Status: started


The Death sentence

Gee rolled on his side listening to his parents quarrel, again. His younger brother, Gray, tapped lightly on the door. "Come in" Gee said quietly, Gray quickly ran to the foot of his bed and burst out into tears. "What’s wrong?" Gee asked, " Did daddy hit you?!” He could tell by the left side of his face. Suddenly there was an abrupt scream from their mother followed by footsteps. “Gray go and hide in the clothes in the corner" Gee sternly said. Gray franticly grabbed clothes to hide his small body. As his father drunkly slammed open the door Gray had managed to cover himself. "Where is your little brother?" he asked. “I don't know in his room probably, do I look like his keeper?" Gee responded. "Don't try to run or hide you and your little boyfriend are going to get it. You're sick you know that? Fourteen years old using your eight years old brother to satisfy your own personal needs." he mumbled. Gee was silent he loved his brother but he wanted him in other ways, too. "There’s nothing wrong with being gay." his voice was stronger than ever. “You’re right there’s a hell of a lot wrong with being gay!" Said his father as he stormed out. The whiskey was strong on his breath. Tonight was the night he was going to try to literally beat them to death. “I can't find your faggety Ann doll anywhere; your hiding him in the closet aren't you? AREN'T YOU?!!" he asked. Then out of nowhere Gee had an idea may be he could hold his father in the closet long enough for Gray to grab everything he needed to runaway with him. "Yes, okay, yes I am" Gee lied. "Thank you now I won't have to try to strangle you with him I’ll just stomp on him." he told him. He waltzed over to the closet and opened the door looking in. Gee ran to tackle without thinking and his father was on the floor; quickly Gee locked the door and yelled at Gray "Go Get Clothes, your toothpaste, toothbrush, and anything you need to bring to run away okay?!” "Okay...Gee?" Gray asked. "What baby?” Gray struggled to fight back tears then asked "Why does daddy hate us?” Gee thought then looking into Grays velvety soft eyes and said “I don't know baby.... I don't know." He was very upset he had thought of just leaving his father but, then again it would be murder if his father was not found and just rolled over and withered away. Gee thought he served him right. As little Gray walked into the room he said" I'm all packed.”
Gee put Gray on his back, opened his bedroom door the only thing left to do was pack some clothes for him to have and a brush and he would run. As Gee rummaged through his skinny jeans and his shirts when he was done there was nothing left for them to have of his. Gee grabbed the emergency credit card as his mother was walking through the door. she lightly stated to Gray," you listen to your bother okay my time here is done I love you both and stay on a good path in life." They mummerd to her as she embraced them both" I love you be safe momma". Gray held on to her neck tight and whispered "And don't let daddy out!" She giggled at his remark and shooed them out the door. As they crept away from the house down the back alley a yell from their father "WHERE THE HELL ARE THOSE NASTY LIL' BASTARDS!!!" All they heard after and their father scream "NO LAURA NO!" Gee heard his .270 buckshot rifle go off. That then made him realize what his mother meant by "... My time here is done...” Gray followed him to a hotel where they thought they would stay the night. Gee waited till little gray was asleep to call Sting and old friend of his she was his crush, too.
Sting picked up the phone while she thought who the hell woke me up from my beauty sleep! "Ello" she said hoarsely. "Hey Sting its Ge-" She interrupted when she realized his voice "GEE! Oh my god are you okay? Did your dad hurt you? Where the hell are you?" Gee trying to control her "hush hush" he whispered Grays asleep; look dad tried to kill us and mom shot herself! She told me and gray to get the hell out while we could and I can’t stay at this damned hotel forever so I was wondering can Gray live with you while I look for a place for me to go?" Sting was excited her mom quickly grabbed the phone and asked " Who the hell is this?!" Gee said quietly "Gee 'maim”. Stings mother quickly said "You come to my house this instant I don't care if you have to tell Gray it’s a surprise trip to see someone special! COME--- NOW!!" Gee was excited they lived right down the block how hard could it be? Gee put two bags on his back and picked little Gray up. He walked frisky, stings former poodle, to the hotel and back so he should be able to find it. Gee turned the corner and saw sting ready to come down from the fire escape. She grappled gray into her arms and told gee "I'll go first you follow." Gee nodded this was the safest place next to heaven. As sting told Gray that he was invited to spend forever with her and her mother Gee couldn't help but wonder why he was blushing whenever she turned to look at him.
"Casey," Gee yelled for stings mother," Where will Gray sleep?".” With me; and quit snickering get your mind out of the fuc-, I mean the fricking gutter!" she fussed trying to keep from cussing in front of the child. "Do me and sting share a room as usual?"Gee asked. Stacy had a startled look on her face when a sudden plea came from sting for her to say yes. "Ye- No" she stated.
Gee was laying on the pull out couch as Sting 'got some water' she waltzed over to him when her mother snored with gray in her arms. Gee never felt like this before was this love he'd already hit puberty and was just about out of it unless he just got to the Beginning of a horrible nightmare. Sting sat lightly on the bed looking deep into his eyes. He never noticed till now how her crystal blue eyes sparkled when she looked toward him. 'She smells so nice,' Gee thought,' why haven’t I ever noticed?’ Why ?Why? WHY?! He didn't expect to be saying "Wow, your eyes are magnificent” Sting blushed when she heard this. The longer they sat there the closer they got to morning when they really could hangout. "Well looks like we need to tell your mom to move to her bedroom, no?" Gee asked Sting. "Yeah, I guess so" she then turned to her mother and said" Ma! Get up and go to your own bed". Stacey wrapped up gray and set him on her side so she could pull herself up. She stumbled to her room gray waking up and falling back asleep. The last thing Gee remembered was falling asleep as Sting went to her bed.
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