Status: Updated Every Monday...Might as well give me something to look foward to on mondays

What I Am Not Allowed to Do at Hogwarts

I am not allowed out of my dormitory when visitors from the ministry are here


“Hey you know what would be really fun” I asked. Everyone looked over at me. There was not much fun stuff I could do right now, seeing as after I could have gotten three first years killed yesterday I wasn’t allowed out of the castle. Snape had made sure I stayed locked up in this castle for god knows how long.

“Not having to wait for the three of you to get out of detention everyday” Nat answered my question. George snickered at her cleaver remark.

“Yea, that would be nice, but not what I was thinking” I said, Fred, George and Nat all stared at me, clearly they were all amused and waited to hear my newest plan.

“Let's play spell tag, we haven’t played that since my third year” I almost begged them to play. Everyone in the room snickered. In my third year Lockhart was the current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He couldn’t find away to stop us from playing the game, seeing as he could not get our wands cause of his poor magic skills. Lockhart had ban the game from the castle, not that it was allowed in the first place.

“I'm in” Fred said. I didn’t care if the other two joined; right now all I cared about was that Fred had chosen to join me. George and Nat gave in and walked out of the common room with us, waiting to start the game.

“Everyone remember how to play” Nat asked. I nodded my head, although George shook his head stupidly. I knew he was only doing that so that he could have more time to talk to Nat.

“Ok, well we all spit up into different parts of the castle, when we spot someone else you can cast any spell you want on them, after the spell is cast get your ass out of that area” Nat explained. George snickered. I was so jealous of how they both liked each other like that.

“Alright, let's go” I snickered. Fred and I left to take the lower parts of the castle while Nat and George took the upper.

“Tray, you know I'm not going to let you off as easy as last time” Fred snickered. I laughed, mocking what he had just said.

“Fred, I had you covered in boils last time, you were in the hospital wing for weeks” I laughed. Fred was only actually in the hospital wing for a day, but he had to stay to scrub the floor for his punishment for two weeks.

“Yea, but I had you covered in fur” Fred laughed loud enough to get several first years attention. They looked annoyed, all clearly knowing who we were, and knowing that as long as Fred was around there was sure to be trouble right behind him.

“Well, may the best man win” Fred said, emphasizing the word man. I rolled my eyes then ran down the corridor in the other direction. My first target was without a doubt going to be Nat, and I knew the perfect spell to get her with.

Back in my third year she turned me into a rabbit; it took her the rest of the day to figure out how to turn me back.

I walked around the hallways as quietly as I could. Then I heard it, it was my brothers voice.

“So Nat, fancy meeting you here” Brad said. He was trying to sound as adult and charming as possible; it wasn’t working too well for him.

“Not now Brad” Nat whispered. Her voice sounded worried, as if she knew I was coming around. I hated that about her. Somehow Nat always seemed to know exactly when something would happen.

“Hey, how ‘bout you and me take a—” Brad began, only to have Nat's hand fly to his face to cover his mouth. She knew I was here; I had to move in on her now.

“Hey Nat” I smiled coming out from behind the wall.

“Duro” I muttered and pointed my wand towards Nat. Before Nat had time even raise her wand she froze and hardened into a cold stone statue of herself. Brad glared at me.

“Was that really necessary Tray” He huffed; he must have thought that he would actually get his date with her this time.

“Umm...yea...I don’t want to lose” I laughed. Brad rolled his eyes. He always seemed to know how to make me feel like a child, even though I was older then him.

“Hey, think of it as the birthday present I forgot to give you” I said with a shrug. Instantly his face lit up. I walked down the hallway in search for one of the twins.

I walked by the great hall just in time to see George leaving. I quickly took out my wand, hoping he didn’t see me.

“Impervius” I exclaimed pointing to George. Nothing happened. George turned around to look at me. He was confused. For a moment I wondered if Fred had already placed a memory charm on him.

“Did that actually do anything?” George asked. I thought for a moment. I hadn’t really known what that spell did in the first place.

“I don’t know I just cast the first spell that came to my mind” I shrugged. George looked scared, amused and annoyed, all at once.

“So you could have blown me to bits right there” He asked. I thought about it for a moment and he was right. I could have killed George right then and there. Weird.

“What was the name of the spell” George asked. He sounded a little worried. I wondered if maybe this spell might have had an after effect.

“Impervius” I lowered my head. I was a little ashamed that I might kill my friend in the next few seconds. Oddly, I didn’t feel as panic as I should have.

“Wicked! I'm water proof” George exclaimed. I snickered.

“Ok, ok, let me try another spell” I said. Once again I picked the first spell that came to my mind.

“Tray- Tray wait”


“Hello love”

“Do” I finished my spell after jumping from shock with Fred appearing from nowhere. I spell missed George and went right towards a small bench. The bench was cut in half. George looked at me wide-eyed. I could tell he didn’t know whether to be scared of me or mad.

“Bloody hell Tray, are you trying to kill me” he exclaimed, throwing his hands towards the now slit bench. I took out my wand to attempt to cast another spell on George, but before I could utter any words Fred's wand was already shooting its own spell towards his brother.

“Rictusempra” Fred said. Once the spell hit George fell to the floor laughing uncontrollably. I looked over at my red headed friend. I was a little annoyed that he caste the spell instead of me.

“No offence love, but I like having my brother in once piece” Fred said with such a charming smile. I couldn’t be mad at him, not when he smiled like that, it was far too hard.

