Status: Updated Every Monday...Might as well give me something to look foward to on mondays

What I Am Not Allowed to Do at Hogwarts

I am not a sloth Animagus


I walked out of the potions room very annoyed. It was only the first day of term, and already I was up to two rules in this new book I was given. I glumly walked into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

“Your late” an old man with some sort of strap keeping one of his eyes down, said.

“Yea, but it's not my fault, it was all Professor Snape” I said.

“You are Tracey, are you not” He said. I nodded my head.

“Rupert McGrath is your father, is he not” Professor Moody asked. Are you not, is he not. What was up with this man?

“, my dad's name is Rupert Davis” I said, a bit concerned about what name the new teacher had referred to my dad as.

“Oh right, well, he is a great man, I taught him when he was a student” Moody informed me. Now I was truly confused, and I am sure the rest of the classroom was as well.

“This is your first year teaching...isn't it” I asked, getting a bit scared. Brad had always said something was not right with our dad; he always seemed to think that we couldn’t trust him. Owen and I never paid much attention to him though, but at that moment I was wishing I had.

“I meant your dad was my apprentice, I was training him to become an auror” He said. There was something wrong about this, my dad was not an auror, and he had never mentioned Mad-Eye Moody.

“My dad isn’t an auror” I said suspiciously. Everyone in the room could see our new teacher chuckling nervously.

“Well then I guess I wasn’t a very good teacher to him” He said with a small chuckle. Several students chuckled to although I am sure it was only to lighten the tension in the room.

I walked over to Katie and Nat. I sat at the desk next to them; I sat next to Owen's friend. Cormac McLaggen.

“Hey Cor” I said. I could see him blush, even though he tried to hide his face in his books. Katie snickered, so did Nat.

“Hey Cor, I lost my quill, could I borrow yours” Nat said in a very seductive voice. Cormac's face was now matching his scarlet tie.

Katie, Nat and I had always enjoyed doing this to him. Although Cormac was a fairly good looking boy, he was never good with girls, and just talking to them sent him beat red in an instant. The three of us always seemed to take advantage of that flaw.


“No homework tonight, just make sure you all come to class on time tomorrow” Professor Moody said. I could see his magic eye was fixed on me. It made me feel rather uncomfortable, but I tried to push that out of my mind.

“Next class is...Charms” Nat said. I sighed, our schedules changed right here, I had advance Transfigurations, my only advance class.

“Well, bye, guys” I said, and hurried out of the room. The faster I got away from the eye the better.

When I walked into the Transfigurations classroom I noticed three boys right away. They were taking advantage of the fact that Professor McGonagall was not in the room yet. The three boys were having a very intense game with a Fanged Frisbee. Several other students were getting annoyed when the Fanged Frisbee came snarling towards them.

“Ay, Tray, what are you doing here” Lee asked after the lime green Frisbee almost took my head off. Fred and George came jogging over to me.

“You taking advance” George asked. He sounded surprised. Taking an advanced class just meant taking it with the average class of the year above you.

“What, you don’t think I'm as smart as the three of you” I joked.

“Their younger sister Ginny is probably smarter than the three of them” Angelina Johnson laughed. Lee snickered.

“Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley if you do not remove that vile contraption from my classroom I will have to hand it over to Filch” McGonagall threatened the two boys.

“Anything for you love” They said together, gaining a laugh from the whole classroom.
Lee and George took the desk in the back of the classroom, Fred and I had gotten the desk in front of them.

“Now, I know your O.W.L.s are over and you won't have to be worrying about your N.E.W.T.s until next year, but it is never too late to start preparing” McGonagall informed the class.

“Does that mean I don’t have to take the O.W.L.s” I asked. McGonagall looked slightly annoyed.

“Miss Davis, in this classroom we raise our hands and wait to be called on” McGonagall, she seemed very annoyed now.

“Ok, good to know, but do I have to take them” I asked. McGonagall sighed.

“Yes you will be required to take them, and so will every other 5th year students taking advance transfigurations, and next year, if you are still taking the advanced courses, you will take the final exams, and prep N.E.W.T.s” She told me. I could see several students in my year sigh.

“Now, let's start the lesson”

“Hey, how's your ageing potion coming along” I whispered so that Fred, George and Lee could hear me. Lee shrugged.

“I think I'm gonna try to stay clean this year” Lee snickered.

