Status: Updated Every Monday...Might as well give me something to look foward to on mondays

What I Am Not Allowed to Do at Hogwarts

Professor Snape does not respond fondly to ‘Sev’, ‘Debbie’, or Jesus


The first task for the Triwizard Tournament was quickly approaching with only a week away the whole school was buzzing with anticipation. Owen and Cedric spend hours in the library reading up on spells that Cedric might need during his challenge; Hermione was doing the same for Harry. Ron was still being stubborn and refused to speak to his best friend.

“Ok look, I love Ron, he’s like a brother to me” Nat whispered as Fred, George and I walked to Hogsmeade with the rest of the students who had permission to go that Saturday. Today was Ginnys’ day to babysit her older brother, giving the four of us some much needed alone time.

“But he’s getting on your last bloody nerve?” George finished for her. Nat nodded. The four of us walked into the Hog’s Head, it was a shady pub that not many students bothered to explore. There were a total of three wizards in the room, all with their heads hung low to the ground and cloaks over their heads. The bar was filled with sawdust.

“Anyone else smell goats?” Fred asked while sniffing the room. I scrunched up my nose after getting a strong whiff of the room. We ignored the smell and quickly scurried up to the staircase behind the bar, we were all pushing each other out of the way, trying to get to a smell safe zone before the rest.

“Ok where are Lee and Katie?” Nat demanded – as if I would know. We were going to have a meeting about something Nat had dreamed about, but Katie and Lee ran off last minute. I wished I could have run off, but Nat had an iron grip on my arm.

Nat sat down next to George and took a deep breath, she had been the first friend I made at Hogwarts, and I loved her to death, but sometimes it seemed like she took every little detail too seriously.

“Here you dropped this” Fred dully said, he handed me my wand. I groaned, I could never seem to keep track of anything, and if I had lost my wand Professor Snape would never let me hear the end of it.

“Guys, this dream, it...Tray” She trailed off from what she was saying. It seemed as if she was trying to relive the dream, in order to bring back every pointless detail of the dream.

“You know, I think I’m falling behind in Charms,” I said while flicking my wand around randomly. Fred jumped once he saw the wand was pointed at him

“Watch where you point that thing!” He joked. I rolled my eyes.

“Well while you try to have your dream flashback, I think I’ll practice” I said. Nat nodded, giving me the approval that I did not need in order to continue.

“Confringo” I whispered swishing my wand around like I had been taught. My sturdy wand became rubbery before my eyes and it grew in size. It had changed from its brown, natural wand color to a bright yellow. My wand had been transformed into a rubber chicken!

“Fred!” I growled. George laughed and took the rubber chicken. Fred waltzed over to me with his cunning I-got-you grin.

“Bloody good thing I switched her wand” He laughed, elbowing his brother in the rib gently. George nodded. The two red headed twins towered over me, laughing at my stupidity.

“Tray, next time you want to try practicing your charms try using an actual charm, not a spell that could destroy the whole inn” Nat laughed.

“Yeah blimey Tray, you really ought to have a book of what spells you can’t do at Hogwarts” George laughed.

“It could be a sequel to the things you can’t do at Hogwarts” Fred added in. I took the rubber chicken from George and chucked it towards Fred. Everyone laughed as Fred fell over when the chicken hit him in the chest.

“So this dream” Nat continued as if nothing had happened. I groaned, her dreams had a tendency to bore me.

“Tray was with us in the Gryffindor common room one minute” She paused and looked around the dirty room.

“Then the next minute she just disappeared” She finished. George looked horrified, but it seemed like the expression on his face was just a fake, mocking Nat.

“Yeah, I have that same dream about Draco, but he’s still around now isn’t he” I groaned. Nat shot me a cold glare for not taking her dream talk more seriously.

“No Tray, you gotta believe it will come true” George said with a grin. Nat smacked him in the shoulder. She was growing annoyed that none of us were taking her more seriously.

“Look Nat calm down Tray isn’t going anywhere, it was just a dream” Fred added after Nat looked like she was ready to storm out of the inn. I raised my hand and cleared my throat. Everyone gave me puzzled looks and waited for me to speak up.

“Actually, you might be onto something Natalie” I said seriously. Everyone in the room grew silent; their small snickering that had been filling the room only moments ago came to a halt. The only time I ever called Nat Natalie was when I was talking about something important.

“Well, you remember that one time I was in detention with Snape?” I said. I held a serious face as I watched the three of them nod. All three of them were eating up every word that came out of my mouth.

“Yeah, well...we got really close one day, and well...I’m pregnant and we’re running away to Little Hangleton where we will be married!” I couldn’t keep the straight face on for long, and by the end of my sentence I broke into a fit of laughter. Nat didn’t look too pleased with my joke, but both the twins look amused.

