Status: active



"So how long have you been engaged?" He asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence.
“Only a few months,” I murmured in reply. I turned my head slightly and gazed out the window as I twirled the engagement ring on my finger. I didn't particularly want to talk about this with Christian because we had so little time together but I didn't really expect him to bring the conversation elsewhere.
“You don't seem very excited. What kind of engaged girl isn't excited for her wedding?”
“The kind that doesn't want one,” I replied, but I instantly regretted it. I sounded like a whiny little girl and, to be honest, I didn't have much to whine about. I was going to be extravagantly married to a successful man. Whom I hate. I turned toward Christian. He was staring at me with a small smile on his perfect lips.
“Call it off.” I almost smiled but then I remembered that as much as I wanted to cancel the entire event, my mother would drag me up the aisle before I could get the announcement out.
“I can't. Its arranged,” I replied, feeling my eyes glaze over a little.
“I see. Well that just wont do. I think you should end it with him. Your almost eighteen aren't you?” He looked over at me again as we stopped at a red light.
“The wedding is on my birthday. And I can't end it. He wouldn't let me and neither would my mother,” I said glumly. The light changed to green but we didn't move for a second while christian continued to stare at me.
“you should runaway.” I almost laughed out loud.
“I tied once.” It was a horrible failure.

“Your getting married!” My mother yelled at me excitedly. We were sitting across from each other at the dinner table. My father had a benefit he had to attend and he took Rick along with him.
“What I don't want to marry him!”
“why not? Rick is a wonderful man,” she shot back.
“Around you he is. He's horrible mother. Please don't make me do this,” I begged as tears rimmed my eyes. My mother didn't yield so I stormed into my room and slammed my door. I grabbed an old backpack from my closet. I shoved a drawer of shirts and shorts in it and snatched my phone off of the bed side table.
My money was already stored in the front pocket of the bag. I winced at the cold window on my bare skin as I climbed out. I think it was the middle of the night because the streets were deserted and no one was waiting at the bus stop when I arrived. I took a seat on the frigid bench and relaxed a bit.
Until a set of head lights focus on me. I sleek black car pulled up in front of me and Rick stepped out. I faintly saw my mother in the drivers seat. Rick sat down and took my hand in his. I attempted to pull free but he was infinitely stronger than me.
“Come with me, you are being ridiculous.” He said. Then, lower then my mother could hear, he murmured, “Marry me, and I wont tell your mother why I don't want to marry you.” A small gasp escaped my lips as he towed my frozen body to the car. I don't think I spoke a word to anyone for days.

I was brought back into the present by Christian's voice. We were in the car in front of a theater. My mother stood outside in a pink suit, tapping her foot. She hadn't noticed us.
“Well you have a new friend who might be able to help,” he mumbled shrugging his shoulders. I wanted to kiss him. But not because I liked him or anything. So I pecked him on the cheek and stepped out of the car, dress in hand. I couldn't stop smiling. Christian considered me a friend. And he wanted to help her. Unfortunately, my mother mistook this happiness for excitement towards the wedding and began to gush about the details to me.