Hanging By A Thread

Chapter 1

My names Takara. And if 6 months ago you had asked me about my life before I moved to Dellwood,(I prefer to call it Dullwood), I would have said,
"Nothing worth talking about".
And if you asked me about my parents I would have said,
"Theyre dead. Sorry to disappoint you".
And Im more of the loner type of person so not many people talked to me. And because of that, I had almost forgotten about what happened and everything else.

But then He came along and it was like it all just rushed back to me, like it was being held in a balloon that just suddenly BURST. And suddenly nothing seemed real anymore. Like nothing mattered anymore. I can't really explain it that well but I will try, but before I start I should say that, well I can see someone's entire past from just one touch and I can read minds.

So it all started the day he came to school. I was walking to class and going to my usual seat in the back and I put in my headphones, turned on my music and read my book. When the bell rang I put away my music and book, got out my notebook and a pen. Then Mr.John started the class and a few minutes later, He came in.

"Ah. Eric I presume?" Mr.John said. He nodded and Mr.John told him to sit at any of the available seats. One of those seats just happened to be beside me. And he chose, none other than, the one beside me. Clearly the gods of fate were being cruel today. I silently groaned but in my head I was still taken back by how amazingly gorgeous he was. We were reading Shakespeare and he didn't have the book so when he asked to share mine I mumbled,
"Sure" and moved close enough to him for him to be able to read the book without actually touching him because from the moment he walked into class I just had this horrible gut-feeling warning me to stay away from him. So I did. That day I drove back to an empty house, which was a little unusual because my aunt was usually home before me.

So I went to the kitchen to grab a snack and saw a note on the counter. It read:

"Dear Takara,
I have another meeting and won't be home until late tonight,
so I left you some money to order a pizza. I hope its enough.
Love you, Aunt Keira."

"Great. This huge house. All by myself. Yay" I mutter. I then take my snack upstairs with me and the money that Aunt Keira left for me on the counter. Within a few hours I can hear my stomach grumbling, so I order the pizza and watch T.V.. After I ate the pizza and put the leftovers in the fridge for later I slipped out of my hoodie and baggy jeans and into my favorite nightgown. When the phone rings, I think to myself <who would call me? I don't even have any friends>. I looked at the caller I.D. and didn't recognize the number, but answered it anyway.
"Hello?" I say.
"Takara?" I hear a very husky and handsome voice and suddenly I picture Eric in my head.
"H-Hi, um, w-who is this again?" I stutter, my face reddening.
He gives a short laugh and says "It's Eric, from English."
"Oh, u-um, not to sound rude but, how did you get my number? and why are you calling me?" I ask sheepishly.
"Well as to how I got your number, I looked it up in the phonebook. and I thought since Im new and all, maybe we could have a studydate this weekend and you could help me catch up on things?" He asked. I almost died of embarrassment right then and there. I thought <why whould someone like him, so gorgeous and amazing, want anything to do with someone like me, a "loner-girl" who hides in the back of the classroom?>

"So? whaddya say Takara?" his voice brings me back from the many thoughts running through my mind then and I say without thinking,
"Why me? Why not Stella? Or Honor? I mean why me? I don't get it" and I completely regret it after it comes out.
"Because theyre stupid. And from what I hear you're the one to go to for tutoring" I can hear the smile in his voice and it makes my whole body go warm and I get this tingly feeling going down my spine. So finally I say.
"Well okay, but just studying, thats it right?" I ask, a little nervous.
"Sure if thats what you want" hearing the smile still in his voice, makes me smile to myself.
"Well I better go. But we can talk more tomorrow in english if you want" I say, blushing.
"Sure, I'd love that" and with that he hung up. <What the hell just happened?!?> I thought to myself. I started searching my brain for answers as to why he was even talking to me. And that was when the balloon in my mind had burst. And suddenly I remembered why I was always a "loner-girl" here in Dullwood. Because my parents were killed in a car accident that I somehow survived and because my dad was an only child I was sent to live with my mom's sister, Aunt Keira. And not a day goes by that I dont blame myself for what happened.
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So yeah this is, well to be honest the best story I've ever written. I say this because my other ones...well they suck. xD Comment if you want =P