

"Left this life to set me free
Took a piece of you inside of me.
Now this hurt can finally fade
Promise me you'll never feel afraid"

Losing some takes everything from you...

They say that time heals all wounds, and at one point in my life I might have believe this.. But now, I don't seem to have any hope. I replay that day in my head constantly. It was all so...quick. I never thought I could feel what I felt that day. It was like a dream, more like a nightmare. Its been 10 months since the day that forever changed my life and I still feel the pain like it just happened. For the first time I can say that I would give anything in the world to change the past.

All the hurt I've felt can't buy him back... But I wish more and more everyday that it could.

Everything changed without him. Days just seemed to blur together, nothing felt worth it anymore. I'm not sure if I'm more angry or upset. Its a mixture of emotions. I find the need to call his cell phone, just to hear his voicemail. I listen to him singing, because it's the only time I really feel alive. Hearing his voice is like taking a bullet, but if I don't, it just hurts me more.

Jimmy was my entire world. He was my best friend, my fiance, the air I took in every day. Everything, and now he's gone. Gone forever, and there's nothing I can do to bring him back. I feel helpless in so many ways. It's not fair. Nothing can justify his death, and why he had to go. Why do the good ones always get ripped away from us like the pages from a book?

Sometimes I just wanna give up. But it's like he's here making sure I can't. I see him in my dreams, and wake up crying. I guess I really can't explain how I really feel..

But in all honesty, I wish it wasn't real, I wish this was a dream.. Something more like.. Fiction..?