Status: started


Good morning to who?!

Gee woke up to the smell of pancakes and Casey screaming, wake up damn it! at this he giggled like a little school girl. Sting was feeding her tarantula it ate four grown dragon flies that she caught. Gee went to join her. "Morning sleepyhead" he called to Gray. Gray mumbled something in gibberish and went on to the table. "Hey! how are you doing on this fine mor-", He was interuppted by a loud knock on the door. "HOLD YOUR PANTIES!" Casey screamed. The sound of locks being unlocked filled the air. "Hello" she said,"who are you?". The stranger said" Thats not important right now. Is Gee here?" the voice as deep and straind. "It all depends on whos asking..." casey said softly yet audible to the ear. "Well i guess I should be the one asking question here. Detective Gary Polpe.... we got a phone call about a 14 year old boy tall black hair hunter green eyes goes by the name Gee..." the mans face went dark, not the dark in a room where you use a nightlight a dark when you know somethings about to go down. "he's a suspect for the murder of Laura Lockeh." Casey's eyes must have gotten almos`t as big as Stings softball. "Impossible Gee couldn't have killed his mom if anyone he would have killed his dad, Palmer Lockeh, he beat them;both of them have bruises" she stopped in mid-sentance " Please come in Mr. Polpe"
"So what your trying to tell me or convince me is that Gee is a killer?" Casey asked. "No, no, noooo i'm just trying to take him in to question hi-" Casey interrupted "Why can't you question him here? Why do you have take him to the station?" She asked. "Okay i understand your concern but its the law that i have to bring him to the station so if you'll just cooperate i promse nothing will happen to him." Casey stared at the detective "Okay i guess if you promise he can come home." Gary questioned whether or not to take the offer but in the end he would come home. "Okay i promise he'll come home." Gee stared at the apartment building as the police car drove down the road. The bellow of the tunder shook the car . God only knows how long Gee sat in that conference room being harassed by officers yelling over and over why did you do it?! what did she ever do to you?! Gee sat back and had in his cordless headphones listening to Breaking Benjamin, My Chemical Romance, LeAther Mouth, and The killers. Every little bit Gee would simply say "i didn't kill my mother" and "Why do you think i did it?!". Later that night they brought in Palmer; Gee refused to call him his father; Palmer had put on the most pitiful and rehearsed show. They had come to a conclusion that Gee would be trialed in court as a child and his father would be charged with domestic violence. His trial was set seveeral days from today, he had his alibi ready in fact all he was going to say was that his mother commited suicide with his .270 buckshot riffle. Days passed as he just sat on the couch thinking how Gray was going to be without him. Then the day came.
Today was the day he would stand in front of a judge, jurry, and his own family to tell them he was innocent. He knew if he could manage to hold back the tears he could sound strong and willing to take the consequencses. Butterflies are beutiful creatures but they can become vile when you know theres a chance you wont be able to see the light of day again. Gee was nervous and angry that he had to endure such crap in his life; as it was getting better it decided to get worse. As he entered the courtroom he turn to his side, he saw his father smirking as if he was to say i'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show. That bastard; Gee thought; How could he do this to me HIS OWN SON! God lets just get this crap done with. " All arise the honerable Judge Brathle " said the courts officer, a tall dark skinned man sat down; " You may now be seated". The judged look at Gee to him it felt as if he was staring into his soul. "The case of the people verses Gerard Lockeh is now in session" the officer gave the case to the Judge "Well from what i can see you look like a young man who catches quite a few eyes from the ladies, huh?" the Judge asked. " Uh... Yes sir i guess so" he responded. Judge
About 45 minutes into the trial and starring off into space he heard "I call Gerard Lockeh to the stand." Gee walked to the stand slowly staring at the lawyer who was representing him. " Good afternoon Gerard how are you?" he asked, "Good I guess " Gee said," How are you?". " I'm great... so do you reme,ber what happened the night your mother was shot by any chance?" the lawyer asked. " Yeah i remember it. Well i was laying on my bed while my father was fight with my mother... he was drunk at the time" ,Gee took a breath then continued," Gray walk in and if you can't tell my father struck him across his left cheak.", everyone as if rehearsed looked at Gray," My father came up and was trying to beat us again thats when i locked him in my closet. I told Gray to go pack and that we were going to go away for a while. When he came back my mother came to us gave us each a hug and told us that her time here was up . After we left the house we heard my father scream 'NO LAURA NO' and my .270 buckshot went off and thats when i knew when ma said 'my time here is done'. Then afterwards we went down the back ally so we could go to the nearest inn; went to Stings and now im here. There are you happy?" Gee was now sobbing now realizing his mother was gone.
The only other witness was his fathers; Gray was to young to understand. His father was now on the stand, crocodile tears rolling, and ready to put Gee in jail. "Hello Palmer... Do you think you can remember what happened?" the lawyer asked. " Uh... yeah i remember. I was infact intoxicated that was not a lie; but his younger brother hadcome down stairs when i reared back to punch the wall i hit his little face, laura went upstairs to ask Ge if he was hungery thats when he shot her." Palmer sobbed loudly then continued " At the time i was going upstairs to see if what was wrong and he shoved me in a clost and didn't let me out. I slammed into the door several times to get out and when i looked down Lauras' body just sat there like a log." Gee could tell the judge was not buying it but the jurry was questionable. "You may step down from the stand now" the lawyer signaled for him to remove himself from the stand to his seat.
The man representing the jurry stood and said " We have reached a verdict... we find Gerard Lockeh Guilty of the murder of Laura Lockeh. Gee looked at the jurry their eyes were cold. They hancuffed him and took him to get his fingerprints and mugg shots.
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THANKS to who reads :)