Status: started


The letter

Gee fell back asleep only to have a flashback of when his father and mother were fighting "YOU BETTER GET OUT OF MY FUCKIN' FACE LAURA!". Gee feeling shaken woke up in the dark living room; Casey and Gray were asleep;. His breathing fastened as he forgot where he was. "Mom.... Dad?" he called out. When no answer came he got up to check the rooms; then from the kitchen he heard Sting " Gee go to sleep." "Oh god,.... fuck man you scared me!" Gee scolded. Sting went to her room,"Good now tomarrow you need to come wake me up... GOOD NIGHT!"
Gee sat waiting for the end of the night to fnally come, Gray propt lightly on his shoulder sound asleep. Thinking of his mother, Sting and that bastard of a dad he whispered in Gray's ear," Don't you worry imma get daddy back for what he did to you mom and me. He'll wish he had never brought me to court.... you'll see." Gee lightly set Gray's head down then waited to get up and grab a pen and some paper. He lit the lighter he had gotten from Casey and set it on the desk. He began to write a letter to his father it read:
"Hello you scummy slime bag listen up if you ever try to take away anymore of my family and i'll murder your ass you got me? i hope you do causethis isn't a threat, no, this is a warning. Now, i dont wanna have to do somthing that will take Gray away from me. But for your sake you better watch every frickin move you make cause next move that hurts me and puts me in a state of mind that god only knows how many times you put me in i'll you'll die. You won't be killed nooooo you'll be mutulated, decapitated, skinned, tortured, or any other word that will be able to describe for for what i have done and will be able to do to you. Because palmer your dead to YOUR FUCKING DEAD! I don't and never will have a father it might say different on my birth certificate but to me you were never alive and i hope you know that i will never let it go"- the word echoed in Gee's brain," never let it go; never let it go; never let it go," Could he ever let it go?- he decieded to continue,"
I hope you die and i veer have to deal with your sorry ass again sincerly GERARD LOCKEH YOUR SON YOU TRIED TO FRAME
ps. never speak to my family again that means Casey, Sting, and well of course Gray NEVER AGAIN! Or its your life.
thanks again you peice of white trailor trash
Gee looked at his work chuckled a bit at it; he placed it on the fridge for casey to read and mail out to that peice of shit. Oh god did Gee feel good he felt fuckin G-R-E-A-T; god he was like frosted flakes except better.Palmer would get it and never fuck around with him again. 'HA! That little bitch' Gee thought.
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this was hard to do XD but it is done :))