Status: I'm back :)

And Just Like That Mistakes Are Made.

Everyone Is Staring.

“Nessy,” Matt whispered in my ear the next morning and I groaned trying to push him away from me.
“Go away.” I grumbled wanting to just lay there and forget everything.
“You’ve got to get up and get ready.”
“For what?”
“School, unless you want to stay here with me.” Matt replied pulling me closer into his chest.
“What am I going to wear; I didn’t bring anything with me.” I groaned.
“I’ve probably got a shirt that’s too small in my suitcase and just wear the jeans you wore yesterday.”
“I’m going to look like a slut.”
“Who gives a shit what people think, they don’t know anything.” He replied kissing the side of my head.
“I need to shower then.” I said with a groan as I sat up slowly, stretching. I jumped a bit in shock when Matt’s hand met my skin and ran up my back.
“Sorry.” He mumbled and rolled on to his back as I stood.
“You can come in the shower with me, if you want.” I said quietly, a blush appearing on my cheeks as I looked over my shoulder at him.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Matt chuckled.
“Okay,” I replied kind of disappointed as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

I was wetting my hair, head leaned back and eyes closed when I felt hands on my hips. Jumping, I snapped my head forward and opened my eyes to see Matt standing naked in front of me. Pulling me close, he wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head down to my ear.
“You forgot to lock the door.” He said quietly pressing his lips to my ear before spreading kisses all over my neck.
When his lips hit the sensitive spot right below my ear, I couldn’t help but moan and arch into his body. Focusing his attention on that spot, he began to suck and nip at it. Sliding my hands up his big tattooed arms, I reached his head and ran my fingers through his hair as the ache began to spread through my stomach and between my legs. Matt let out a groan as I tugged on the ends of his hair and he let his hands fall from my waist to my ass. Moving his head from my neck he gave me a small smile before attaching his lips to mine. Pushing my tongue into his mouth I felt him smirk against my lips and he groaned when I ran it over the roof of his mouth.
Bringing his hands back up to my waist, Matt turned me so that my back was pressed up against the shower wall. I could now feel his excitement against my thigh and I pushed my hips into his, causing a moan to fall from both our lips at the contact. His big hands began to explore my body, running them lightly up my sides and over to cup my breasts in his palms. I began to squirm, wanting release as heat pooled between my legs and the ache began to pulse. Tearing my lips from his, I trailed kisses down his neck and across his chest. Finding a sensitive spot above his collarbone, I bit him there making him groan and I began to suck on his skin. With one final squeeze, his hands trailed down my stomach and wrapped around my thighs as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist so that I wouldn’t fall and looked at him as I held onto his shoulders.
“You sure you wanna do this?” Matt asked his voice huskier than usual causing me to shiver. I didn’t reply, only shoved my hips into his.
With a chuckle, Matt placed one of his hands on the wall beside my head to steady himself and the other reached down the position himself at my entrance. Slowly he pushed his tip into me and I groaned as my walls began to stretch around him. I closed my eyes tightly and bit my bottom lip.
“Am I hurting you?” He asked as his finger pressed against my clit.
“A-A bit, but not…not as bad as the first time,” I breathed out.
“Open your eyes baby.” He told me as he inched more of himself into me and pinched my clit between his forefinger and thumb. As a gasp left my mouth, I slowly opened my eyes and Matt smirked at me. “There we go.”
“Hurry up,” I groaned as he kept pushing into me at the slowest pace possible.
“No,” he replied in a deep voice and another sexy smirk appeared on his face, sending shivers down my body.
Gripping his shoulders tightly, my nails digging into his skin, I jerked my hips off the shower wall and into Matt’s as hard as I could, taking all of him inside of me. We both moaned and stayed still, letting me get used to him. Placing his hand on my hip, he pushed me back into the wall his dick sliding out of me so that it was only his head inside of me. Thrusting back into me without warning, I cried out my head falling back against the wall leaving my neck exposed to Matt. Immediately, his lips pressed against my neck and he began nipping at my skin. As he thrust into me again at a different angle, I pushed my hips off the wall causing him to hit a spot inside of me that shot pleasure all through my body.
“Right…there.” I moaned out as he repeated his actions and wrapping my arms around his chest, dug my nails into his back.
“Right there?” He questioned with a smirk, purposely missing it.
“Matt,” I whined digging my nails harder into his back making him hiss.
Pulling out again, he jerked himself back into me roughly, hitting that spot again. He kept thrusting into me over and over making sure to brush against the spot that drove me crazy. My body began to shake awhile later as the ache was released and pleasure flowed through my body. Moaning Matt’s name I brought my face to his neck, sucking on his skin. After a couple more thrusts that sent jolts of pleasure through my veins, I felt warmth spread through me as Matt released with a groan.
We stayed in our position for a couple minutes, Matt’s chest against mine as we leaned against the wall breathing heavily. Dropping my legs from his waist to the floor, we both groaned as Matt’s dick slid from me and he kissed my lips sloppily.
“Fuck,” he groaned.
“I don’t think that I can stand.” I said and he chuckled.
“We did good,” Matt remarked. “The water isn’t even cold yet.”
“I’m going to be late.” I groaned.
“Let’s get cleaned up and I’ll drive you.”