“Lee doesn’t think we can do it” Fred added.

“Oh well is there anything Fred Weasley can't do” I joked. Fred looked rather proud.

“He can't seem to beat Oliver Wood” George snickered.

“Tracey” McGonagall called my name, the whole classroom turned to look back at me. McGonagall was tapping her foot, waiting for the answer to her question. I could think of nothing until I looked over at Montague, something about him just reminded me of a pig, so I said the first thing that came to my mind after that.

“Circe” I said, I said it more as a question rather than an answer. McGonagall looked annoyed.

“Good job Davis” She said then turned back to the board.

“What the bloody hell Tray” Lee said.

“How in the world did you know that” George asked.

“You can read minds can’t you” Fred joked.

“No it’s just that Montague over there reminded me of a pig, and Circe was a witch, I think she lived in the Greek islands, anyway, she turned lost sailors into pigs” I said. All three boys stared at me blankly.

“So there is a brain up there” Fred joked, pulling me closer and messing up my hair.

“Fred hands to yourself” McGonagall said, then went right back to her lesson.


“So remind me again what is so great about this Triwizard Tournament” I said dully as I took a bite out of a Cornish pasty.

“Well we get to attempt to figure out what this strange blancmange stuff is” Nat said. Nat was pointing to an odd looking plate of food that had come to Hogwarts with the Beauxbatons students.

“And we get to meet new people” Katie said, she was on the verge of drooling just looking at several of the Durmstrang students. Everyone at the table could see Lee stiffen up.

“What is it you girls see in those boys anyway” George asked. Both Nat and I shook our heads.

“I honestly can't stand them, I don’t have any patience for them” I muttered after seeing several of them wave at Nat, Katie and myself.

“You just don’t like them because when they say your name it sounds like crazy” Nat laughed

“Tracey, crazy, Tracey, crazy, Tracey is crazy, yea I see it” Fred snickered.

“Here, try some black pudding” I said taking my spoon and flicking the dark pudding onto Fred. It hit him square on the nose.

Fred smirked, then let his eyes drift down to the table of food. His eyes stopped once they saw a half eaten shepherd's pie. The smirk on his face only grew wider. He picked up the pie in one hand then glanced at me. I looked at him with horror struck eyes.

His hand lunged forward, only to have the pie caught by a hand that guarded my face. I smirked.

“You wouldn’t be trying to give this pretty little girl a face full of pie, would you Weasley” Oliver's friendly voiced said. Oliver looked down at Fred and I. Oliver was very tall, and even though he was standing, and I was sitting, I still felt like a dwarf next to a giant.

“So what if I was” Fred whispered under his breath. Fred refused to make eye contact with the tall sporty boy standing in front of him.

“Make room, would you bloke” Oliver said, his kind smile never leaving his face, no matter how rude Fred was acting towards him.

“Go find somewhere else to sit” Fred grumbled, pulling me closer so that there was no room for Oliver to sit around us.

I couldn’t help but feel like I was walking on air, Fred was holding me much closer than one friend would hold another. It took me a while, but I soon realized that Fred had only done that so that Oliver could not sit next to him – it still managed to please me.

Olive sat on my other side. Fred glared at him while he piled food onto his plate. I felt uncomfortable being between the two of them, and sitting in the path of Fred's glare.

My eyes met George's, George seemed to understand that I wanted to know the reason for Fred's sudden bitterness, but George just shrugged.

“Beats me mate” He whispered.

“So, have you guys heard the news?” Oliver asked. This must have been the true reason for his sudden need to sit at our end of the table. Oliver was normally at the other end, with my brother, and the rest of his friends.

“Quidditch is being canceled this year” Oliver sighed when no one answered his question. Oliver must have felt like he needed to share this with everyone, seeing as there were four Quidditch players here, three who are – were, on his team, and the announcer for all the games. Nat seemed unaffected by this; it only meant that she would be allowed to spend more time with her friends. The rest of us however, let out a deep sigh.

“Man Quidditch was the one thing I couldn’t mess up with around that house” I sighed. It was true, the only reason the rest of the Slytherins hadn’t sacrificed me into the fire was because I was fairly good at Quidditch.

“I don’t know, you weren’t that great, Owen still manages to fly circles around you on the field” Nat joked. Everyone laughed. There was no way anyone could be compared to Owen; he was untouchable at the sport.

