Status: Updated Every Monday...Might as well give me something to look foward to on mondays

What I Am Not Allowed to Do at Hogwarts

I am not allowed to introduce myself to the first years as Tim The Enchanter


Oh, come and stir my cauldron,
And if you do it right,
I'll boil you up some hot, strong love
To keep you warm tonight

“Mum, you can't honestly like that rubbish” Ginny said, Fred and George were bowing down to their sister after she had turned the radio off.

“A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love, is a classic, I don’t know if you know or not, but your father and I-”

“Danced to it when you were 18” Everyone in the room said in a union. Mrs. Weasley was taken aback from that, but then continued to wash the dishes.

“Oh hogwash, now, c'mon, we'd best be getting to King's Cross, Tray and Hermione's parents are probably waiting for them already” Mrs. Weasley said, ushering everyone out the door.

“Man, I'm going into my 5th year” I complained to Fred and George. They both looked amused, but confused at the same time.

“Well what's wrong with that” Ginny asked, before Fred and George could utter the words.

“I don’t know, Hogwarts is almost over, and I didn’t get to do like anything yet” I said. There was so much that I had wanted to do, but never got the chance. The top of that list was to tell Fred how I really felt about him, but I knew there was no way I was going to just tell him that I had been crushing on him since my first year.

“Oh, c'mon, George and I are going into our sixth year and-”

“-We still haven't sent that Hogwarts toilet home to mum” George said with the famous Weasley twin grin.

“Don't feel too bad Tray, I left my mark, almost having all the muggle borns killed” Ginny said. She was looking over at me with a reassuring smile. I nodded; at least I hadn't left a mark like that.

“Ginny, that reminds me, I've got some 'Darkover' books, you're free to borrow 'em if you want” I said nonchalantly. Everyone in the car laughed, excluding Mr. And Mrs. Weasley, Harry and Hermione. Too soon to joke apparently.

“You know, I agree with Tr-” Harry started but paused after the annoyed looked from everyone in the car.

“Harry, you made it onto the Quidditch team, in your first year. Got rid of the DADA teacher, and you-know-who, at the same time. Realized that you’re a Parsel tongue, killed some 100 year old snake, and saved the muggle borns from getting killed, went back in time and I can guarantee you that you’re going to do something out of the ordinary this year too” Hermione said in a very matter-of-fact kind of tone. Everyone in the car snickered a little.

“Nicely said Granger” I whispered over at her.

The rest of the ride to King's Cross went mostly without talking; everyone was excited for the new semester to come.

“Oi, blimley, I nearly forgot, Charlie said something about this going to be an unusual year for us” Ron said, this only made everyone in the car even more excited for the new year that was soon to arrive.

“Well here we are” Mr. Weasley said. Everyone got out of the car and walked into the station.

“Oh my, the train should be leaving soon, hurry up Harry” Mrs. Weasley frantically shouted, trying to make sure all of us would make the train.

“Harry, Ron, you two best go first” George snickered as we came closer to platform 9 ¾. Ron's ears lit up bright red.

“Now who's first” Mrs. Weasley asked. I raised my hand; then ran toward the wall. I closed my eyes until I could feel the hot air from the train hitting my face.

“C'mon” Fred said once he bulleted from the wall.

“I'll race you to the train” Fred said, already speeding down to the train. I pushed my cart and dashed after him.

When we got to the train it seemed like everyone was already boarded and had their own compartments. Fred and I walked down to the back of the train; we had always gotten the last compartment, since my first year. When we got to the door we noticed a blonde boy sitting there, he had his head out the window waving goodbye to his parents.

“Owen?” Both Fred and I said in a union. The blonde boy turned to look at us, a small smile cracked onto his face.

“Bout time the two of you got here” He said, Fred and I just chuckled. I looked out the window. I found my mum and dad right away. Mum came and walked up to the side of the train to say goodbye, my dad followed her.