“We'd better run, Snape is on his way, and Barty Crouch is here to inspect the school,” Fred said pulling me away from the hysterically laughing George.

Once we were far enough away from the scene.

“Game's still on” I muttered. Fred had an ear-to-ear grin on his face then ran down the stairs and headed for the door to lead him out of the castle.

That was cheep; he knew I couldn’t go out of the castle, at least not for another week.

“Stupefy,” I shouted with my wand pointed toward Fred. But before the spell could leave my wand I heard a voice.

“Tray” The voice had scared me, just as Fred's voice had. I jumped and when my spell left my wand it was no longer heading for Fred. I looked over at Owen, the one who had called my name. We watched as my spell as the red light hit the chandelier that hung over two adults. Fred stopped and looked up at me horrified.

“Professor Snape watch out!” I shrieked. I imagined ways I could have killed Snape in the past, but none of those dreams had involved me calling out to try to save him. Professor Snape glared at me as I ran down the steps, drastically trying to beat the now falling chandelier. Snape finally looked away from me and looked up above him. I continued to run towards Snape and Crouch, whose lives were now at stake because of my stupidity. I felt two strong arms holding me down from running any farther; keeping me away from the chandelier that had finally crashed to the ground.

“Fred!” I screamed. I turned my head, unable to look in the direction of my now dead professor and the ministry of magic worker.

“Um...Tray” Fred seemed amused. I buried my head in Fred's chest.

“Alright, I wouldn’t want to take a look at him either” Fred remarked. Did he know he was just making it worse? Fred wrapped his arms tightly around me; I could feel his chest rumble with several chuckles.

“He looks like he's about to kill you” Fred whispered in my ear. I pulled away from Fred.

“Oh no more hug” Fred still seemed amused. I slowly turned my head around to see Snape and Barty Crouch standing in the middle of the giant chandelier, Crouch looked petrified. Snape did not however; he looked as if he might have killed me if there were not so many people gathering around us. If Snape had been one foot to the right then he would have been crushed by the chandelier.

“Davis!” His voice bellowed through the hall. All the students, from all three schools, including the teachers had gathered around us. I would have been lucky if he had died in front of me.

“I don’t ever want to see that horrible monster again!” Crouch shouted once he had gotten his voice back. I could feel my eyes growing wider by the second. I looked around the room, all the students looked concerned about my future; even Draco Malfoy looked like he would be affected if I was gone.

“No one was hurt, she didn’t do anything wrong” Fred Shouted, he pushed me behind him as if trying to protect me from them.

“She could have killed us” Crouch spat at him. I could see Fred's hand twitching towards his wand.

“Fred, don’t do it” I whispered. Fred grinned. He chuckled and had a smug grin on his face.

“I wouldn’t waste my time on that” He said, although his twitching hand looked as if it had different plans.

“Barty, the boy is right, no one was harmed, therefore there is no need for such harsh punishments” Dumbledore's soothing voice tried to calm the dramatic event. It was amazing how Dumbledore could appear just as things seemed to be lost.

“Run along everyone” Dumbledore said. Slowly all the students left the area, all very unpleased that they would miss this event.

“Severous, take care of Davis, she must be traumatized after an event like that” Dumbledore's kind voice said. Dumbledore thought I was traumatized? I wasn’t the one who was nearly killed, although I was the one who almost did the killing.

Snape grunted then dragged me off to the dungeons. As I looked back at Fred he gave me a look that helped me know everything would be okay. Right after I was given the look he turned his head right back to continue a deathly glare at Crouch. I knew Fred would keep me safe and I knew he would make sure I stayed in this school.

Once we got down to the dungeons I desperately wished Fred were still by my side, protecting me. I hadn’t gotten to really cherish the moment, seeing as I thought I was a murderer. All I can really think of from that short moment was when Fred wrapped his own arms tightly around me, if only I wasn’t so worried about this stupid professor's life.

Snape pulled my into his classroom, his tight grip on my shirt made it hard to breath, but then I figured if that was all he was going to do to me I would get off lucky.

“I know Dumbledore is protecting you from what you deserve, but I am not afraid to give you your true punishment” Snape snapped at me. I jumped out of his grip and started dramatically waving my arms back and forth.

“No, No, Snape is it really worth losing your job! Think about it, the second you hex me you’re out” I pleaded. Snape suddenly looked very amused. This scared me even more.

“Despite how tempting that truly is, it does not mean I would give up everything for you” Snape's voice had never sounded so bone chilling.

“But Severous, I would risk it all for you, I thought we had something special” I commented, mostly for my own amusement.

“You will be spending everyday for the rest of this month in this classroom for your free hour along with your lunch hour” Snape hissed, He had ignored my comment. The tone in his voice made me sure he was taking pleasure in this. I wanted to argue, but that would only land me another month of this.

“Take it out” He snarled. I looked up at him, how could he expect me to do this a second time.

“There's no need, there is no way I am going to almost kill another professor, at least not in the same way” I whispered with a little bit of my old humor coming back.

“Take it out!” His voice was growing louder.

“Number 19, I am not allowed out of my dormitory when visitors from the ministry are here” I couldn’t help but chuckle a little, even after almost killing one of the most important people in the ministry of magic, hearing that come from Snape's mouth. Still snickering I wrote down what I was told.

#19 – I am not allowed out of my dormitory when visitors from the ministry are here
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i am SO sorry it took so long to update, i'll be updating again on monday and then i'l try to go back to every monday