Status: :)



Jordan is most likely the oddest person I have ever met. One moment she’s mad at me, next she’s making fun of me. Women are the oddest bunch. But I like her... she is nothing like Melanie and therefore a fairly good person.

“Why did you get this house?” she asked as we headed inside. It was getting dark out and the mosquitos were starting to bite.

“Why? I don’t know, because it’s a nice place.”

“But it’s not really you is it? I mean, when you and Mel bought that house in the city, it was all stainless steel and clean stuff... nothing like this.”

Clean stuff?” I repeated. “My house isn’t clean? I thought it was.”

“No, no! That isn’t what I meant, Gabe. You know that. I meant that I thought you were into new age stuff, not... I don’t know, not browns and greens.”

I just shrugged, I kind of knew what she meant... but not really. Truth is, I was never into the black and whites of life. I wanted colour. Lots of colour was so unlike Melanie it was almost comforting.

I led Jordan inside to the living room. We sat down opposite of each other and sat quietly until Jordan spoke up. “Do you hate her?”

I shrugged simply because I didn’t know if I hated her or not. No, of course I didn’t. My mother always told me I couldn’t hate anyone because hate was a strong word. And, being the smart ass kid I was, I asked if I could hate Hitler and Hannibal Lector. I never got an answer to that one.

“I don’t hate her. I never have.” I answered finally. Jordan nodded. I thought about bringing up Jordan’s ex boyfriend—Brennan—again, but thought better of it.

“So what is there to do in tiny towns?” Jordan asked with a grin. I sighed and shrugged.
“Lots, when the bugs aren’t out. Where are you staying tonight?”

“I’m not sure,” Jordan started, and looked down, “I was supposed to meet my sister but I doubt that will happen.”

“Oh, well, I could drive you there, if you want.” I offered. I didn’t want her staying at my house. That’s just weird.

“Actually, I don’t think she even lives here anymore. Uh, can I stay here for the night, maybe?”

“She doesn’t live here? Why did you think you could meet her then?” I asked, trying to avoid the question.

“I don’t know, Gabe. She’s not the most reliable person.”

“Oh, well... alright.” I said

I showed Jordan to her room after a few minutes of embarrassing silence. Thank goodness I had an extra bedroom. Jordan went to bed shortly after that, and I walked back to the kitchen feeling no need for bed rest.

I pulled out the dinner I had ordered from Sadie’s Diner that I hadn’t yet eaten. Jordan interrupted my meal. I shouldn’t be so mean though, she is Melanie’s friend. That’s terrifying. I shouldn’t even be talking to Jordan, she’s probably a spy for Melanie. Jordan will go back to the city tomorrow and tell Melanie and Melanie will show up—

Spy. What the hell are you thinking, Gabe? If Jordan was a freaking spy for Melanie, she probably would have called her already. I’ve been watching too many movies.
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Gabe is hot in my head. Too bad he's a stupid character.