“Well that was a waist of my summer money, stupid firebolt” I muttered under my breath. Fred must have heard me, ‘cause when I looked over at him he was snickering.

“Well, I need to keep training so that I'm not rusty for next year, when I try out for Puddlemere United, I'd be honored if you and your brother took out your two new brooms to practice with me” Oliver said. Somehow Oliver always managed to bring light into the bleakest times of darkness.

“Honestly Wood” Fred hissed under his breath. George looked wide eyed at his brother, expecting what would come next.

“So, Nat, got any plans for our aging potion” George asked, loud enough to distract everyone around us, including Fred.

“Well, no, but I'm sure Fred would love to enlighten us on some of his plans” Nat said. To be honest, sometimes I wondered how Nat and George functioned without each other. Everything they did always seemed to compliment the other, and it didn’t even seem like they had tried to do that. They always seemed to perfectly understand what the other was thinking.

“Well I guess I'll see you lot later, Tray, I'll give you a holler when we are going to train” Oliver said. He seemed completely oblivious to the way Fred acted; it was amazing to me, that someone could not even tell when one person had singled them out, just to get anger out.

“Fred, what was that about” I snapped. Waiting for a response. Fred just looked over at me, smiling.

“What?” He snickered. He had done it; I was lost in his amazing smile. I hated that about him, I was crushing too hard on him to ever be mad at him, no matter how rude he acts.

I was still in my strange trance by the time lunch had ended. I was walking around the halls still picturing Fred's amazing smile. I thought it strange, although I had always been dazzled by Fred's smile, I could normally recover much quicker, this time however, I seemed to be locked at that moment when he smiled so handsomely.

I walked into Divination, somewhat back to myself. When I stepped into the room I noticed that the class had already long started.

“Miss Davis” Professor Trelawney scrunched up her nose and peered through her glasses.

“Where have you been” She said, her voice was full of both concern, and authority. I let a light smirk fall across my face; dealing with her was always so easy.

“What, Professor Trelawney, didn’t you see it” I paused, letting my worried expression glance around the room, to see how many of my classmates could pick onto my plan.
“Didn’t you see it, in the crystal ball” I whispered. I could see Cho Chang holding her mouth shut to keep herself from giggling; several other students around her were doing the same.

“Oh yes, of course I saw it dear, I was just trying to make sure it was what was it that I saw again” She asked; trying to stay in control of this conversation.

“I awakened my true power, I am an Animagus” I whispered. Several students let their giggles escape their mouths; Professor Trelawney did not seem to notice.

“And since that was my first time transforming, I had no clue how to go back, I was coming here, in my animal form, but seeing as that was a sloth, it took some time, I really hope you don’t mind that my abilities have caused you to wait for me” I said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. Professor Trelawney shook her head.

“Of course not, now, please, have a seat” She said, pointing to a chair. I proudly walked over to my table.

“Bravo, bravo Davis” Madam Pomfrey was clapping for me by the door. I lowered my head, as if that would hide me from her. It didn’t.

“Come with me right now” She snapped. I nodded, and picked up my books then walked out of the classroom. I knew where we were headed.

When we made it to the dungeons Madam Pomfrey knocked on Snape's door several time before he opened it. He, once again, had a class in session. It didn’t take him long to realize what happened.

“Into the classroom” He hissed at me. I nodded then gladly skipped into the classroom.
Snape shut the door so that he could talk to Madam Pomfrey.

“Hey, Tray” Fred shouted, waving to me. I walked over to him, a big grin on my face.

“Be prepared, he's going to be pissed, this is the second time today I interrupted his class” I snickered.

“Blimley Tray, do you have a death wish” Lee asked. I rolled my eyes and ignored his question.

“Tray, what class do you have after this” Fred asked. I thought for a moment, and then groaned.

“I have detention, here with Snape”

When Snape threw the door open I took out the book right away. I had my quill in hand, waiting for his command.

“I cannot believe you, you are a disgrace to the whole house, have you ever once used your head” Snape snarled. I nodded my head, not fully understanding what he was saying. My eyes were fixed on a large clump of grease that nested in his hair.

“Write this down” he instructed.

“Number three – I am not a sloth Animagus” Several students snickered when they heard it. Most couldn’t believe that I would try to pull something like that off.

# 3 – I am not a sloth Animagus