Status: In progress, generally only added to when taking a break from own original writing.

Pure as Snow


“You shouldn’t be out here.”

Draco whipped his head around quickly and scowled at the man standing in the shadows behind him, a pale moon illuminating sickly skin and dark eyes.

“I’m sure you think I shouldn’t be here at all.” He replied sourly as he turned back to the night, the moon sinking towards the horizon as it made way for the sun.

“I’m sure I think none of us should be here.” Richard said with a coy smile that creased his eyes and cracked his thin lips. Like always he was careful not to show his true feelings about Draco’s presence.

Not that it mattered much. Draco had spent the better part of the night resenting Richard, watching him and Mel talk in low voices from the corner of his eye while Cassie, who didn’t think much of Draco, watched him from the corner of hers. It was jealousy of course, and probably in his mind, but he wanted nothing more than to see Richard out of the picture.

“She’s never mentioned you before.” He said slowly as he came up beside Draco with his arms crossed lightly over a wide chest. “Are you very good friends?”

“Apparently,” He said bitterly with a scowl he was getting familiar with again. “Not as good as I thought.”

A tense silence hung in the air as they watched the sun creep higher and the landscape become slowly clearer. Draco tried to remember the songs the birds sang in the forests ahead of him and the smell of the air that wrapped around him. He tried to remember how this morning started so that maybe it could help him forget how it was going to end. How it had to end.

“Morning.” And her timing was always perfect.

He looked at her for only a second before turning back to the sky but he could feel her coming closer with her thin sheet wrapped around her shoulders and cropped hair sticking out awkwardly.

“Richard,” She managed to say though a long yawn. “Do you think you could work out some breakfast? We should really eat before moving.”

Richard left quickly, his long body folding in on itself and vanishing with a pop.

“Where’s he going?”

“Anywhere the rabbits are.” She shrugged casually as she stepped up beside him.

“That’s disgusting.”

“That’s breakfast.” She laughed.

And then there was a more familiar silence. The kind of silence that chased that breath taking kiss, that lingered after I love you and apologized when you didn’t know how to. And in the silence she wrapped his arms around her and smiled against his chest.

“I’m sorry. “ He said in a breath that rolled down her neck and ignited goose bumps across her skin.

“You haven’t done anything.” She turned up to him and smiled, pulling her blanket tighter around her throat.

Draco kissed her smiling lips hoping it wouldn’t be the last time and held her tighter. “I’m about to.”

There was only a moment for her to react but it was never going to be enough. Maybe he felt her try and push away before the earth fell away beneath them but they were already gone. He had already taken her