Vampires, demons and fairy's oh my

End of my life

Sneaking out of the castle was always easy. The guards were usually sleeping or they didn't care that I was leaving.

Right now I was at the beach with my two best friends, it was black out and the only light we had was a bonfire we had made.

"It's so nice here." I say as I lay back and rest my head on the cool sand.

"I know. I can't believe we start school next week, I can't wait to be a senior." My best friend Reese says as she poked the fire with a stick.

"It's getting late guys, I think I'm gonna head home and go to sleep." My party pooper of a best friend River says as she stands up and dusted sand off of her butt.

"Yeah, my dad's important guests should be gone by now." I said as I stand up and brush the sand out of my hair. "See you girls tomorrow." I waved to my two best friends as I walk away from them.

My walk home was pretty far, it took me an hour to an hour and a half to get back to the castle. By the time I got inside I was half asleep and could barely keep my eyes open.

"Where have you been young lady?" My father, also known as king of the fairy's asks me after I closed the front door.

When I turned around I saw him standing a few feet away from me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Where I usually am when you have 'important' guests over." I told my father and made sure I used air quotes around the word important. Important guests to him were usually strippers coming to give him lap dances.

I could tell my dad didn't like his answer because he frowned at me and sighed. I watched as he raised a hand and rubbed his temples. "Please tell me you haven't done anything stupid at least."

"All I did was have a stupid bonfire with my friends." I was getting irritated with my dad. He always gets mad at me when ever I go and hang out with my friends but if my annoying twin sister ever hung out with her friends late he'd let her be and not even yell at her.

I heard him sigh again, "Lets just set the arguing aside for now. I have some news for you." My dad said as he turned around and motioned for me to follow him.

I would of loved to throw a temper tantrum where I was standing but my curiosity got the best of me. I followed my father into his study and laid down on the couch in his office.

"You know how you and your sister are coming of age and how you swore when you were younger that you'd do anything for your people, right?"

I only nodded telling him that I remembered.

"Well we've been having trouble with the ruler to the south of us, they want our territory."

"Your not going to give it to them are you?" I hated when things like this happened, it always leads to my father leaving for months at a time to go and fight.

"No, no I'm not. The ruler of the south and I had come to an agreement this afternoon."

"So that was your important guest?"


"Continue please." I said when my dad gave me the look saying 'any more questions.'

"Well the agreement was that I'd let him marry one of my daughters if he stops attacking us."

"Cool, does this mean Holly is going away?" I had dreampt of this happening so many times and now that it was happening I was exited.

"Actually your the one who's going to be getting married."

"I'm what?!" I really wasn't planning on getting married so soon, especially in an arranged marriage. "Why not Holly? She's the older one?" I love being the younger sister, I don't have to do as much stuff as my sister does.

"You heard me and Holly's time is coming."

"Are you at least going to tell me the guys name?" My father never talks about the other rulers so I had no choice but to ask.

"You might of heard of him. He's M Shadows."

My mouth must of dropped to the floor. I'm marrying M fucking Shadows! He's the most ruthless man ever to live! He also owns his own country called Bat Country and it's supposedly filled with blood thirsty vampires that could suck me dry in a matter of five seconds.

"There's no way in hell I'm going to marry that monster!" I shouted, I hated letting my anger take over me.

"Raiden Clare Zehnder do not raise your voice at me! You marry Shadows and you will do it willingly! The wedding is set to take place tomorrow night and I expect you tonot be late!"

I couldn't take it any more I got off of the couch and ran to my room and slammed the door shut. My life as I knew it was over!
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if you guys know this but Fairy's are actually demons, isn't that cool.
Anyway do you guys think Raiden is being selfish for not wanting to be married? What do you think of her dad?

Please leave me awesome comments and subscribe.


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