Status: Should I keep or Delete?

The Burn of Life

Who are you?

Aiden’s POV

“Aiden, something just doesn’t feel right to me,” Blaze said while we video chatted. To me she did look worried and paranoid. I need to help in someway.

“Well, what do you want me to do? Blaze, I’m not there, so I can’t do much,” I signed sadly. I hated this; Nate can be with Blake whenever he wants. I can’t cold Blaze or even kiss her. I know Blaze feels the same as me, but I haven’t vocalized my feeling yet.

“I know Aiden, I just need to be distracted right now,” I know what she meant by distractions, something funny.

“Well, why do you think we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway? Who ever came up with those names must have been higher then a kite,” I smiled while she laughed at that. Her laugh is always so contagious so I laughed too. Her laugh is like an angels bells to me, always so sweet and innocent.

“Haha, hun you surely know how to cheer me up,” she smiled but had this distant look in her eyes like she was thinking about something. Her usual spark wasn’t there; I always will love that little spark.

“Well, have you spoken to your brother lately?” I asked, knowing her brother and her are
close. She misses him all the time and hates how he lives with her dad. I feel so bad that they can’t talk or see each other much.

“No, I haven’t had a chance too,” Blaze sadly said.

“Well maybe you should…” I stopped when I heard a glass break. “What was that?” I asked worriedly.

“I don’t know. Shadow, Tiny search,” she commanded. I know have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Aiden, I think someone is in my house,” I heard her whimper.

“Ok Blaze calm down, go hide in your closet but before that tell lucky to hide under the bed,” I calmly ordered. I was really worried but I didn’t want to worry her more, she doesn’t need that.

“Aiden I can hear the person coming up stairs,” she cried. This isn’t good, I can’t even protect her like a good boyfriend, I bitterly thought. I saw her place her hands over her mouth, I guess to hide her whimpers. But the fear in her eye is what scared me most. It sent chills creeping up and down my spine.

“Blaze please try to fight back I’m begging you. Once you’re with him there’s no chance. Please I love you,” I begged. Light poured over Blaze, I knew this was it.

“Well look what we have here, get out of the closet Bitch,” a guy yelled while forcing her out by grabbing her arm. I couldn’t see them but I heard a grunt then saw Blaze run back into the
closet. “You fucking Bitch!” the person yelled while grabbing her long hair.

What I saw next brought tears to my eyes. I saw this guy keep kicking her stomach and the sound of bones breaking. She punched his face but when I saw the knife it broke my heart.
“Please don’t kill me,” I heard Blaze cry.

The sick fucker chuckled, “Too late, it’s all your fault.” That knife was push painfully into her shoulder; she was wincing every time it got deeper ‘til the hilt reached her shoulder. I felt like throwing up at the sight of the blood trickling down her arm dripping to the carpet. I saw the guy walk to the computer, I’m guessing to close it. But he was an idiot by taking off his mask.

“You Bastard leave her alone!” I yelled. My tears were from knowing her pain just seeing her pain and knowing I can’t help. I sneakily took a picture of the guy.

As he was closing the laptop I heard Blaze yell, “I love you too Aiden!” That right there made my heart skip a beat. Was that the last time I would see her? Saw her last beautiful smile? The last time she said ‘I love you’? Was that the last time I’d see her breath?

Hope’s POV (If you don’t remember Blaze’s mom)

Today has been hectic at the hospital. But for some strange reason at around nine or ten tonight something felt really wrong. If I could I would have went home to check on Blaze or even called her but I couldn’t because of some stupid rules.

“Hey Doctor Andersson there’s a police man asking for you. I sent him to your office so if I were you I’d go now,” Nurse Carly said. She was my nurse at the hospital. I hand picked her because of her personality was the same as mine, carefree. Carly is about five foot six brunette with brown eyes. “What did you do this week Hope? Were you a bad girl?” Carly chuckled.

Laughing, “No more then usual. But thanks for the heads up, I better go there now,” I said while walking away. As I got to my office I keep think what I may have done, was it about Blaze? When I opened the door I saw a man in uniform sitting in front of my desk. “Hello, I’m Doctor Andersson. How can I help you?”

“Hello, I’m Officer Kent,” he said while shaking my hand. The officer was really tall, maybe six foot three, dark hair and very handsome. “Sadly I’m not here on good news.”

“Well, can you tell me what happened? Is it Blaze? Kevin? Nick?” I asked hurriedly, who or what could it be?

“Dr. Andersson you might want to sit down for this,” he helped me sit down at my desk chair (the fun spinning ones), “We got a call from your neighbor the Smith’s, and they reported that they heard screaming from your house. So we sent two officers to report to your house. We found glass from a broken window and two huge dogs downstairs with tranquilizer darts in their necks. A vet was called right away and they are there now. As we went upstairs we noticed a trail of blood drops leading to your daughter’s room. We checked the whole house and we couldn’t find her anywhere. I’m sorry to say your daughter has been kidnapped.”
Kidnapped…. that’s all that’s going through my head right now. My baby girl has been kidnapped. It feels like my world is spinning in a downward spiral getting ready to shatter just like the glass in my house. What am I going to tell Nick and Kevin? “Oh my god…” I started crying. Officer Kent walked over to me to try to comfort me the best he could.

“Dr. Andersson, I promise you that we will find Blaze. You just need to find hope in the situation. I think I should leave you to your work,” he said while giving me one last hug then leave. What am I going to do about work? I can’t work in this condition right now or someone’s life is going to be put at risk, I thought. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed a number I wouldn’t forget.

“Hello?” a man replied.

“Nick, we have a problem,” I said in a little voice. I couldn’t stop crying for my baby, what if she was hurt or killed by now.

“What happened Hope? Are you and Blaze ok?” I could tell he was worried since he rushed those questions out.

“Nick, a police officer came into my work today to tell me that someone broke into my house and kidnapped Blaze,” I explained but cracked at the end.

“Oh my god! Ok here’s the plan, first you need to calm down, then Kevin and I will be on the first flight to California. I’ll see you soon ok Hope.” We both said our good byes before hanging up.

Why my baby? Why did it have to happen to her? Is she ok? Is she alive? Will I ever get to see her again?
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Ok everyone, I'm in a super good mood tonight. I just finally finished my college applications! Also I started reading new awesome stories by zackystheman4me. Go read her stories!

Thanks to xxbrittxxx, BurningAlchemist, and MyMonkeySaidSo for all the comments.

Now comments make the evil monkey happy, so please comment.