“Oh thank heavens your skin is normal again” My mum laughed. My dad said nothing.

“Well, bye mum, dad” I said and started to turn back to Fred and Owen.

“Tray, we got you a new broom for the school year-a firebolt, one for you and Owen” My mum said. I could feel my jaw drop. Instantly Fred ran over to the window.

“So what did ya get me” He Joked, my mum snickered at his remark, but my dad glared at him.

“Mum, how on earth did you pay for that” I asked. My parents had been heading for poverty for years now. We had been borrowing money from my mum's parents, and my uncle Frank for years now. My dad's family never bothered to help in anyway, but why would they, I have never met them, nor have I ever heard of them. When I was a toddler I thought my dad was a boggart, it seemed to fit well, since my dad seemed to be Brad's biggest fear.

“We didn’t, an old friend offered to pay for Owen's, as long as Owen will get him tickets when he goes pro-” My mum was thrilled by this. She had always known that Owen and Brad would have great lives, Owen had Quidditch; he would be famous. While Brad, who had no Quidditch talent, was an amazing wizard who could have any job he wanted. It was me who she worried the most about.

“Well what about mine” I asked, waiting to hear that the same man who had such great faith in Owen had the same amount of faith in me.

“You did, remember all that money you saved up from all the summer jobs” My dad harshly said. Then both my mum and my dad walked away, waving as they left.

“Well that sucks” Owen snickered as the train began to depart.

“Tray, we gotta get back at Snape this year, first target” Fred was already planning for the new year pranks. As we were going over plans six people walked into compartment, three of Owen's friends, and three of mine and Fred's friends. Alicia Spinnet, Cormac McLaggen, Roger Davies, Lee Jordan, George Weasley and Katie Bell all walked into the small compartment.

“Wow, it's crowed in here” Alicia commented, it was true. Everyone was squished together.

“Alright, we'll leave” Owen said, walking out of the compartment, he knew that there would be no way that my group would give up this spot. Slowly all of his friends followed him. The last to leave the compartment was Cormac McLaggen. Katie and I exchanged looks; then looked over at Cormac as he left.

“Bye Cor” We said as flirtatious as we could, we added several flirty waves. Right away Cormac's face lit up to a bright shade of red; then scurried out the door. Cormac McLaggen had been my brothers’ friend for ages now, and he was never able to talk to a girl, naturally Katie, Nat and I took advantage of that small factor.

“Hey guys,” George said, for once he seemed serious; this was a side of him few people ever saw.

“Hey Fred, I'll play you in spit” I said, taking out a deck of cards. Fred grinned.

“You’re on” He chuckled and waited as the cards shuffled themselves.

“Lee, want to come look for the Trolly with me” Katie asked, Lee jumped right away and started to follow her out the door. George looked annoyed that no one was paying any attention to him and looked out at the passing scenery sulking.

It had been 45 minutes, and I had finally beat Fred in spit; it was one of the longest games we had ever played. I looked over at the door, waiting for the two love birds to come walking in.

“What are they doing” George asked, both Fred and I just shook our heads. Fred sat up, he looked out the window.

“Blimey, we'd better be getting into our robes mate” Fred declared as he walked out the door. George got up, but then sat back down so he had taken Fred's seat and was now sitting next to me.

“Alright, look, I know your secret” George mocked; I could feel my ears burning up. George snickered.

“What secret” I asked. Maybe it was possible that he was talking about a different secret, maybe.

“The one about Fred” George said with a wide smirk spreading across his face. My ears felt like they were on fire.

“What about Fred” I asked, as innocently as I could, it wasn’t very good.

“Oh c'mon love, can't hide from your feelings, I can honestly say I don’t blame you, Fred is a real looker” George joked as he examined his reflection in the window. I couldn’t help but snicker at this.

“George, I don’t like Fred like that” I lied. I attempted to say it as confidently as I could, to hide my twitching toe.

“Is that so” George asked, raising his eye brows and glancing down at my toe.

