I noticed something else then, Izzy wasn’t wearing her usual tomboy clothes. She was wearing a short black shirt that revealed her shoulders and flat stomach with a pair of skinny jeans, which covered her curves almost as perfectly as her birthday dress had and with her usual converses. But, with no hat on frontward or backwards. So her short dread-locked filled hair was down and now getting really soaked from the rain, and sticking to her face. And yet, she still looked perfectly perfect.

I walk towards her and stood in front of her. Without even realizing it, I’m raising my hand to brush her hair back from her face. Izzy didn’t mind though, she just smiled even brightly as I tangled my fingers up in her bright red hair.

Izzy’s hand went up then too and she placed it on my cheek. That made me smile as I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to me. She giggled in my ear and I kissed her cheek loudly.

We both stared into each other’s eyes then for what seemed like forever. I so had no intention of ever looking away again. Again, without any realization, I leaned my head forward and softly brushed my face against hers.

Izzy’s beautiful face wiggled its self inside my head and burned into my brain.

She was too good to be true, she just couldn’t be,’ my thoughts said. ‘But, she was real. She was really real.

That seemed to have snapped something in me because then all of a sudden, I found the courage to lean even closer and kiss her. I kissed her, long and passionately. I took some time to pull away because I knew it wasn’t everyday that I got to actually make-out with someone as beautiful as Izzy.

I moved away a few minutes later and pulled her into a tight hug.

“I love you, Izzy,” I told her. “I love you so much!”

Lightning crashed over us and I jolted up and awake.

Dream Ended:

I looked around at where I was and where my Izzy went and it was then that I saw that I was back in my bedroom and instead of hugging and kissing Izzy; I was with my pillow instead. And also that the soft and sweet giggles that I had heard before weren’t from Izzy at all, but instead from the guys who had all crowded around my bedroom and were hovering over my bed.

I quickly shoved my pillow away from me and sat up.

“Dude, you’re in love?!” Dan was the first to say to me.

“With Izzy?” Ben added.

“No, what the hell, where’d you get that crazy idea from?!” I cried aloud.

“You just now said it in your sleep.” Craig told me.

Man, I can’t believe they actually just heard all that!’ I thought to myself. ‘God, if they tell Izzy, I’ll probably die of embarrassment! I so cannot let that happen!

I noticed that Ben hadn’t said a word to me since I got up and I could tell why. He also liked Izzy and she rejected him. He probably thinks that I might try to go out with her too and it might create something between us if that were to happen. But, it’s not like she’d agree to it or that I was actually gonna go and say that out loud to her, so he had nothing to worry about.

“That was just some stupid dream.” I told them, even though I knew it wasn’t and my voice didn’t sound very convincing at all either.

“Ok, whatever you say.” Dan replied, grinning at me with his eyebrows arched.

The guys left my room then and I took a quick shower, ate breakfast and all that other stuff I usually do in the mornings, before going outside for a little walk.

The real reason I had actually went outside was to see Izzy, otherwise I don’t think I would’ve ever stepped one foot out with all that crazy wind blowing around today.

After a while of aimlessly walking around my backyard and near Izzy’s backyard as well, I started to get bored and suddenly a slight drizzle started coming down. And that was when I had seen Izzy.

The weird thing about it was that she was wearing the exact same outfit as she was in my dream. And just like in my dream, there was no one out but the two of us.

I saw her holding a bag of trash and racing to throw it out. She was shivering and covering her stomach with her free hand. She looked simply beautiful…as usual.

I held my hand up and waved to her, but she hadn’t noticed me. I was kinda hoping that the same events from my dream would occur right now, but just like I expected, it did not.

Izzy ran back to her house and I went back into my own. I dried off and went back to my room.

And from there, if I looked really closely I could look right into Izzy’s own room. I know it’s totally Taylor Swift-ish, but it’s the total truth.

And it was then that I had begun to wonder just what did Izzy do in her free time.

'When she wasn’t outside playing sports or arguing with me, what exactly does she do all day in her room?'

So, then I had decided that today would be the day that I would figure out the answer to all these questions. I would investigate this rare and interesting creature called Izzy/Bella.

I dug through my drawers and closet looking for a pair of binoculars I had brought over from Canada before I moved. Finally finding them underneath my bed, I raced over to my window and pulled them up close to my eyes.

My whole face brightened at what my eyes were seeing now and what a strange sight it was.

To Be Cont.....
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Izzy's Outfit: