Status: I'm back :)

And Just Like That Mistakes Are Made.

Were You Checking Out My Ass?

The first time that I met Matt was at my older brother Jason’s wedding. Being fifteen at the time, I immediately developed a tiny crush on the six-one overly buff tattooed and pierced twenty-three year old man.
The week that he spent in our home was uneventful, Jason being busy with wedding preparations had left his friend with nothing to do and so Matt was stuck with me. The more time we spent together, the more my crush on him grew. We went out to eat, went to the beach and played Crazy Eights like there was no tomorrow.
Soon enough it was time for him to leave, after giving me a big bear hug he was gone and I was heartbroken. For a month or so after he left we sometimes chatted online, but our contact faded and then it was only once in a while that I creeped his pictures on Facebook.
Now, two years later we are about to meet again. This time at my second oldest brother Tom’s wedding, where my parents and I flew out to attend.
Currently I’m sitting in a random restaurant in Jasper, the national park where the wedding was going to take place, waiting for my food while ignoring Tom and his fiancée Ally. I had unfortunately gotten stuck driving with them on the four hour trip here and let me tell you, it was not fun. They were quite annoying, one of those super overly lovey-dovey couples that can’t be apart for longer than an hour.
“Hey!” Tom said pulling me from my thoughts. “It’s Matt.”
I quickly followed my brother’s gaze and caught sight of his friend. Damn it, I thought as I looked him over. Why does he have to be so sexy? I watched as he approached and gave Tom a one armed hug, before saying hello to Ally and sitting down right across from me.
“Where the hell were you guys? I’ve been here for hours and you wouldn’t answer you’re fucking phone.” Matt asked with a chuckle.
Driving in circles, I grumbled to myself in my mind. Remember how I told you they were one of those sickening couples? Well, on the way here Ally was upset over something so of course Tom started getting pissy. When we got to Jasper, we were going to go eat but neither Ally or I cared where and Tom, being Tom, drove around the little excuse of a town waiting until one of us told him where we wanted to eat.
“Van?” Tom said nudging me out of my daze again; apparently I had missed some of the conversation.
“What?” I grumbled.
“You’re food is ready.” He told me.
“Oh,” I replied as I stood from the table and went to get my food.
When I came back to my seat, I set my food down and then sat back down beside Tom. Without a glance in Matt’s direction, I kept my eyes on my food and began to eat slowly wanting to just disappear. I heard someone clear their throat and I glanced up, locking eyes with both of my brother’s best friend.
“Hi Vanessa.” He said with a grin, acknowledging me for the first time. “How’ve you been?”
“I’m good, how about you?” I replied awkwardly.
“Pretty decent, nothing to complain about.” Matt said.
“That’s good.” I replied and we fell silent. I looked down at my food and took another bite.
As the others fell into conversation, I ignored them while I ate feeling a bit out of place and just wanting to go back to the hotel. I was mid-bite when my phone buzzed in my pocket, setting my fork down I dug in my pocket and pulled it out. I flipped it open to find a text from a number that I didn’t recognize. <Hey.> The message read, I frowned and texted back. <Who the hell is this?>
I went back to eating and heard a chuckle from across the table. A couple minutes later my phone received another message. <Look up.> it read. My head quickly flew up to meet Matt’s grinning face. My cheeks flushed red as he chuckled and wove at me.
“Hi,” I replied shyly with a little laugh and looked away from his hazel stare. “How do you know my number?”
“Jase gave it to me when I couldn’t get a hold of Tom, but Ally texted me before I could text you.” He explained.
“Oh.” I said and looked back down at my plate.

When we were finished our lunch, we, well really they decided to take a walk around town to look for gifts for Jason who was going to stand with Tom and Jenny, Ally’s bridesmaid. I walked a bit behind the three of them as we began walking down the street and played with my cell phone.
After four stores and a present for Jason, we entered a clothing store looking for something for Jenny. While they were looking with me tagging behind, Matt wandered off to look at jeans and Tom’s phone rang.
“Jason just got here with Mom and Dad; we’ve got to go find them.” Tom said as he hung up.
“Why don’t we go and Van can wait here with Matt, and then we have an excuse to come back so I can get something for Jenny.” Ally suggested. I was about to protest when Matt walked up behind Ally.
“That sounds like a good idea; I need a pair of jeans anyways.” He told her sending a smile my way.
“Good, we’ll be right back.” She replied and Tom took her hand as they walked towards the exit.
“Come help me find some jeans you’re a woman, you know what looks good.” Matt said after we stood in awkward silence for a couple minutes.
“I don’t know how much of a help I’ll be.” I told him as I followed him to the table of jeans.
“Find me a pair, it doesn’t matter.”
“I don’t know what you like, why don’t you find some and I’ll tell you if I like them when you try them on?” I suggested not really wanting to help him find jeans.
“Alright, I’ll find you when I’m ready.” Matt nodded and I walked away with a sigh of relief.
I wasn’t sure if he felt that awkward tension that I felt whenever we were together, but all I knew is that it made me uncomfortable. He was gorgeous, nice, twenty-five, Jason and Tom’s friend and I needed to avoid him.
I walked around the store, occasionally browsing through the racks. I was looking at the leggings when Matt appeared beside me with two pairs of jeans in his hands.
“Those are some pretty ridiculous tights.” He said as I let the bright orange leggings go.
“Hmm, they’re thirty bucks too.” I told him. “You only found two pairs?”
“All I could find, because someone wouldn’t help me.” Matt replied grinning at me as I rolled my eyes.
“Go try ‘em on then.” I said sat on the chair facing the dressing rooms.
Matt walked into the room and shut the door, sighing I laid my head back against the chair and stared at the ceiling. After a couple minutes, the door squeaked as it opened and Matt stepped out.
“What do you think?” He asked as I lifted my head to look at him. With one glance at his pants, I burst out laughing and Matt frowned.
“Oh come on, they aren’t that bad.”
“Yes, yes they are,” I replied looking at the overly faded gay looking pants that were extremely tight on Matt’s muscular legs.
“Fine,” he sighed as he started to close the door. “I’ll try the other ones on.”
“Those look better.” I told him as he came out of the room for the second time.
“Yeah, these ones aren’t so tight.”
“I agree, turn around for a minute.” I said and he turned.
“You like them?” Matt asked looking at me after he turned.
“Umm, they kinda make your butt look huge.”
“Were you checking out my ass?” He teased with a grin as I blushed.
“No, I was just saying,” I replied. “Those pants make it look huge.”
“Who says that it isn’t already huge?”
“Oh, just shut up and go change.” I told him with a laugh.
“Whatever you say Nessy, you were checking out my ass.” Matt laughed winking at me from behind the door as he began to shut it. I shook my head trying to wipe the smile off my face and began examining my nails
“Let’s go then.” He said appearing in front of me in his own clothes. I stood and followed him from the store.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Tom and Ally?” I asked as we stood on the sidewalk.
“I texted Tom and told him that we’ll just meet him back at the hotel.” He replied and inwardly I groaned. Thanks for asking if I was okay with that.
“What do you want to do?” Matt asked as we began walking.
“Ice cream?”
“Good idea,” He replied with a laugh. “I forgot that you loved candy so much.”
“Ice cream isn’t candy.” I told him.
“Oh sorry,” Matt said sarcastically as I laughed.

Once we had our ice cream, we found a picnic table and sat down to eat. Me, starting to feel that awkward tension again stared at the wood of the table as I ate.
“You’ve been awfully quiet since I got here.” Matt remarked and I shrugged.
“I’ve got nothing to say.” I told him.
“Yeah, but it’s more than that, it’s like you don’t want to be here.”
“I do, it’s just after spending four hours in a car with Tom and Ally makes me, I don’t know, quiet?” I said taking a bite of my ice cream.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked with a frown.
“Well they’re off in their own little world; they’d ignore me even if I did talk to them. It’s awkward being around them, they’re too attached at the hip for me.” I explained.
“Well talk away, I’ll listen to you.” Matt said with a laugh and I rolled my eyes.
“I told you, I don’t have anything to say.”
“Do I make you feel awkward?” He asked randomly.
“I don’t know, kind of.” I replied.
“Why?” Matt frowned as he finished off his cone.
“I don’t know, what is this anyways,” I asked jokingly. “Ask Vanessa fifty million questions?”
“Well I’ve got to get you to talk somehow.” He replied laughing.
“Want the rest of this?” I asked holding out my ice cream across the table.
“Yes,” Matt said taking it from me and finishing it in two bites.
“Should we go back to the hotel now?” I asked standing from the bench.
“What’s the rush?”
“There is none,” I shrugged. “I was just wondering if you wanted to.”
“Well not really, what’re we going to do there, sit around?” He replied.
“What do you want to do then?” I asked and Matt shrugged.
“Let’s walk around I need jeans, ones that don’t make my ass look big.” Matt said grinning down at me as I rolled my eyes.

“So how’s life going?” Matt asked as we strolled down the sidewalk.
“Good.” I replied.
“Got a boyfriend?”
“No,” I said. “Do you have a girlfriend?”
“Nope,” He replied.
“Oh right I forgot, you just have fuck buddies.”
“I do not,” Matt protested. “I just haven’t found someone worth it yet.”
“Whatever you say…” I teased. Matt bumped his hip into me gently and I stumbled over a bit.
“Shut up.” He said as my phone began buzzing.
I pulled it out of my pocket and flipped it open. I groaned when I saw the text from Josh, <Hey Nessy, how’s ur trip? I miss u.> Matt leaned over my shoulder to read it and laughed as I texted back. <Hey, we’re having a good time.> I hit the send button and shut my phone.
“Is he gay or does he just text like a girl?” Matt laughed.
“He just texts like a girl.” I replied.
“I thought you told me that you didn’t have a boyfriend?”
“I don’t, he just wishes that he was my boyfriend.” I told him and Matt burst out laughing.
“Do you want me to scare him away?” He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
“I wish you could.” I replied as my phone vibrated and I opened it.
“What’s he saying?”
“He just asked me who we were,” I told Matt as I texted Josh back. “I told him that I was with you.”
“Tell him that I’m a sexy beast.” He said with a grin.
“Who says that I think you’re sexy?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.
“Well,” He replied dragging out the ell sound. “You were checking out my ass.”
“I was not!” I groaned.
“Whatever you say…” Matt said mimicking me just as his phone began ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered.
“Hello…Oh hey Jase, yeah we’re fine.” Matt said into the phone and then laughed. “Don’t worry man she’s fine…Yes I’m being good-“
“No he’s not!” I yelled out loud enough for my brother to hear, cutting Matt off. He shot me a look before sticking his tongue out at me.
“Don’t listen to her man…No. What? Come on dude, you know I wouldn’t.” Matt replied frowning as he let his arm slide off my shoulder.
“Let me talk to him.” I said holding out my hand to take the phone.
“Poor guy thinks I’m gonna rape you or something.” He mumbled before handing it to me.
“Hey Jason,” I said.
“Hey Van, what’re you two doing?”
“Walking down the street,” I replied. “We just had ice cream and yes, I’m fine.”
“Good, you just text me if Matt gets out of line.” Jason told me causing me to roll my eyes as I heard the grin in his voice.
“Jason,” I groaned rolling my eyes. “You know that I’d just kick him where it hurts if he ever did anything.”
“Good girl,” My brother replied laughing. “I’ll see you later.”
“Bye,” I said and hung up on him, handing Matt back his phone.
“So was he joking or not?” He asked putting his cell back in his pocket.
“Who knows with him.” I replied.
“You wouldn’t really kick me in the nuts would you?” Matt questioned hesitantly making me laugh.
“I don’t know, it depends.” I replied shrugging.
“On what?” He asked raising his eyebrows.
“Who knows,” I replied. “Let’s go get some candy.”
“Sure why not.” Matt laughed and we walked into the nearest candy store.
♠ ♠ ♠
So new story here :) things will heat up soon, let me know what you think and if I should keep going.