“The toe of truth is acting up Tray” George said with a cunning smirk rested upon his face. Fred, George and Nat were the only three people in the world who knew that the big toe on my left foot would twitch when I was lying. Fred had nicknamed it the toe of truth, that name had stuck with my toe for years.

“Oh shouldn’t you be hitting on Nat” I said, trying to get the subject away from my toe.

“Oh, I would, but figures she chooses not to take the train this year” George snickered. Nat had only come on the train her first year, the rest of the years she just considered it out of her way, seeing as the school was walking distance from her house.

“Now, back to you and my brother” George said, the grin on his face was making me sick.

“Nothing, actually, I still have a thing for Oliver” I lied. Last year I had dated Oliver for a month in hopes that it would help me get over Fred. It didn’t work.

George looked hurt. He had never enjoyed being wrong, and this was no different.

“Well, I should go get into my robe” I said as I jumped up out of my seat before George had a chance to notice my wildly twitching toe. I ran out of the compartment and down to the changing rooms.


(George's P.O.V)
(P.O.V=Point Of View)

I watched as my perky little friend ran out of the room, I was still in complete and utter shock from what she had just said.

Fred came walking into the compartment with his scarlet Gryffindor robe on; he had a smug grin rested upon his face.

“So, what did she say?” Fred asked very confidently. I snickered and rubbed the back of my neck.

“Well she certainly likes someone on the Gryffindor Quidditch team” I chuckled. I knew I was giving my brother false hopes, but I was enjoying it quite a bit.

“Well then, I think I'd best go talk to her” Fred said, puffing out his chest to look as manly as possible.

“Why, I honestly reckon she'd rather be round Wood” I snickered, I could see the cocky grin on my brothers face fade quickly.

“She's still got it out for Oliver?” Fred asked. I could hear a dramatic change in his voice, he seemed disappointed, but it seemed as if he was covering that disappointment.

“I thought she was over that bloke” Fred said with a small snicker. It wasn’t his normal happy laugh, his eyes were not bright and cheerful when he laughed; it was not a real laugh.


(Tray's P.O.V)

I had just changed into my new robes; they were black with emerald green trimming on the edges. I was walking up back into my compartment when I noticed a giant mob of Slytherins walking toward me. The year had not even started and already I was about to get into a little trouble.

In the front of the Slytherin mob was a tall, well built, blonde haired boy, he looked at me in complete disgust but at the same time he seemed rather amused.

“Oh well look who it is” He spat at me, I just rolled my eyes, Draco Malfoy was only good for one thing: trouble.

“Not now, I don’t have time for little kids” I said, not really wanting to stay in this area with all of them against me for very long.

“Especially kids who can't take care of themselves against a little hippogriff” I said and continued to walk up down the train.

“You take that back you little wench!” Pansy Parkinson shouted at me.

I turned around to snicker at how pathetic Draco looked with his gang of future death eaters. But just as the laugh had left my lips I felt a stiff sting inflicted to my cheek. I placed my hand on my cheek where the pain had been. I looked over at Millicent; her hand was still sticking out in the position it had been in when she struck me.

“You bloody idiot” Draco spat at the large black haired girl. Everyone, including myself gave the leader of the gang a confused look.

“I am not going to be getting expelled from Hogwarts because of your stupid actions, you ugly toad” Draco instantly hissed.

“Oi, leave the lass alone why don’t you” A familiar and friendly voice said. Everyone looked over at Oliver Wood, he was walking towards us. Draco lowered his head and muttered words under his breath then walked away. His gang followed.

“Hey thanks Oliver, I thought Millicent was about to jump me” I laughed, Oliver chuckled.

“Nasty group aren't they” He said as we walked me back to my compartment, so that I didn’t get in any more trouble on the way.

When we got to the end of the train Fred was waiting outside the compartment, he looked up at me and smiled. I could feel my heart racing. Oliver jogged up to Fred.

