'Till Tonight Do us Part

The Shot

Patrick ran all the way to the car, everyone following him, to the limo parked outside the church. He set me down on the ground and held the door open for me. Carefully, I got in the limo and made room for Patrick right next to me. He got in right behind me and shut the door. He turned to face me with a huge smile on his face.

“I can’t believe we’re married, I’m so happy you have no idea.” He said as the limo came to life and started driving down the street.

“Oh believe me I’m that happy to because I love you with all of my heart.” I said kissing his cheek.

“I love you too.” Once he said that his lips connected with mine with all of the passion in the world. We made out all the way to the garden where we were going to get our pictured taken. When we got there we both got out of the limo to be met with the photographer and the rest of our wedding party.

We did all the traditional photos and made sure to get it done as quickly as possible so we could head over to the reception hall. One thing I couldn’t wait to see was my wedding cake. During the planning of the wedding that was the only thing I was OCD about because I was so obsessed with it being perfect. It took us fifteen minutes to get from the garden to the hall and the whole time I was getting more and more nervous. Before we got out of the car Patrick stopped me so we could talk for a minute.

“Honey listen to me,” He started. “We already know that this wedding is going to be perfect because you planned it so just loosen up and have fun because tonight no one can slow you down.” I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

“You’re right, I should just have fun.” I agreed.

“I know I’m right.” I chuckled.

“Well let’s get in there and have some fun.” He smiled at me and we got out of the limo. As soon as we walked into our party room everyone stood and applauded us. Patrick led me over to our table where our friends were already sitting. Within five minutes of arriving Avenged Sevenfold a newer band that we knew, was on stage getting ready to play a song for our first dance as man and wife.

“You ready?” Patrick asked.

“Most definitely.” I said. Patrick and I got up and he led me to the dance floor.

“This one’s for Patrick and Ellie.” The lead singer Matt said into the microphone. His fingers touched the keys of the piano and made the most beautiful sounds. Patrick and I started dancing slowly to the rhythm. Matt then started singing, with beautiful tone, the words to the best love song I’d ever heard. I believe it was called ‘Warmness on the Soul’, Patrick told me he wrote it for his girlfriend Valary.

It seemed like the song ended too soon. I pulled away from Patrick and smiled at all the people staring at us. All of our friends and family smiled back. No other moment in my life, minus the birth of my daughter, could top this moment. The feeling I had at this moment was something I could not explain. Then Pete came up to us with a microphones.

“Time for your guys’ speaches.” He said. I took the mic from Pete’s hands and started talking.

“Thank you all for being here to celebrate me and Patrick. We appreciate every single one of you that is sitting before us. My love for Patrick exceeds anything I’ve ever felt for any one else on this planet and I love that you came to see us be joined for life. There is no doubt that some bad things have happened in the past but that is where they will stay. Now it is time for Patrick, me and Ryanne to become a happy family.” I handed the mic off to Patrick while everyone was clapping.

“Wow, there is so much to say but I just can’t seem to find words for the way I’m feeling right now. Ellie has to be the best thing to ever happen in my life.” Patrick looked at me when he said that. “Without Ellie I would be nothing-“ His speech was cut short by the sound of glass breaking and a horrid pain in my back.

My scream rang throughout the room and I fell to my knees. The pain I was feeling now was like nothing I’ve ever felt. I heard the mic drop to the floor and Patrick caught me as I fell to the floor.

“Oh my god call an ambulance she’s been shot.” He said. I couldn’t believe this, how could I have been shot especially at my wedding reception.

All I could hear was crying and people screaming. I looked up to see Patricks perfect face with a pained look on it. His eyes had big tears coming out of them and running down his chubby cheeks. The pain in my back was getting worse by the millisecond and it was becoming increasingly unbearable.

At the same time I could feel my conciousness slipping away from me. My eyelids were so heavy, they felt like they weight thirty pounds each. Keeping them open became harder.

“Stay with me Ellie,” Patrick said in a paniky voice. But I couldn’t do what he was asking of me. Right after he said that my concious slipped away from me and all was black.
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Sorry it's kind of short.
Comments would be nice.