Status: Active, but updated slowly.

Misery Loves Me

Why Is It So Hard To Find Someone Who Cares About You?

I wake up by the sound from a slamming door. That was probably my “mother” leaving. I sigh and glance at my clock. I should get up.


I’m walking to school. Hands in my pockets, hood on my head, looking at my walking feet. Why I’m even doing this? I’m personally throwing myself in the arms of the bullies. I’m walking towards hell. I’ve no choice. If there is a chance of getting a better life, I need to study for it. Even if there’s no chance, what can I do if I don’t go? I’m too much of a pussy to end life myself. Maybe the bullies will do it for me.


I’m in history. The teacher is new. He doesn’t know me. He asks me if I know the answer. Of course I know it, I always do my homework. I just look at him. He asks me again. I keep looking. He walks to my desk to take a look at my homework. He asks why I didn’t say the answer, because it’s right. I take a last glance at him and look down at my homework again. I hear him walk away. He thinks I’m an idiot. I am.


It’s break. I’m in a locker. They called me names. I didn’t react. They shoved me in a locker. I think they saved the punches for later today.


Someone helped me out of the locker. Now it’s time for PE. I don’t do PE. I just stand here. The teacher has given up on me.


I lay on the ground. Everything I move hurts. I slowly get up. I don’t think I’ve broken something. I slowly start limping home. They laugh.


My homework is done. I grab my guitar. This is what I live for.


I’m hungry. I walk downstairs. There’re no lights on. My parents aren’t home. I get some food.


I’m in my bed. I’m trying to sleep. I can’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story! =D

I know this is written a bit weird. But it's how Frank thinks right now. It will change further in the story. I wrote this to describe what Frank's life is like. This chapter is an average day for Frank.
He'll meet Mikey and Gerard soon =]

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Title: Someone Who Cares - Three Days Grace