“Everyone is staring.” I groaned as Matt drove through the parking lot at school.
“Good, let them,” he replied with a smirk as he parked at the drop-off area and turned his head to look at me. “You look amazing.”
“I look like a slut, I’ve got yesterdays jeans and your shirt on.”
“You don’t look like a slut; you look sexy in my shirt.” Matt said with a grin and leaned over the armrest to peck my lips.
“Rumours are going to fly.” I grumbled against his lips and he deepened the kiss.
“Then let’s give them something to talk about.” Matt replied with a grin as he momentarily took his lips off mine to talk. Pressing his lips to mine roughly, his hand slid up to the back of my neck holding me there and very obviously pushed his tongue into my mouth.
“You’re an ass.” I groaned as he pulled away and moved back to sit in his seat.
“You loved it.” He replied with a grin and I rolled my eyes.
“I’ll see you later.”
“Nessy, if you want to leave at any point just text me and I’ll be right over.” Matt said turning serious.
“I will thanks.”
“Don’t worry about it; I’ll get everything figured out today.” He told me and leaned back over to gently press his lips to mine.
Getting out of the car I slammed the door shut and walked around the front of it heading towards the front doors. I heard a horn and turned around quickly to see Matt smiling at me. He blew me a kiss as he began driving away and I glared at him as my cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.
“Well that was quite an interesting display.” I heard Mr. Gray say and I spun around to see him standing there on bus duty with a smirk on his face.
“Sorry, he’s an idiot.” I groaned.
“Was that M. Shadows?” He asked and I nodded.
“Unfortunately,” I replied.
“Is he your boyfriend?” No, I just fucked him, now I’m pregnant and I’m stuck with him, I thought.
“I’ll see you in class Vanessa.” Mr. Gray laughed and I nodded as I walked into the school.

“Where were you, what’s going on and why was M. Shadows here yesterday?” My friend Brianna asked as soon as she saw me at my locker. I groaned not knowing what to tell her.
“I was with Matt yesterday, he came to visit.”
Why? Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“Cause I didn’t even know he was coming.” I told her.
“Why did he come anyway? I know he’s your brother’s friend and all but-”
“We’re going out.” I cut her off as I opened my locker and took off my jacket.
“You’re what?” She shrieked and I cringed.
“We’re dating.” I repeated as I grabbed the books I needed and throwing my book bag in my locker I shut it.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Brianna asked looking slightly hurt.
“We didn’t tell anyone, sorry.” I replied giving her a small smile.
“Its fine, but I want the whole story later!” She told me as the bell rang. I groaned, why am I friends with her?
“At lunch,” I said and we began to make our way to homeroom.
“Wait!” Brianna exclaimed as we walked into Mr. Comeau’s classroom.
“Weren’t you wearing those jeans yesterday?”
“Yes,” I replied wanting her to go away as I made my way through the desks to sit at mine.
“And that definitely isn’t your shirt.”
“No,” I said shaking my head. “It’s Matt’s; I stayed with him last night and forgot to bring extra clothes.”
“What did your parents think of that?” Brianna asked looking shocked.
“What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” I replied not even wanting to think about my parents at the moment. My friend laughed.
“Good for you.”
“Care to take your seat now Brianna.” Mr. Comeau said and she quickly apologized as she sat down in front of me.

The morning passed slowly, everyone was whispering in the hallways and looking at me. At lunch I tried to ignore Brianna and call Matt so he could take me out to eat, but before I could she dragged me to our normal table. I groaned when I noticed that Josh was there and sat on the opposite side of the table from him, trying to ignore the glare he sent my way.
“Nice hickey Vanessa.” He sneered and immediately everyone’s gaze was on my neck.
“Shut the fuck up Josh.” I replied trying to pretend that it hadn’t bothered me, but inside I was freaking out. Could they really see the hickeys that Matt left?
“Sorry, but I’m just stating what everyone else is thinking.”
“Well I don’t give a flying fuck about what everyone else is thinking, so keep your comments to yourself.” I snapped.
“I thought you were different, but you’re just like all the other sluts in school. You led me on for what, two years? And then randomly your boyfriend who no one knew you even had shows up at school and he’s a fucking rock star! Now you come to school with a guy’s shirt and the same pants on as yesterday.”
“You’re a cocky fucking asshole, I never ever led you on, you were just a pain in my ass. You don’t know anything that happened, and now you’re just assuming things because you’re fucking pissed that I never told you. Get it through your thick head that I never liked you, because let’s face it, what is there to like?”
Standing from the table, I gathered up my stuff and stormed off ignoring Brianna’s yells for me to come back. Suddenly feeling sick to my stomach, I hurriedly made my way to the closest washroom and into a stall. Leaning over the toilet, I emptied my stomach as tears streamed down my face. When the wave of nausea left, I leaned against the door for a minute, trying to collect myself and then dug around in my purse for gum.
Leaving the stall, I looked in the mirror to make sure that the hickeys were still covered and when I saw that they were, I left the bathroom and headed towards my locker. Grabbing my books for the next two classes, I shut my locker and made my way to the library, ignoring the stares I was getting. Walking to the very back of the library, I sat at the last table and opened my math book. I can’t wait to get out of here, I thought to myself. Then I’ll never have to see any of them again.

