Status: I'm back :)

And Just Like That Mistakes Are Made.

It's The Only Way To Fix Our Mistake.

"Don't you think that marriage is a little drastic?"
"It's the only way to fix our mistake."
"Matt, I don't expect you to marry me." I told him turning my head to look at him.
"I know you don't," Matt grumbled keeping his gaze on the road. "but it's the right thing to do."
"The right thing? Since when do you give a fuck about doing the right thing?"
"Vanessa," he sighed. "It'll be easier on us both if we get married, your parent's expect it."
"I know my parent's flipped about it, but I'm sure when they've calmed down…" Matt snorted cutting me off. "What was that for?"
"They aren't going to calm down, trust me, and I don't want to go to jail."
"Where the fuck did that come from? Jail?" I asked giving him a questioning look.
"You aren't eighteen, if we don't get married your dad is going to the cops."
"He wouldn't do that." I argued.
"Why do you think we're getting married then? He threatened to go to the police. It's not like I fucking want to marry you, and I'm sure not doing it cause it's the right thing to do."
A surge of anger ran through me for two reasons. One- Matt. Two- My dad. Enough said.
"I'll fucking tell him where to shove it, he's going to get it next time I see him!"
"It doesn't matter Vanessa," Matt said annoyance apparent in his voice. "You aren't eighteen yet so technically he can force you to marry me."
"That's bullshit! I don't want to fucking marry you, I don't want a baby, I don't even want you!"
"It's not like I fucking want to marry you either!" Matt yelled back. "You weren't supposed to get knocked up, we were just supposed to have sex and move on with our lives."
"That's great."
My eyes immediately filled with tears and I quickly turned my head to look out the passenger window. I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with this douche bag for the rest of my life. I felt Matt's hand squeeze my thigh and I swiped it away.
"Don't fucking touch me." I growled though it wasn't very convincing as my voice wobbled. I unbuckled my seatbelt, stepped out of car and slammed the door behind me.
"Vanessa, come on." Matt groaned from behind me as he shut the car door and followed after me. "I didn't mean it like that."
"Didn't mean it like what? That I was just a game to you, a challenge?” I growled, swinging around to face him. "Do you think I wanted to get pregnant? I don't want a fucking baby, I don't want to get married, I'm seventeen! I don't want to be stuck with you for the rest of my life, you fucking prick."
"It's not like I'm thrilled to be stuck with you either," Matt shot back, his features darkening. "but I'm not letting my child grow up without a father like I did."
"Let's just go and get this over with." I sighed as I turned and began making my way towards the front steps of the building.

Growing up I'd always pictured that when I would get married it would be to someone I loved. I'd be wearing a beautiful white dress, all of my family would be there and it would take place on the beach or a nature park. Unfortunately none of that was going to happen, seeing as I'm getting married to Tom and Jason's friend in a courthouse, wearing my jeans. However I suppose this is what I get, I mean if I hadn't have fallen for his seduction I wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe my fantasy would have come true if I hadn't slept with him. What could I do now though, right? The mistake was made and there was nothing I could do about it now.

