

Lost. She's lost in this big, roaming city full of people who shan't, can't, won't stop. Her heels make a sound that's all too loud for the street, yet it's only just loud enough to be heard over the voices as they mingle and shout together. Her tights are electric blue, something that sounded like a good idea at five o' clock in the morning and swiftly died down into regret the moment she had finished being awed by the beautiful buildings and fashion as it paraded it's way down the streets.

This was a city full of people, but at the same time delightfully small and empty. She takes a right off of a street with a ridiculous name and walks through a cobbled street in Gucci heels. They're a shade of light, neutral creamy-beige which should rightfully look disgusting next to her tights, but they've got purple bows that are the same shade of blinding as the tights. A woman glares at her as she comes out the other side of the alley, and she vaguely regrets not wearing the little black dress her room mate suggested.

The thought is discarded in the same instant, there's at least a dozen others in the courtyard in front of her wearing the classic black dress, and no-one's wearing a Minnie Mouse bow except from a three year old, but she's drooling on hers. It doesn't count.

It's a small carnival scene she's stumbled upon, and it's the perfect way to end her day. The light is fading into black skies lit by multi-coloured fairy lights strung from the lamposts. A small ferris wheel that's covered in the same lights turns slowly, each seat swaying in the gentle breeze, or rocking wildly as rowdy boys aim to score with their chosen lover. There's a small couple on one seat, they couldn't be older than six. They held hands and when they reached the top they kissed like the older couples had.

She discovered the candyfloss stall where the cute vendor gave her the brightest coloured candyfloss she'd ever seen with a wink and a smile. She walked away happily, no longer lost. London was the city for her.
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