“Blimey Tray, I thought you were gaining a stomach” Fred Joked. He was behind me and he wrapped his arms around me and placed them on my stomach, pretending he could feel the imaginary baby kicking.

“Fine don’t take my dreams seriously!” Nat spat and stormed out of the room. I could hear her loudly stomping on the staircase as she walked down them. Fred, George and I glumly followed her.


“Honestly Tray!” Ginny shouted. We were at dinner now; we were all talking about my third year: the year the Chamber of secrets was reopened. I managed to sell seven tickets to a group of Hufflepuff students. Unfortunately Hermione did not find the easy money scam as humorous as I did.

“Ginny, are you sure, cause I’m not using them, and hey, you already proved you might have a need for them” I said suggestively. Hermione and Harry were scowling at me; both could clearly not take a simple joke. Ginny I could understand her being so touchy, since I had asked her the same question 17 times now.

“No Tracey, for the last time, I do not want you’re Darkover books!” She near screamed. Everyone from every house, including the two other schools glanced at our table. Ginny’s face lit up a bright shade of red. Her red hair and her red face seemed to mesh into one.

“What was that?” Professor McGonagall spat as she walked past us. I looked around the Great Hall. There had to be an easy way to explain this one without opening the book.

“Tracey take out the book” McGonagall hissed. Apparently the book was the only answer my professor could think of. I took the book out and placed it on the table.

“Number – dear lord – 55, If Ginny Weasley wanted to borrow my Darkover Books she would have asked” She groaned. I mumbled under my breath and took out a quill. I hated this.

# 55 – If Ginny Weasley wanted to borrow my Darkover Books she would have asked


“This book is horrible,” I groaned. We were walking up to the Gryffindor Common Room. Nat gave me a small side glance.

“Maybe you should try behaving, then you wouldn’t have a need for the book,” She hissed. I shook off her cold attitude and ignored her suggestion.

Luke and his two other friends were walking in our direction. I was amazed by how much fear three first years could strike into my heart.

“Tracey” Todd, one of the three, snarled. I looked over at him and waited for him to continue.

“That’s trick with the stupid Whomping Willow tree is the last time you’re gonna get the better of us” Luke spat. I looked over at the third boy. I had never heard him speak a word.

“Oh c’mon, don’t be so mean to ‘ol Willow, he’s not a bad tree” I said sympathetically. George nodded.

“It’s true; we just got back from hanging out with the tree.” Fred added in, the three boys looked at each other, debating whether or not they should ask more about the topic.

“I admit, what I did to you guys was really mean, and I am sorry, but Willow is a really good tree if you get on his good side” I said. I gave the boys the same look I give my mum whenever I mess something up. I had become rather good at getting people to think I was generally sorry for what I had done, even when I wasn’t.

“You know, we tickled his trunk to get on his good side, he loved that, remember” George said with a snicker. We all laughed and brought up fake memories we had with the tree. My big toe was twitching wildly under my converse shoes.

“You know, he’s in a good mood, and there’s still a little bit of light outside, why don’t you three try and make peace with him” I suggested. The three first years looked at each other then nodded. I couldn’t believe how stupid first years could be. It amazed me.

“You three are horrible” Nat remarked and stormed off towards the Common Room. Fred, George and I ran after her.

“Kinda turns you on doesn’t it” George smirked.


We were gathered in the Gryffindor Common Room now. Nat had forgotten about all of us pushing her dream aside and was getting cozy by the fire with George. Katie and Lee were sharing one of the arm chairs and continued to make cute faces to each other. I giggled every time they gave each other a loving look.

Fred and I were on the long couch. He was sitting down with my head rested in his lap. No one was talking much; we were just enjoying each other’s company. It was nice. Fred kept running his hand through my hair with his left hand; his right hand was rested on my stomach. If I had died at that moment, I would have died happy.

“Hey Tracey, you still awake?” Fred whispered in my ear. I slightly nodded my head and mumbled to let him know I wasn’t asleep yet.

“Hey, come ‘ere I gotta ask you something” Fred said. He stood up and took my hand. The butterflies in my stomach were nothing new, when ever Fred touched me they came, I had gotten use to it. Fred was leading me to his dormitory when someone in a long black cloak stormed into the Common Room. It was Snape!

I instantly threw my hands in the air and stood petrified for a moment. I looked over at Fred, and then at Nat, who seemed surprised by his arrival, but not nervous.

“He can’t be here can he?” I asked her, loudly for everyone in the room to hear.

“You can’t be in here!” I spat, before I received an answer from Nat. Snape stormed over to my side and grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the Common Room.

