Learning To Breathe

Chapter 3

So it turns out that the fever I had was caused by a really bad case of the flu. I had to stay in the hospital for almost a week, which gave me time to think about what I had seen in my delusional state. Donny was taking a lot of time off of work to stay with me, but he needed to go back to work and I needed some time alone. Liam came by with homework and stuff but he didn’t ever stay too long-he hates hospitals. Always have, always will.

I was finally able to go home on the following Thursday, although I had to take it easy for a while. I had sneakily avoided the talk about my bruise, but I knew Donny wouldn’t forget about it. Finally on Saturday I had had enough and needed to get out of the apartment. While Liam was out with friends and Donny was in the shower, I quickly scribbled out a note and left. I walked a little ways before I found a small diner, and went in. It was not too crowded so I seated myself. It was a few minutes before someone came to wait on me, and when I felt someone hovering over me I looked up and became speechless.

I had never seen anyone so beautiful. The guy standing before me was the most gorgeous person I had ever come across. He was tall, probably six-foot, and was well-built. His longer blonde hair stuck up in some places, but was overall pretty fixed. His eyes were a sea-blue color, the kind you could get lost in and see the best in yourself. When I realized I was staring, I quickly recomposed myself and looked at his nametag, which read Luke, smiling.

“What’ll it be, miss?” He asked, in a thick country accent.

I glanced down at the menu. “Um…I’ll have a water and salad. Thanks.” I smiled again.

“Your welcome.” He started to walk away, but then turned back. “And if I may say, you have the prettiest smile of anyone I have seen since I moved here.”

I felt myself blush as he walked away with my order. I stared out the window, but often found myself turning to look at him. I realized a little while later that the feeling I was having in my gut was that of a crush, but I quickly repressed it. I knew that nothing comes with love or trust but abandonment and hurt. I could not let myself get hurt like that…not like my mother had. A little while later he came over to me and slid into the booth.

“What’s your deal?” He asked and it took me by surprise.

I hesitated. “What do you mean?”

He sighed. “I have seen you around school. You spend all your time by yourself. You do not get along with the popular kids. So…what’s your deal?”

She looked at him. “My mom died and my brother and I had to move in with our older brother. Everyone hates me and my brothers don’t even notice.”

He nodded. “I figured it was something like that. Your Liam’s sister.”

I nodded. “Mackayla.”

He smiled at me. “Mackayla. I like that.”

“So…what’s your deal?” I asked him.

He looked at me, obviously confused. “Excuse me?”

I stared at him. “I’ve seen you around school, too. You seem to hang around with many different groups, and you’ve had many girlfriends, but nothing seems to ever really stick. So…”

He sighed and fiddled with a napkin. “It’s…complicated.”

She watched him carefully. “I won’t judge.”

He hesitated, but then gave in. “I got caught with pot last year at my school in Texas. I came from a small town that I couldn’t wait to get out of. People talk, though and the story moved with me. After that…girls didn’t seem to want to stay with the “bad boy” very long.”

I could see in his eyes that it hurt him, but something else in his eyes told me something wasn’t right about it. Suddenly I was ripped form my thoughts when I was pulled form my seat. “What the Hell are you doing?”

I cringed as Liam yelled at me. “Getting out. I hated being cramped up in the apartment.”

He scoffed. “Yeah well Donny’s freaking out that you’re going to get sick. Now come on, we have to go.”

I looked at Luke. “Sorry. So…see you at school, I guess.”

Then I followed my brother out of that place, and small wonder in the back of my mind.

“Stay away from him, Kayla. He’s bad news.” Liam said as he dragged me to the car.

I rolled my eyes. “You know what you never cared about me before don’t start now.”

We got home and I jumped out of the car running to our house. I didn’t say anything to Donny as I went to my room and slammed my door. I laid down on my bed and took a deep breath. I looked at my bedside table and saw the picture of my mother that was taken days before she died. I missed my mom in times like these, but I couldn’t get the dream out of my head. I know what I saw…and it didn’t sit right with me. I reached out and faced it down towards the surface of the table. Then I let my mind drift to thoughts of Luke and what he had told me. Even with him telling her the truth, she couldn’t help but feel as if something was off.
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So here is the next chapter. I have big plans for this story but cplease comment. I want feedback and anything u want added!