As soon as I stepped into Mr. Gray’s classroom he looked up and chuckled. I ignored him as I walked to my seat and plopped down at my desk.
“You sure are the talk of the week Vanessa,” he said. “Even the teachers are talking about how they saw you with M. Shadows.”
“I don’t even want to hear it.” I groaned opening my binder as people began filling the classroom.
I doodled on a blank page for most of the class, lost in my own little world as I ignored the teacher’s lesson. I didn’t notice when the class became silent and the attention was turned to me.
“Vanessa, can you please stop daydreaming about Mr. M. Shadows and pay attention to chemistry.” Mr. Gray called out and several people chuckled around the class.
“She’s just thinking about how hard he fucked her last night, right Vanessa?” Josh said with a snicker from beside me. How had I forgotten that he was in this class?
“You’re just jealous that it’s not you I’m fucking.” I retorted.
“I wouldn’t want to fuck you, who knows what the fuck you’re infected with.”
Anger quickly took over my body and jumping from my seat; I hauled my fist back and punched him in the face. Grabbing my bag, I stormed out of the classroom ignoring Mr. Gray. As I walked down the hallway, I could hear him yelling at me to stop. I was about to turn the corner when his hand wrapped around my forearm and pulled me to a stop.
“Get your fucking hand off of me.” I growled tears streaming down my face.
“Watch your mouth; I could already easily have you suspended for what you did back there.”
“Good, please do.”
“Are you okay?” He asked with a concerned frown as he noticed my tears.
“No, I’m not fucking okay.”
“Come, I’ll bring you to the office and you can call someone to come and pick you up.” Mr. Gray said, choosing to ignore my choice of vocabulary.
“I don’t want to go to the office.”
“Then go to your locker, call whoever you need to, I’ll get your books and meet you at the doors.”
“Don’t you have a class to get back to?” I asked.
“They’ll be fine without me for a couple minutes, now go before I bring you to the office.” Nodding I walked in the direction of my locker and pulled out my cell, dialling Matt’s number.
“Hello.” He answered on the third ring.
“Come get me.”
“What’s the matter honey?”
“I’ll tell you later, just please come now.” I replied my voice cracking as tears began to fall again.
“I’ll be right there Nessy.” Matt said softly.
“Okay, bye.” I hung up as I got to my locker and quickly grabbed my stuff.
I walked slowly back to the lobby and noticed Mr. Gray standing there with my books in his hands. Taking them from him silently I stuffed them in my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.
“Is someone coming to get you?” He asked as he followed me to the doors, I nodded.
We waited in silence, an awkward silence on my part, for a couple minutes and I sighed in relief when I saw Matt walking quickly towards the school. Opening the doors, he scanned the area until his eyes met mine, concern flashing across his features as he made his way over to us.
“What happened? Who are you?” Matt asked with a frown as he pulled me towards him and into a hug.
“I’m Mr. Gray, her chemistry teacher. She got into a little fight with one of the boys in class.”
“With a boy?” Matt growled.
“Josh said some things that upset her and Vanessa hit him.” Mr. Gray explained.
“Good for you baby.” He said kissing the top of my head.
“I figured it’d be best if she left early and got a chance to cool down a bit. I imagine she didn’t have the best of days with everyone gossiping about her relationship with you.”
“Thanks.” Matt said with a nod and stuck his hand out for my teacher to shake.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Vanessa.”
“Bye,” I replied and Matt wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.” Matt said through clenched teeth as we left the school.
“Please do.”
“Are you okay honey?”
“I’ll be fine; I just want to go to bed.” I told him as I wiped my eyes.
“You can have a sleep later, we have to meet up with Tom and go to the courthouse.”
“Why are we going to the courthouse?” I asked confused as I looked up at him with a frown.
“Because we’re getting married,”
“We’re what?!” I exclaimed as I stood still and stared at him.
“Getting married,”
“Matt, you say it as if getting married is nothing. It’s a big deal.”
“I know it’s a big deal Vanessa, now come on we’ve got lots to do.” He replied his tone serious and a look in his eyes that I didn’t recognize.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry if there are any mistakes, this is kind of rushed. anyways, tell me what you think :) thanks to everyone who commented.