"So I have this hotel room booked until the end of the week for you and then I'll send you a ticket to come back out to my house." Matt explained as he stood at the foot of the bed packing his suitcase.
"Where are you going?" I asked looking at him from where I was leaning against the headboard studying.
"I have to go back to Huntington."
"You aren't even going to stay for my graduation? Or to help me get my stuff from my parents?"
"I can't, I have things that I need to take care of." Matt replied with a shrug, not bothering to look at me.
"Like what?" I questioned feeling a bit offended. Like a girlfriend?
"Just things okay, it's none of your damn business." He snapped as he shut his suitcase.
"You're an asshole." I snapped in return and stood from the bed. I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me, locking it.
"Vanessa, come on." My new husband sighed from the other side of the door. "I have band things to look after."
"That's a load of bullshit and you know it!" I yelled.
"What is your problem?"
I didn't reply as I slouched against the wall and slid to the floor. Why the hell did I get myself into this? I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to keep my emotions at bay. I couldn't believe that I was pregnant with, and married to that jerk. I didn't know what his problem was, why all of a sudden he was being such an ass.
What happened to nice Matt? .... Oh right, he was only being nice to get in my pants. I always pictured my wedding night to be romantic and full of love. Not me locked in a hotel bathroom and my new husband packing his bags and leaving for band things.
"Vanessa, you're being childish." Matt sighed from the hotel room as he knocked on the door. "I need to catch a plane and I'd like to say goodbye."
"Goodbye then." I replied, my rising prenatal hormones catching up with me and tears were streaking down my face.
"Please just come out of the washroom, I'm sorry that I have to leave you, but it's necessary."
Pushing myself off the floor, I unlocked the door and jerked it open. Matt was standing on the other side of the door frame looking a bit lost. When he noticed my tears, he sighed and tentatively raised his hands, cupping my face as he swiped my cheeks dry with his thumbs.
"I don't want you to leave, I'm scared." I whispered as I began crying harder, my shoulders shaking.
"Nessy, it'll be okay." He said softly, pulling me into his embrace.
"I don't want to be alone here." I sobbed into his chest, gripping his shirt in my fists.
Leading me to the bed, Matt sat on the edge and pulled me on to his knee. Straddling him, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and buried my face into his neck as he rubbed my back. Every emotion I had been keeping inside for the past few weeks came bubbling over and I couldn't stop crying.
"Honey, let me make a phone call and I'll be right back, okay?" Matt said as he laid me down on the bed. I didn't answer as I curled up into a little ball.
I watched as he made his way into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I couldn't make out what he was saying, all I could hear was mumbling and I was pretty sure that I didn't want to know who he was talking to. When he came back into the room, there was a scowl on his face and slowly made his way back to the bed. I followed him with my eyes as he sat down on the edge of the mattress and looked down at me.
"I'll stay for the night, but I need to leave tomorrow, alright?" Matt said brushing the hair from my face.
“Okay,” I whispered, my voice cracking. “I’m sorry that you’re stuck with me.”
“Shhh, just relax Vanessa, you’re going to make yourself sick. Here, sit up and I’ll help you change.” He replied helping me sit up. I held up my arms as he gently tugged my shirt over my head and lifted my waist off the bed as he pulled my pants down my legs.
My mood suddenly took a turn and I wanted desperately to have Matt inside of me, his warm body on top of mine. Reaching for him, I ran my fingers under his shirt before tugging at it. Getting the hint, Matt took it off and kept his gaze on me as my fingers went to work on his pants. Brushing my hands away, Matt stood and unzipping his pants pushed them down his legs and stepped out of them.
“I’m sorry, let me show you what a wedding night is supposed to be like.” My new husband said quietly as he knelt on top of me on the bed.
Moving his face close to mine, he brushed his lips against mine before pressing them fully together as his hands ran down my sides. Toying with the band of my underwear, he dipped his hand under and I felt his thumb brush against my clit. Gasping into his mouth, I ran my hands through his hair and pulled on the ends. Matt slipped a finger into my core and then another, stretching me. I arched my back off the bed and into Matt as he began slowly pumping his fingers in and out of me. Taking his lips from mine, he placed brief kisses along my jaw and up my neck. He took my earlobe into his hot mouth, sucking and nipping at it, causing shivers to run through my entire body as I moaned quietly.
“Matt,” I breathed. “please.”
“Please what?” He asked as he moved his face to look at me.
“I don’t wanna play, I just want you inside of me.” I told him, a slight blush forming on my cheeks.
Taking his hands from my underwear, he reached behind me and unclasped my bra. I shrugged it off and threw it to the floor. Moving down so that he was knealing between my legs, he pulled my underwear down my legs.
“What’re you doing?” I asked confused as I watched him toss my underwear aside and lean closer to my center.
Ignoring me, he placed light kisses on my thighs and spread my legs farther apart. I watched him nervously as his mouth got closer to me and jumped in shock when I felt his hot tongue run up my slit. Taking my clit between his teeth, he bit down lightly and began lapping at it with his tongue, making me moan. My back arched off the bed as he inserted two fingers into me and the aching feeling in the pit of my stomach began to grow rapidly.
“Maaattt,” I moaned as his tongue replaced his fingers in my core.
“You like that baby?” He breathed after a couple minutes as he moved away to look up at me.
I didn’t reply, concentrating on my breathing and I inhaled sharply as I felt Matt enter me completely. I hadn’t even noticed that he had taken off his boxers. I grabbed onto him and dug my nails into his back.
“Did I hurt you?” Matt asked as he stopped moving and glanced down at me in concern.
“I’ll survive.” I breathed, as I tried to relax.
“Sorry,” he replied leaning down to kiss me.
“Keep going.” I groaned as I squirmed beneath him.
Smirking down at me, he slowly slid up and pushed back down into me hard. I gapsed at the feeling of pain mixed with pleasure. I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him close so that his chest brushed against mine. Leaning his head down beside my ear, he sent shivers down my spine everytime he breathed. The ache was intesifying with every slow deep thrust that Matt made and I bit down on his collarbone, sucking at it as he groaned.
“Faster Matt,” I panted. “faster.”
“Aren’t you demanding tonight.” Matt chuckled as he kissed my lips and quickly flipped us so that I was now on top.
“Matt?” I gave him an uncertain look, but he just grinned at me and gripped my hips with his big hands.
Hesitantly, I raised my hips and dropped them back down on Matt’s erection. I moaned at the new angle and did it again, pushing down as far as I could. Placing my hands on his chest, I rode him hard as he dug his nails into my hips and pulled me down. It felt different with me on top, I had more control and I could do it my way. My eyes roamed up Matt’s body and to his eyes, which were staring intently back at me. Taking a hand from my hip, he ran it up my back and pushed me into his chest. Burying my face in his neck, I panted as he thrust his hips up into mine as fast as he could, one hand holding my neck and the other pressing me into him by my back.
“You like that babe?” Matt asked breathlessly as I continued to pant faster and harder.
“Y-Yessss.” I stammered as the ache began to release and pleasure streamed through my body.
“That’s right, cum for me baby.” His deep voice filled with lust made my body tremble more as I came undone and after a few hard thrusts I felt warmth fill me as Matt came.
I laid my head on his chest, his cock still in me and I closed my eyes. Matt ran his hand down my back and I shivered. Kissing the top of my head, he began to rub my back. It didn’t take me long to drift off, hearing Matt’s strong heartbeat under me and his warm hand rubbing my back soothingly.
“You deserve so much better, you’re going to hate me.” I thought I heard him whisper just as I fell into sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Geeze, it's been a long time. I'm sorry that I kind of disappeared, lots of personal stuff has been going on lately. Trying to get back into the swing of things, so hopefully updated will be at least once or twice a week. This chapter is probably terrible, cause it's late and I'm half asleep, but I needed to get this out there for yous! Comment and let me know what you think :)