“Ello Fred, I'll be expecting to see you and George at tryouts” Oliver smiled. Fred just grunted.

“Oh, I might, you don’t plan on taking my position too do you” Fred said coldly. Oliver snickered.

“Fred, as much as I hate to admit it, you and your brother may be the best beaters Hogwarts has ever seen” Oliver assured his teammate. George poked his head out the door.

“Do my ears deceive me, or did the all mighty Oliver Wood just compliment us” George snickered. Oliver rolled his eyes and then walked away.

The rest of the train ride flew by, considering there was only five minutes left. Once we reached the school everyone piled out of the train and one to carriages.

“Who do you reckon the loony will be this year” Fred asked. Every year there was some student, normally a second year, who claimed that the carriages were being pulled by some horse creature. Hogwarts just wouldn’t be the same if there was no loony.


Once we were all seated at our house tables the sorting began. I kept myself separated from the rest of the table, surrounding myself around the first years, the ones who had not been recruited to join Draco and his friends.

When the feast started several smart ass first years began to question me.

“So why aren’t you sitting with the other students?”

“Do you even have any friends?”

“Are you sure you’re a Slytherin?”

“What's your name?” a small snotty boy asked. I snickered.

“I'm Tim the Enchanter” I joked.

“Really? You mean you were the old man from Monty Python and the Holy Grail” A little girl asked, amazed. I was shocked and confused by how this little girl actually believed me.

“Ugh...yea, that’s me” I snickered, I could bring this far.

“You don’t look like him” The snotty boy shot at me, I glared at him.

“It's called makeup” I stated smartly. I looked over at the Gryffindor table; Fred, George, and Nat were waving to me as they left the great hall. Almost every year now the four of us would leave early so that we could hang out in the Gryffindor common room, this year was no different. I slid out of my chair and followed them out of the room.


(Third person)

The small boy, who according to Tray, was a snotty boy, named Luke, watched as the girl who called herself Tim the enchanter walked out of the room with three Gryffindor students.
Suspicious of her actions he walked over to the head of his new house, Professor Snape.

“Professor Snape” Luke asked once he had walked up to the teachers and staff table. Snape glared at him, Luke did not seem frightened.

“That girl, the one called Tim the enchanter, she just left the great hall with several Gryffindor students” Luke informed the now very annoyed teacher.

“Do you take me for an idiot” Snape paused when he noticed Tracey Davis was no longer in the room. He stood up and walked out of the room, and after his student.



“Tracey Davis” Snape's voice bellowed threw out the halls. I stood dead in my tracks, not fully sure what I had done this time.

“I didn’t do anything wrong, I am allowed to leave the feast if I wish” I informed Snape. His lips curled into a grin. I knew I was going to get it now.

“Follow me” He hissed. I lowered my head and waved good bye to my friends.

Snape lead me down to his classroom in the dungeons.

“Sit down” he spat at me, I plopped myself into his arm chair that was by his desk. He glared at me and I moved into a different chair.

“Take this” He said, handing me a book. I flipped through the large book, it was empty.

“Severus it's empty” I informed the old man. Once again he glared at me.

“Snape, its empty” I corrected myself.

“Write down: Number one” He instructed. I did as I was told.

“I am not allowed to introduce myself to the first years as Tim the Enchanter” He said, his voice was dripping with hatred. I couldn’t help but snicker.

“This will be your rule book, since you just keep making up new rules to be broken. Every time you do something stupid you will record it in this book—I said write it down” He hissed. I looked at the book.

What could I call a book like this...

What I am not allowed to do at Hogwarts

I took my quill and wrote down what I was told to.

#1—I am not allowed to introduce myself to the first years as Tim the Enchanter
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Ok, so i'm considering updating this every monday and thursday? what do you think?
post a comment telling me if you think i should continue posting once a week or twice.
thanks =D

i know, Oliver Wood graduated hogwarts the previous year, but for the sake of the story i changed it a little.