“Snape everything I did, I did for us!” I whined as we made our way towards the dungeons. Snape grunted and glared back at me but kept his mouth shut. The grease glob that had been nested in his hair on the first day had grown. I named it Globby.

When we were in his office Snape threw me down into a chair. I rubbed my elbow and took out my book of things I wasn’t allowed to do. I didn’t need to be told anymore.

“I told you I hate it rough,” I smartly said while I searched for a quill. Snape had gotten good at ignoring my comments.

“I was told you were selling tickets to the Chamber of Secrets” He screamed at me. I almost flew off my chair. I nodded and tried to think of something to say back to that.

“Well someone has to get money to feed the kids, I mean let’s face, your teacher’s pay is not enough to feed our kids, I’m sorry I cared about our family” I said. I put my hands to my face and pretended to cry. Snape was unaffected by my act.

“Number 56 – I will not sell tickets to the Chamber of secrets.” Snape spat. There was a knock on the door. As I started to write it down he answered the door.

# 56 – I will not sell tickets to the Chamber of Secrets.

Mad Eye Moody was at the door, He pulled Snape out for a second, but he was back in the room minutes later. I started to put the book away but he snatched it from my hand.

“57 - First years should not be encouraged to befriend the Whomping Willow” He snarled. I snickered; I hadn’t expected that trick to develop so quickly. Snape slapped the desk when he noticed my snickering.

#57 - First years should not be encouraged to befriend the Whomping Willow.

“This is the second time you endangered those students’ lives!” Snape hissed. His dark eyes were focused straight onto me. I felt a cold shiver go down my spine.

“It was their own fault for believing me twice. I’m just weeding out the stupid kids” I said matter-of-factly. Snape once again ignored my comment. I was beginning to think he was deaf that would be the only explanation he hasn’t laughed – or smacked me, because of some of the things I said. I should start writing everything I say down, then instead of saying it I should just make him read it.

“Since you seem so attached to the first years-” I cut Snape off.

“Actually, it’s really only three, Luke, Todd, and some other kid, he doesn’t talk much, I should learn his name though” I said. I began to ponder about my relationship with the three as Snape waited for me to shut my mouth. When I was finished I gave him the O.K to continue.

“Your punishment for this will be bonding with those three first years” Snape sneered. My mouth dropped open. Splendid plan, force me to spend time with same students I could have gotten killed, twice. Snape really outdid himself on that one.

“Can I go now?” I begged him. Snape pulled me up by the collar of my shirt and dragged me out of his office. He led me down to the Slytherin Common Room.

“I have legs of my own, I could have gotten here without the physical abuse,” I grunted when he finally released me from his steel grip. Snape looked down at me.

“Yes, and you also have a mind of your own, and that mind fancies the Gryffindor Common Room” He growled. I hunched my shoulders and kicked a small pebble on the ground.

“Well I believe it’s time to give Moaning Myrtle and eyeful” I said casually and started to walk off to the showers. I could hear Snape question what had just come out of my mouth but I was already halfway to the shower rooms and I did not plan on turning back now.

“Means she’s going to wash up” Draco translated for his Professor. I paused for a second. I had made it so close to the showers. I was nearly there, I started to sprint the rest of the way.

“TRACEY DAVIS!” Snape’s voice bellowed through the whole Common Room. Anything hanging from the walls began to shake and every eye in the room followed me as I stopped mid-sprint.

“So close” I looked up at the ceiling, wishing god would cut me a little slack. Snape started to glide over to me. Snape never walked, he glided. I sat on the ground and took out my book. I opened to a free space and waited for him to tell me what to write.

“What is it this time Sev?” I asked. Snape looked around the room. His face was growing red with frustration.

“Debbie, you know I really need to clean up,” I said. I took a few strands of my hair and smelled it. For dramatic effect I pretended I was poisoned. Snape didn’t seem to care.

“If you really want to spend so much time with me you can always shower with me Debbie” I said trying to keep the straight face for as long as possible. By now Snape looked as if his head was about to explode. I had figured out why he never said anything when we were alone, he needed a crowd to get provoked.

“Number 58 – I will stop referring to showering as ‘giving Moaning Myrtle an eyeful’” Everyone in the room was shaking. They all feared he would turn and make any of them his next victim at any given moment.

# 58 – I will stop referring to showering as ‘giving Moaning Myrtle an eyeful’

“Anything else Jesus?” I asked. Big mistake. Snape picked me up by my wrist and dragged me up to my dormitory. He threw me onto one of the beds, it wasn’t my bed.

“You will be cleaning the bed pans in the Hospital Wing for the next three weeks! No magic!” He shouted then spun around and walked out of the room without another word. I walked over to my bed and took out the book again.

# 59 – Professor Snape does not respond fondly to ‘Sev’, ‘Debbie’, or Jesus.